Biden unveils largest US budget in history fueled by massive social spending


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The total insanity budget from an insane, loopy, Traitor Joe©™ and his maladministration.

President Biden on Friday released his massive $6 trillion budget for fiscal 2022 pushing a surge in spending on social programs and broadly defined infrastructure through tax hikes on businesses and higher-earners.

The budget — which would set the US on course for higher spending as a percent of the economy than ever before and continue to balloon the national debt — calls for a 16-percent increase in non-defense spending. But it’s also an aspirational document that requires Congress to enact it.

Critics of Biden’s first budget say it would undermine the economic recovery with higher taxes and inflation as COVID-19 fades.

“Biden’s budget is doubling down on a cradle-to-grave government… that’s a lot more woke,” said Russ Vought, who was budget director to former President Donald Trump and is now president of the Center for Renewing America.

“Biden has cut, copy and pasted economic policy from the 1970s. And at a time of inflation, record debt and gas lines, it’s not a serious budget.”

The document was not released until the Friday afternoon before the three-day Memorial Day weekend.


Name me a country that doles out $$$$, w/out caring to collect taxes???? ~S~
The audits need to come over the hill in the nick of time.

With Chris Wray and homo garland in charge of Justice, stealing from the us taxpayer is 100% legal as long as you never supported trump....

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