Biden Unveiled Racist Economic Plans. Look Out Suburban America, Look Out Employers, Look Out Taxpayers

There are a LOT of distractions out there.....but you don't have to wonder what's going on or what the goal is here.....
ALL of the above ties in to ONE thing....

Although most people haven't YET figured it out.......
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21, and it could also tie in to Communist activity in the USA
We do know there are a LOT of people in the world who would like to see America fall.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
I love this fucking racial philosophy at play here:

Race is a social construct created by white slave traders to justify slavery and colonization. Therefore, the entire concept was only EVER a weapon used to oppress people en masse.

The way to solve the problem of race, is to create a society that fixates on it, and our highest goal needs to be making sure that societal power is balanced according to the groupings laid out by that categorization, which again is literally NOTHING more than a weapon of mass oppression.
Bottom line is this...liberal policies have made urban living undesirable for many Americans and they have responded by moving to the suburbs. What the far left wants to do is punish those people by forcing them to pay for the same crap they wanted to leave behind to be brought to their doorsteps!
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
I love this fucking racial philosophy at play here:

Race is a social construct created by white slave traders to justify slavery and colonization. Therefore, the entire concept was only EVER a weapon used to oppress people en masse.

The way to solve the problem of race, is to create a society that fixates on it, and our highest goal needs to be making sure that societal power is balanced according to the groupings laid out by that categorization, which again is literally NOTHING more than a weapon of mass oppression.
With all due respect, "Race" was used to justify slavery LONG before "White slave traders" were bringing African slaves to the Americas! It was something done not only by white Europeans but but by blacks themselves in Africa and Native peoples in South and Central America.
There are a LOT of distractions out there.....but you don't have to wonder what's going on or what the goal is here.....
ALL of the above ties in to ONE thing....

Although most people haven't YET figured it out.......
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21, and it could also tie in to Communist activity in the USA
We do know there are a LOT of people in the world who would like to see America fall.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is

I agree and have been making the same claim in words of mine own for more than two decades....
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
I love this fucking racial philosophy at play here:

Race is a social construct created by white slave traders to justify slavery and colonization. Therefore, the entire concept was only EVER a weapon used to oppress people en masse.

The way to solve the problem of race, is to create a society that fixates on it, and our highest goal needs to be making sure that societal power is balanced according to the groupings laid out by that categorization, which again is literally NOTHING more than a weapon of mass oppression.
With all due respect, "Race" was used to justify slavery LONG before "White slave traders" were bringing African slaves to the Americas! It was something done not only by white Europeans but but by blacks themselves in Africa and Native peoples in South and Central America.
Nah, the lefties actually appear to be correct in that initial assessment, though it is admittedly an almost semantic distinction. Different tribes of people conquered and enslaved people for the entire history of mankind, but the concept of "race" had nothing to do with any of it. Even in the nation states that existed JUST prior to the particular slave trade in question, the separation was always based on ethnicity, never on race. The idea that there was a scientific or anthropological justification to separate people into groups as large as the races that we know today is, by comparison to the ethnic tribalism that largely characterizes the history of societal interactions, very new.

At least that's my understanding of it all. That could very well be incorrect, but I've yet to be shown evidence of the naturalistic concept of race prior to the triangle trade.
Pro-two parent family plan that seeks to bring the family back together would do much more for the black community. Maybe classes in the tradtional family need to be taught to black men and girls to teach them to stay together when they have babies. Maybe we could also teach people to respect the law and work hard!
Pro-two parent family plan that seeks to bring the family back together would do much more for the black community. Maybe classes in the tradtional family need to be taught to black men and girls to teach them to stay together when they have babies. Maybe we could also teach people to respect the law and work hard!
Shit, if we could just loosen the feminist death grip over our mainstream culture, we might not even need classes on this shit. If we could get back to a place where publicly acknowledging the statistical advantages of 2 parent families wasn't viewed as an assault on innocent single mothers and relegated to the status of MRA extremism, we might make some headway in the right direction.
There are a LOT of distractions out there.....but you don't have to wonder what's going on or what the goal is here.....
ALL of the above ties in to ONE thing....

Although most people haven't YET figured it out.......
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21, and it could also tie in to Communist activity in the USA
We do know there are a LOT of people in the world who would like to see America fall.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is

I agree and have been making the same claim in words of mine own for more than two decades....

Cool. You are ahead of the vast majority
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
I love this fucking racial philosophy at play here:

Race is a social construct created by white slave traders to justify slavery and colonization. Therefore, the entire concept was only EVER a weapon used to oppress people en masse.

The way to solve the problem of race, is to create a society that fixates on it, and our highest goal needs to be making sure that societal power is balanced according to the groupings laid out by that categorization, which again is literally NOTHING more than a weapon of mass oppression.
With all due respect, "Race" was used to justify slavery LONG before "White slave traders" were bringing African slaves to the Americas! It was something done not only by white Europeans but but by blacks themselves in Africa and Native peoples in South and Central America.
Nah, the lefties actually appear to be correct in that initial assessment, though it is admittedly an almost semantic distinction. Different tribes of people conquered and enslaved people for the entire history of mankind, but the concept of "race" had nothing to do with any of it. Even in the nation states that existed JUST prior to the particular slave trade in question, the separation was always based on ethnicity, never on race. The idea that there was a scientific or anthropological justification to separate people into groups as large as the races that we know today is, by comparison to the ethnic tribalism that largely characterizes the history of societal interactions, very new.

