Biden ties aid to Israel to gun control

In the west bank, Jewish settlers can have guns. The Palestinians can't legally own guns. Do I need to say anything else? Can you say "Hitler"?
There are more guns in Arab hands in the West Bank than there are Firearms in Private ( Non Military / Non LEO ) Hands In All of Israel ( But this is about to change )
Obama doesn't like Israel.
Remember how he humiliated Netanyahu at the White House.

For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.

Barack Ovomit doesn't like Israel?? only that?

you joking?

He hates Israel with all his being...heart and soul.

By Larry Keane

President Joe Biden’s got a gun problem – one that’s much bigger than the federal charges his son Hunter Biden faces in court.

The surprise terror attacks by Hamas into Israel were made possible, in part, because of U.S. arms left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration. Those arms have found their way to another battlefield. Startling images showed Hamas terrorists rampaging through Israeli villages. Some images appeared to show Hamas terrorists armed with U.S.-made military arms. Some of the hundreds of thousands of small arms abandoned to Taliban terrorists in 2021 have been smuggled to Hamas terrorists and were used to kill innocent men, women and children.



Biden is a major screw-up.
He didn't demand any gun control from the Taliban.
The Jewish state urgently requested the United States sell it thousands of M-16 rifles following the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 slaughter of more than 1,400 unarmed Israeli citizens. But the Biden administration would not approve the sale until Israel guaranteed the critical weapons would not reach civilian outposts in the West Bank, which the Biden administration and its Democratic allies view as occupied territory.

Wow Biden is amazingly tone deaf.
They are fighting for their lives.
Israel has extremely restrictive gun ownership restrictions. Nothing the US can or will do to make Israel have tighter gun laws.
A MAGA supporter taking an issue and twisting it to meet the false narative they spread.
Israel has extremely restrictive gun ownership restrictions. Nothing the US can or will do to make Israel have tighter gun laws.
A MAGA supporter taking an issue and twisting it to meet the false narative they spread.
Israel makes every Firearm owner see a Shrink .
Israel has extremely restrictive gun ownership restrictions. Nothing the US can or will do to make Israel have tighter gun laws.
A MAGA supporter taking an issue and twisting it to meet the false narative they spread.
What false narrative is being spread?
You people are dumber than a box of rocks. Nothing, absolutely nothing about my point, Palestinians in the West Bank are not allowed to own guns while Jewish settlers are allowed. Again, can you say "Hitler". Gun rights for members of the Nazi party were expanded during Hitler's rein, only the Jews were forbidden from owning guns. Look likes the Jews are following that same path.
I mean this shit is comically stupid. All the gun nuts, all the time posting about what happens when the government takes away their guns. And yet here they are, saying nothing about the Israeli government denying that right to Palestinians in the West Bank. What a bunch of cock sucking
On Oct 7, HAMAS again earned any restrictions Israel has put on them. These HAMAS controlled Palestinians are nothing but animals that need to be exterminated for the good of the whole world. MAGA
On Oct 7, HAMAS again earned any restrictions Israel has put on them. These HAMAS controlled Palestinians are nothing but animals that need to be exterminated for the good of the whole world. MAGA
Hamas needs to taken care of not all Palestinians. You are suggesting genocide. The worst humans in history have advocated and some time carried out genocide. Hitler tried to commit genocide on the jews.
Hamas needs to taken care of not all Palestinians. You are suggesting genocide. The worst humans in history have advocated and some time carried out genocide. Hitler tried to commit genocide on the jews.
I'm suggesting genocide to HAMAS. Palestinians who want to coexist in peace are fine. Palestinians who want to follow HAMAS need to die.

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