Biden Vows to Advocate for 'Gender Non-Conforming'

By the way.......
That EXPLICITLY means diminishing the rights of heterosexuals.

Forget heterosexuals ---- they are about to diminish the rights of WOMEN! :102:
As it pertains to funding and legislation. I agree with that. The killer is that many women are like "you do you" ands "be your authentic self". Gender is fluid. Sex is not.
Anyone know what gender non conforming is? It's hard to keep up when PROGS pull shit out of their butts constantly, excuse the pun.
Some pissed-off Scottish dude in a kilt or something like that. Or a man whose pants aren't pressed well enough for white-collar work, or a guy who fails to achieve solidarity with the labor union for blue-collar work. Or a boy who wasn't properly circumcised and vaccinated by a professional obstetrician at the local hospital

That's what I thought, thank you
Gay men destroyed the Boy Scouts
It was pedophiles, you imbecile. :lol:
So, gay men lol
No, pedophiles. Do you need me to type slower? :biggrin:
Straight men do not rape little boys. Faggots do.
No, pedophiles mess with kids. Gay men do other gay men. Now you know.

ACTUALLY, if you want to talk averages and such things as odds to be gay, it's not exactly a secret more gay dudes have been victims to men, and women the same. A reverse course of sorts, for a guy it might seem he's more likely to become gay, and for a gal they're more likely to become lesbians as a result.

While I definitely agree pedophile and gay are two separate things, if a male goes after boys you can bet he's pretty faggy too, I mean geezus. Pedophiles should lose their dicks first offense, set em free, hardly costs the public a penny and due justice too.
Anyone know what gender non conforming is? It's hard to keep up when PROGS pull shit out of their butts constantly, excuse the pun.
Some pissed-off Scottish dude in a kilt or something like that. Or a man whose pants aren't pressed well enough for white-collar work, or a guy who fails to achieve solidarity with the labor union for blue-collar work. Or a boy who wasn't properly circumcised and vaccinated by a professional obstetrician at the local hospital

That's what I thought, thank you
"The guys" don't seem to mind if a woman is non-gender conforming. That is a non-issue of blindness and denialism --- but other women are vicious in the locker room, where it's all girly-girly socialist sex-positive abortion-rights politics and Title IX women's sports, restraining orders, divorce papers, and so on and so forth -- some of which are even served woman-on-woman.
Pedophiles should lose their dicks first offense, set em free, hardly costs the public a penny and due justice too
I do not agree. That's nothing but an Old Testament circumcision district. The pedophiles are only 8 days old for goodness sake. We don't do vice in a court of law for the entertainment of the ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
Interesting how all that you have are these pathetic whimpers . . . . .

Your pathetic whining is getting old.
We get it. You have no morals, no values, you don't know right from wrong, and you think that faggots and transgenders and pedophiles and all perverts are normal. Heck, you probably suck a fair amount of dick yourself.

Now STFU loser.
They commit suicide because they are marginalized, dehumanized and discriminated against by people like you. YOU have blood on your hands!!

No, they commit suicide because they are fucked up in their heads, and cannot live with the unalterable reality of who they are. Even if allowed to “transition”, and even if surrounded by others who support them in their delusions, that ultimately have to face the reality that what they think they are, what they want to be, cannot be reconciled with the biological reality of who they really are.

It is those who promote and support this madness who have blood on their hands.
Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit…

It wasn't the virus that destroyed the economy.

It was the left's wrong's fearmongering and exploitation, that inflated a routine flu outbreak into a huge fake crisis that gave them an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy for their own political gain.
I'm good with people being themselves even if it's odd to me and it sounds like Biden is too.

Being “gender nonconforming” is not about people being themselves. It's about people who are seriously fucked-up in the head, denying basic biology, denying their selves, and trying to be what they are not, and cannot possibly ever be.
Gay men destroyed the Boy Scouts
It was pedophiles, you imbecile. :lol:

By definition, a man who is sexually interested in anyone of the same sex, whether he goes for men his own age or for little boys, is a homosexual. A heterosexual man who was also a pedophile would only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.

And in spite of making up less than 4% of the population, homosexual men account for nearly half of all child molesters, as proven by the fact that little boys get molested almost as often as little girls.

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