Biden violates federal statute. Waives fee for green energy company.

A wind turbine over its life span can’t produce enough energy to build another wind turbine. In other words it takes more energy to build one than it can ever produce.
and, it takes coal, in the form of coke, to produce the heat required to melt quartz into glass, to make fiberglass. We can not create that heat from the output of a wind turbine
Sounds like Solandrya, Ear's taxpayer boondoggle
No, these are Dem schemes to funnel taxpayer money back into the Dem party campaign coffers. That's why they don't care if they fail. The money goes out to Dem operatives, they funnel a % back to the Dems.

Democrats used to LOUDLY bitch and complain about all the corporations donating to Republicans while Dem's struggled to scrape up enough money for campaigns. Until Dems came up with the 'climate' scheme to skim money off climate change.
In related news about pea brain Joe Biden and stupid shit Democrats...over 3,000 car dealers pen letter to Biden asking him to back off his green EV stupid shit, the vehicles are piling up on dealer lots because nobody wants to buy the over priced useless POS's.
They are slashing their prices for EV $20,000+ and people still know it isn’t worth it.
There is nothing more stupid than a commercial solar or wind farm. Just absolutely worthless and inefficient. Waste of money.

None of these projects would ever be viable if it wasn't for stupid demented government interference, subsidies and mandates.

When Potatohead stole the election that put the Environmental Wackos in charge we knew we were going get real stupidity and they did not disappoint.
Anyone with a brain knows that Biden wiped the floor with Bonespurs, sent his sorry ass packing to MAL.

Which is why you think the opposite

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