Biden: "we're low on ammunition."

Maybe European leaders should listen and do their part, after all, it isn't America that would be next attacked by Russia if they topple Ukraine. Germany in particular had been running budget surpluses for years, maybe they think money in the bank is powerful against Russian tanks....
Is anyone surprised?

He keeps giving everything to Ukraine willy willy.

113 billion in our money has gone to Ukraine

Tons of tanks, vehicles, rocket systems, millions of rounds of ammunition and a lot more was given to them including the new release of cluster bombs we just sent since the article was published.

That doesn't even factor in all the time, manpower, energy, money and resources that goes into assisting them. Even someone flying over there for a photo op with zelensky costs a lot or speeches and so on. All of that really adds up.

We have wasted so much on supporting a war that didn't even have anything to do with us. And the current administration never really once even tried to promote peace or try to help work it out. No they went balls deep right off the bat into encouraging war and supporting it.

Meanwhile America suffers from its own problems and is coming apart at the seams.
He depleted our strategic oil reserve. He blurts out that we're running out of weapons. Military enlistment is at an all time low. Our military infrastructure is in a state of disrepair. Our military philosophy has become more concerned with LGBTQ appeasement than war preparation. I'd say those things alone make him one of our worst Presidents ever.
Over and over Joe has told us the dirty details. And the media glosses over it. No investigative journalism at all. And he admits it.
Well Raytheon is hiring back old retired white men to build stinger missiles.

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