Biden To Mark Transgender Day Of Visibility With New Actions, Biden will announce a new “X” gender marker on US passport applications + other measures

Problem is with all the problems we have in our country and he decides this is what's important.

Problem is there are only 2 sexes, aside from the rare genetic anomaly of course. There is no third sex in humans, hasn't ever been and there never will be.

It's a federal document and it allows people to create any gender they want. It's supposed to be a official document issued by the federal government and it means facts, and reality don't matter on it. You're either born as a man or a woman. Allowing someone to pick their own gender on a federal passport is allowing people to lie and encourages an abandonment of reality and that feelings beat truth. If you want to play a fantasy on Twitter ok, but a issued identification document shouldn't be a fantasy.

And it doesn't hurt me. But then again raping a child doesn't hurt me but I still don't brush it off as no big deal. But the reality it does hurt me, you and the whole country because it weakens us all just a tiny bit more, by itself it isn't a big deal but this is one of many man examples of us being weakened just a little bit that when you add them all up it is a problem.

So if you're ok with society having to go along with people's fantasies and pretend it's reality that's fine, I won't tell you that you can't. But I won't ever take you seriously or really care what you have to say.

You have yet to demonstrate any harm to you. There is no harm to this country whatsoever. You fascists are the ones who harm this country. You terrorize a group of people because they are different. That causes great harm to this country. Spewing hate towards these groups harms America.
how specifically did Trump threaten the nation? Was it by reducing unemployment to record low levels? was it by making the US energy independent? was it by starting no new wars? was it by making NATO members pay up? Was it by opening dialog with North Korea? The media lied to you, wake the fuck up.

You need to wake the fuck up. Trump is a threat to this country. First he created laws without Congress passing them. He violated the Constitution by infringing on the Congress' power of the purse. He appointed partisan judges. John Roberts said there were no Republican judges. There are 5 of them on the Supreme Court and John Roberts himself is partisan. It is amazing how many times the Supreme Court votes with Trump. Obama was the one who made NATO pay up. Oil production increased under Obama as well. Government was not reduced. The deficit was rising under Trump BEFORE the pandemic hit. Even today, Trump and his cronies attack voting rights, rights to free speech, and terrorize groups such as transgenders.
This is sick. Why should 99% of Americans adjust to a tiny minority of sick fucks? How about WereWolf day?

No you are sic k and hateful. Why should it concern you. Why do you want to terrorize them? You seem to believe in freedom for you but no one else.
It's virtue signaling bullshit that furthers the complete denial of the gender dysphoria mental health disorder.

Do you understand?

It is deliberately ignoring a documented clinical mental health disorder.

Imagine completely ignoring schizophrenia.

Who says it is a disorder. You and your right wing pals. Do you understand anything but hate? That is all this is about.
I have Daughters AND Grand daughters who play Sports.And I don't want them to have to compete with MEN. Or share a locker room with the filthy perverts.

You are the pervert. All it is to you is cheap political gain. For example, the Utah governor stated there were only 4 transgenders competing in Utah. The Indiana Governor pointed out that there was just 1. You are a man, try competing in women's sports. You will find it difficult to do it.
You are the pervert. All it is to you is cheap political gain. For example, the Utah governor stated there were only 4 transgenders competing in Utah. The Indiana Governor pointed out that there was just 1. You are a man, try competing in women's sports. You will find it difficult to do it.
Make a category for transgender.
I think it's more like challenging God to rain down fire and brimstone on DC which has become a modern day Babylon, or Sodom and Gomorrah.

Where is your license to speak for God? You remind me of the Pharisees who Jesus criticized. Jesus preached love not hate like you do. The 10 Commandments say nothing about transgender people. Take your shit and shove it.
I do know you find this hard to believe but...

People can do more than one thing at once.

I know, I know. The incompetence no your leadership makes you think the only things that count are denying women, PoC, and LGTBQ+ people the right to live their lives without your hatred causing them to fear for their lives

But good leadership can do more than one thing at a time.
You guys should try some good leadership for a change.

You think Potatohead is good leadership? Really?
Democrats are creating their


Oil executives and shareholders are overwhelmingly Republican. They are responsible for high gas prices. Big business executives and shareholders are mostly Republican. They are responsible for around 50-60% of the inflation.

Right wing psychiatrists do not impress me.
Oil executives and shareholders are overwhelmingly Republican. They are responsible for high gas prices. Big business executives and shareholders are mostly Republican. They are responsible for around 50-60% of the inflation.

Right wing psychiatrists do not impress me.

Why wasn't there high gas prices and inflation earlier? Did the executives suddenly switch patties?

An American goes to Europe. Whether innocent or not, this American gets accused of some crime. The European nation puts out a BOLO. It says, “Attention: be on the lookout for a — err — an “X” … going by the name of ‘NFN UNK.’”

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