At least that's my understanding of it all. That could very well be incorrect, but I've yet to be shown evidence of the naturalistic concept of race prior to the triangle trade.
Man has always been tribal. He's always treated outsiders with hostility going back to when they lived in caves. Claiming it started with the Triangle Trade era ignores much of man's history!
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21,

You been playing this for decades. You like pedophile relationships over traditional marriage. The proof is there. Demographics prove it.

Projecting again? Perhaps you should up your medication too dude!

All one has to do is follow the political leanings. Compare traditional marriages from 1960 to today. Compare divorces. Compare the percentage who will get married. Compare the children born to traditional marriages and the children born out of wedlock. Then compare the everything goes agendas of Progs as towards sexuality. I am not a prude. Someone has to pay for all of this. W e were warned a half century ago about generations becoming poorer and Millennials will be the first poorer one. We are being warned about China taking over as the lead nation. We are a couple of decades in on that and in a couple more decades they will be the movers and shakers of the world. And when they do, the things we argue about will be amplified a hundred times more. I am just here for the ride to. But the young ones...bwhajajja! Suckers..
MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21,

You been playing this for decades. You like pedophile relationships over traditional marriage. The proof is there. Demographics prove it.

Projecting again? Perhaps you should up your medication too dude!

All one has to do is follow the political leanings. Compare traditional marriages from 1960 to today. Compare divorces. Compare the percentage who will get married. Compare the children born to traditional marriages and the children born out of wedlock. Then compare the everything goes agendas of Progs as towards sexuality. I am not a prude. Someone has to pay for all of this. W e were warned a half century ago about generations becoming poorer and Millennials will be the first poorer one. We are being warned about China taking over as the lead nation. We are a couple of decades in on that and in a couple more decades they will be the movers and shakers of the world. And when they do, the things we argue about will be amplified a hundred times more. I am just here for the ride to. But the young ones...bwhajajja! Suckers..

Nope all one has to do is look at this vile insulting statement you made to realize whatever else you write is not worth the energy it takes to paint the pixels on my screen. " You like pedophile relationships over traditional marriage."

Unless you want to explain that. Shove your entire computer up your anal orifice.
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
Bovine excrement. It is not racist because it does not exclude any low income people regardless of race. The fact that it is intended to close the racial wealth gap does not change that fact

It is similar in intent to Cory Bookers proposal

MOST of what is going on is due to Agenda21,

You been playing this for decades. You like pedophile relationships over traditional marriage. The proof is there. Demographics prove it.

Projecting again? Perhaps you should up your medication too dude!

All one has to do is follow the political leanings. Compare traditional marriages from 1960 to today. Compare divorces. Compare the percentage who will get married. Compare the children born to traditional marriages and the children born out of wedlock. Then compare the everything goes agendas of Progs as towards sexuality. I am not a prude. Someone has to pay for all of this. W e were warned a half century ago about generations becoming poorer and Millennials will be the first poorer one. We are being warned about China taking over as the lead nation. We are a couple of decades in on that and in a couple more decades they will be the movers and shakers of the world. And when they do, the things we argue about will be amplified a hundred times more. I am just here for the ride to. But the young ones...bwhajajja! Suckers..

You're right... and in the end it willbe the common people that pay the piper not those who have amassed wealth beyond their dreams. people like Bezos, Zucker, Gates etc....
He might as well propose a "white tax" and get it over with. What a moron for kissing ass with Black Lives Matter.
I love this fucking racial philosophy at play here:

Race is a social construct created by white slave traders to justify slavery and colonization. Therefore, the entire concept was only EVER a weapon used to oppress people en masse.

The way to solve the problem of race, is to create a society that fixates on it, and our highest goal needs to be making sure that societal power is balanced according to the groupings laid out by that categorization, which again is literally NOTHING more than a weapon of mass oppression.
With all due respect, "Race" was used to justify slavery LONG before "White slave traders" were bringing African slaves to the Americas! It was something done not only by white Europeans but but by blacks themselves in Africa and Native peoples in South and Central America.
Nah, the lefties actually appear to be correct in that initial assessment, though it is admittedly an almost semantic distinction. Different tribes of people conquered and enslaved people for the entire history of mankind, but the concept of "race" had nothing to do with any of it. Even in the nation states that existed JUST prior to the particular slave trade in question, the separation was always based on ethnicity, never on race. The idea that there was a scientific or anthropological justification to separate people into groups as large as the races that we know today is, by comparison to the ethnic tribalism that largely characterizes the history of societal interactions, very new.

At least that's my understanding of it all. That could very well be incorrect, but I've yet to be shown evidence of the naturalistic concept of race prior to the triangle trade.
Man has always been tribal. He's always treated outsiders with hostility going back to when they lived in caves. Claiming it started with the Triangle Trade era ignores much of man's history!
Man has always been tribal. Claiming that what I said contradicts this ignores basic rules of English and reading comprehension.

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