Biden to visit Texas

I hope he rips the Texas GOP a new ass for letting our grid fail so many American citizens because of a little cold weather, it seems like Texas was a third world county for a while.

But he wont.......

You're assuming senile man would be coherent for a few seconds to be able to cobble a couple of single syllable words together. That's a huge assumption.
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (

We don't want him. Stay out.
Yes we do. Fled Cruz won't help us, so hopefully he will.
The last time they tried coming to our state:

A pro-Trump convoy of cars and trucks – possibly encouraged by Donald Trump Jr. – apparently targeted a Biden campaign bus carrying a top Texas Democratic candidate and a vehicle altercation followed, leading Democrats to cancel the bus tour.
Fake news.

I hope he rips the Texas GOP a new ass for letting our grid fail so many American citizens because of a little cold weather, it seems like Texas was a third world county for a while.

But he wont.......
Green energy failure.
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (
Biden has control over the power grid in Texas?..and oil industry?..damn..didn't know that.
Apparently, Ted Cruz runs it.
The false president gave a speech yesterday. He was not even looking at the camera. Usually the teleprompter is close to it. He must be using a giant one where the words are a foot high on the screen. The screen must be 15 feet wide. His eyes have no white in them. He looks like a demon from a horror show.
How much you wanna bet the tin foil hats in Texas will blame this on Biden too...Texas train carrying fuel in flames after crossing collision
Are you trying to explain why shutting down the pipeline was a dumb idea?
You speaking for the Canadians??, the pipeline is for shipping their oil to the gulf ports for export.
Built and maintained by US companies and workers, refined at US facilities by US citizens.
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (

You forgot, "Do you really think we have nothing more important to do right now than deal with you and your fucking entourage so you can have a photo op?"
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (
Biden has control over the power grid in Texas?..and oil industry?..damn..didn't know that.

Have you heard of this group called the US Department of Energy? Part of the federal government, answers to the President as all executive branch departments do? Am I ringing any bells in your empty skull yet?
The false president gave a speech yesterday. He was not even looking at the camera. Usually the teleprompter is close to it. He must be using a giant one where the words are a foot high on the screen. The screen must be 15 feet wide. His eyes have no white in them. He looks like a demon from a horror show.

Perhaps the meds they gave him to make him look sentient dilated his pupils?
How much you wanna bet the tin foil hats in Texas will blame this on Biden too...Texas train carrying fuel in flames after crossing collision
Are you trying to explain why shutting down the pipeline was a dumb idea?
You speaking for the Canadians??, the pipeline is for shipping their oil to the gulf ports for export.
Built and maintained by US companies and workers, refined at US facilities by US citizens.
That pipeline is not the dream project people make it out to be..

In 2010 Glen Perry, a petroleum engineer for Adira Energy, warned that including the Alberta Clipper pipeline owned by TransCanada's competitor Enbridge, there is an extensive overcapacity of oil pipelines from Canada.[158] After completion of the Keystone XL line, oil pipelines to the U.S. may run nearly half-empty. The expected lack of volume combined with extensive construction cost overruns has prompted several petroleum refining companies to sue TransCanada. Suncor Energy hoped to recoup significant construction-related tolls, though the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did not rule in their favor. According to The Globe and Mail,

The refiners argue that construction overruns have raised the cost of shipping on the Canadian portion of Keystone by 145 per cent while the U.S. portion has run 92 per cent over budget. They accuse TransCanada of misleading them when they signed shipping contracts in the summer of 2007. TransCanada nearly doubled its construction estimates in October 2007, from $2.8-billion (U.S.) to $5.2-billion.[159]
How much you wanna bet the tin foil hats in Texas will blame this on Biden too...Texas train carrying fuel in flames after crossing collision
Are you trying to explain why shutting down the pipeline was a dumb idea?
You speaking for the Canadians??, the pipeline is for shipping their oil to the gulf ports for export.
Built and maintained by US companies and workers, refined at US facilities by US citizens.
That pipeline is not the dream project some people make it out to be..

In 2010 Glen Perry, a petroleum engineer for Adira Energy, warned that including the Alberta Clipper pipeline owned by TransCanada's competitor Enbridge, there is an extensive overcapacity of oil pipelines from Canada. After completion of the Keystone XL line, oil pipelines to the U.S. may run nearly half-empty. The expected lack of volume combined with extensive construction cost overruns has prompted several petroleum refining companies to sue TransCanada. Suncor Energy hoped to recoup significant construction-related tolls, though the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did not rule in their favor. According to The Globe and Mail,

The refiners argue that construction overruns have raised the cost of shipping on the Canadian portion of Keystone by 145 per cent while the U.S. portion has run 92 per cent over budget. They accuse TransCanada of misleading them when they signed shipping contracts in the summer of 2007. TransCanada nearly doubled its construction estimates in October 2007, from $2.8-billion (U.S.) to $5.2-billion...oh and permanent jobs associated with the pipeline will be a round 50.
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (

We don't want him. Stay out.
Yes we do. Fled Cruz won't help us, so hopefully he will.

What are you, 12? Can you explain to me what you think having either Senator Cruz or Dementia Joe personally present in the state of Texas is going to do to help anyone? Perhaps you can explain to me what it is you think a US Senator can actually do to help you at all.

Any time you're ready to say something that comes from your brains instead of your hormones, I'm all ears.
Xi's spokesman Joe Biden will visit Texas next week to survey his destruction.
Texans should ask him some questions.
Why did you kill millions of Oil Jobs?
Why won't you permit new Power Plants in Texas?
How will the power grid be able to handle 250 million electric cars being charged everyday if it can't even handle winter?
Why do the Democrats hate Texans so much?
Why do the Democrats want to put people in reeducation camps?
Why do the Democrats want to allow open borders?
Why do the Democrats want to allow non-citizens to cancel-out the votes of American citizens?

Biden says he plans to visit Texas amid power crisis (
Biden doesn't regulate power production in Texas...

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