Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

Trump has real solutions, and many people are realizing the so-called medical experts are not credible and refuse to answer the real questions about the coup attempt pandemic.

Real doctors are making true facts known to those who are wise enough not to be bullied by fear and outright lies.

David Martin: Fauci Funded COVID-19 Development in Wuhan

Update: Nearly 45,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Opposing COVID Lockdowns

Covid-19 PCR Testing is Worthless

Nearly all the nurses in my wife's hospital are banking on Trump today. And that comes from THEIR experience of being dicked around by a virus that isn't half as existent as the CDC pretends it is.

Tell that to the families who have lost loved ones to this virus. You Trump Humpers are pathetic.

As long as you are laying blame how about all the families who lost loved ones on ventilators, victims who were sedated and had their lungs blown out and murdered. A high failure rate for Ventilators means a high rate of people on ventilators were murdered.

To divert attention away from the 70 to 90% of the people murdered by ventilators, However lying media showcased the few who did survive. News broadcasts with lines of people cheering and applauding, the few that endured the ventilators, news reports never mentioned the overwhelming deaths by this procedure. The so-called experts said the ventilators were the best treatment, knowing all along this was a lie!
Many people were actually murdered. The hospitals were locked down and off limits, not because of the virus, The hospitals were off limits to the public to conceal the fact that no overwhelming numbers of sick virus patients ever existed, also to hide the fact that many of the elderly people, and minority patients were being mass-murdered.

<a href="Hospitals Murdering Patients Via Protocol "Left To Rot And Die"">Hospitals Murdering Patients Via Protocol "Left To Rot And Die"</a>

You want to lay blame how about the millions who needed all types of treatments, and therapy, who restricted from hospitals. The mass-murmurings to some degree created the illusion of a real pandemic. Getting paid to change of death certificates, and paid hundreds of thousands to put people on ventilators killing them, this does not happen in a real pandemic.

They needed high death numbers to stoat fear and anxiety. The lying media did this almost 24/7. If the death numbers were not high enough politicians and the news media simply made death rates up to manipulate and control Americans.

Many photo operations were put in place to trick people into believing the virus was a lot worst than it really was. In Chicago the biggest convention center in the state, and maybe the largest in the country, due to the phony pandemic had temporary hospital elected costing over 60 million dollars taxpayer dollars.


Construction of this treatment center was all over the news, however the media never mentioned only 38 patients treated, most of these people never even had the virus. False positives can be created in labs simply by amplifying the sample to find any virus strain from old flu shots, or similar viruses used to intentionally make false positives with the PCR test.

One of the many Hollywood type productions to create fear, chaos, and the anxiety they needed for maximum exploitation was done at Mc Cormack convention center, Chicago, Illinois. Former mayor Ralm Emanuel's brother in Hollywood and CIA may well be some of the best experts in the world for creating chaos and trying to capitalize on it.

As long as you are laying blame how about all the people who lost their jobs because of the bogus lockdowns. The People suffering as a result of not being able to pay their bills. How about all the businesses who went bankrupt because of the lockdowns.

How about all the parents who lost their children to suicide due to anxiety intentionally created by media manipulation. All the pictures of the big ugly virus displayed at the beginning or somewhere in every news broadcast, creating fear, and setting the stage to exploit this fear.

Who takes the blame for the increase in domestic violence, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, school shut downs. Who get's the blame for all this. Of course Communist China who intentionally released the virus gets the blame. But not one traitor democrat never blamed communist china, ironically they blamed President Trump.

Even more sinister are those who restricted dirt cheap remedies from dying Americans who really needed them. Some of these remedies are so effective one tablet a week given to Americans could have halted much suffering, and the death of many victims due to communist china.

Remedies such as this all of a sudden became illegal and unavailable by those claiming to keep you safe. The lying media working with the social media communist did everything in it's power to censor doctors and anyone with a viewpoint outside their own. The main stream media and the top social media operatives worked together with communist china in terms of this bio-weapon virus.

This article just scratches the surface. What about all the psychologically conditioning that took place in domestic terrorist events under the Obama-Biden administration. Always a "lockdown" after each event. Did you ever wonder why? The media echoed "lockdown" so much, the word came close to overshadowing the event itself.

After all they needed to create a powder keg of anxiety which could be ignited to create the chaos, rioting, and looting. Straight from the Bolshevik revolution political template, someone much different than a priest, here in America served the exact same purpose.
The lockdowns serves as this orchestrated powder keg, and it's amazing how Biden and Harris never denounced the looting and violence. Biden and Harris actually embraced the violence and chaos, and not one word of criticism for this from the lying media.

President Trump has won the election,and the cover up continues. The same media always critical Of the President now believes it can proclaim the winner of an election clearly overloaded with fraudulent ballots. We now see why the democrats pushed so hard for the unnecessary mail in balloting.

It's far too much at stake here in America, and throughout the world to allow the true election results to be manipulated by those involved in outright treason. The so-called pandemic really amounts to a coup attempt, something which this nation is well equipped to defeat with God on our side, and the strong leadership of the President.


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Trump is the one who works for a neo-stalinist. Y'know, Uncle Vlade..
The just blame Trump foolishness just does not work.

You need to be comparing pervert Biden to Stalin he's the closet communist.

The title of your comment , and the comment itself does not match.

Pres. Trump needs to cancel this authorization so that he can have control of the country. This act is allowing the government to distort things while being funded by the tax payers. And he needs to reinstate Smith-Mundt Act of 1948. But if he don't, that he will be going through this for the rest of his term in office. It will be another never ending story all through his term at the expense of the tax payers.





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