Biden: We Should Put Fossil Fuel Execs In Jail & If We Don’t Stop Using Fossil Fuels, We’re All Dead

My name is Joe ... and I use fossil fuels.


Hi, Joe!
Dude is a batshit crazy nutbag. No wonder he leads in the polls among Dimwingers.
Climate change has become the new religion of the unhinged snd indoctrinated. The Earth has been through all these climate crisis before and it will go through them again. People have no control over any of it. Who else but the unhinged and indoctrinated would make an uneducated 16yr old their spokesperson? Our politicians seem to think if you give them enough money they can control the cycles of the sun because the sun controls our environment. We seem to be entering an extended solar minimum which could bring on a new ice age and all the environmentalist can talk about is co2 damaging our environment. If we do enter anew ice age you will be glad to have the increased levels of co2 because it help more plant growth while people are starving. But I guess I believe in the God in the Bible and not the god of climate change.
Fossil fuels or not, the only things that are "dead" are his chances of ever being President, and his political career.
I look forward to seeing Biden and his entourage campaigning while riding bicycles to each and every rally.
Malarky indeed.
So he wants to send his kid to prison. Somehow I bet there will be exceptions to this law, which will only apply to politicians and their families of course.
And Joe is the moderate one.
Think Joe used a bicycle to get home?


A lot of bicycle parts are made from fossil fuel.

He will have to walk... and watch out for those farts.
He could use that non-existent technology AOC wants to use right now instead of fossil fuel.


I suppose Biden could dip into his stable of unicorns and magically fly around the Country campaigning......with carbon filters strapped to their butts of course.
Get ready for these marxist fuckwits to say ANYTHING for a vote. It should be an interesting year.
It's amazing how many democrats want to put oil company execs in prison as if they did something wrong.
Here's a simple solution...
Only sell oil and gas to Red states. The blue can live off wind power and fairy tales.
Creepy Joe was heckled at his rally in NH tonight and called a pervert for touching women and children.

check YouTube for the evidence
Someone tell Joe the idiot the biggest consumers of fossil fuels are overpopulated DEMOCRAT cities and states.

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