Biden, Who A Year Ago Caved to the Taliban, Makes Veiled Threat to Slaughter Republicans with F-15s

Coming from those who choose to follow a Dictator wanna be, who insists he "Won" the 2020 election and took hundreds of classified documents without telling anyone out of the WH once he left.

Spread lies all you like.

So many Republican candidates are scrubbing his name off their sites. Poison, is not good during an election year. And he has brought plenty, so that many Republicans are saying enough.

So how will this work? Will President Kiddie Showers have F-15's start bombing the heartland? I mean your Brown Shirts were burning down cities, will you maybe drop a few nukes in rural America? Just to make clear who the rulers are?


Lord Shitshispants made a credible threat to wage war against American citizens who won't vote for him.

Yeah, that's treason.
So how will this work? Will President Kiddie Showers have F-15's start bombing the heartland? I mean your Brown Shirts were burning down cities, will you maybe drop a few nukes in rural America? Just to make clear who the rulers are?


Lord Shitshispants made a credible threat to wage war against American citizens who won't vote for him.

Yeah, that's treason.
Same kind of lies told about Jews for the past 1700 years.

Ignorant people like yourself are just that. Ignorant.
Biden was talking about the American Taliban, which consists of MAGAtard hillbillies and nutbags.
So the Daughter Diddler in Chief plans to kill 74 million Americans?

Never in history has a "president" talked about slaughtering millions of American citizens before.

Traitor Joe is unfit for office. He is trying to create violence with his credibly threats to murder millions of his political enemies.

Will the traitor fuck declare war on America tonight?

"My Fellow democrat, I've instructed uh, that guy, you know, um Herr Leaksensmears, to have his troops kill anyone who voted for Donald Trump. I'll be sending T-80's and MiGs to bomb red states and am suspending all elections until the crisis is over. I, as padashaw emperor of the known Galaxy Fairlane do declare Marshall Dillon"
Same kind of lies told about Jews for the past 1700 years.

Ignorant people like yourself are just that. Ignorant.

You make no sense Nazi.

No one said anything about Jews.

The Daughter Diddler in Chief said he will use F-15's to kill his political opponents.

BTW, it's you Nazi fucks who hate Israel and the JOOOOZZZ.
You make no sense Nazi.

No one said anything about Jews.

The Daughter Diddler in Chief said he will use F-15's to kill his political opponents.

BTW, it's you Nazi fucks who hate Israel and the JOOOOZZZ.
That is not what he said. You are changing the meaning of what he said on purpose, because FEAR is what you are trying to spread.


You do not know who I am, fool, to call me a Nazi and hater of Jews and Israel.

LOSER. !!!!!!

What a laugh, totally ROTFLOL
That is not what he said.

Yeah, it kind of is.

And it's not the first time the old traitor fuck has made threats like this.

You are changing the meaning of what he said on purpose, because FEAR is what you are trying to spread.


So, what exactly is President Kiddie Showers going on prime time TV about?

Oh right, to spread hatred and fear of DER JUDEN - the hated whites.

BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE - WHITES are threatening duhmobcracy. Questioning the 2020 election is treason.

Think he'll declare martial law and launch a campaign to arrest all Republicans?


You do not know who I am, fool, to call me a Nazi and hater of Jews and Israel.

Yeah, you're a Nazi democrat - your filthy Reich are BDS scum and terrorist lovers.

LOSER. !!!!!!

What a laugh, totally ROTFLOL

That is not what he said. You are changing the meaning of what he said on purpose, because FEAR is what you are trying to spread.


You do not know who I am, fool, to call me a Nazi and hater of Jews and Israel.

LOSER. !!!!!!

What a laugh, totally ROTFLOL
Fear is trying to live today. The safety valve is much thinner because of you Progs. Watching people leaving apartments and such is painful. The impoverished are worse off as the near impoverished are getting ready to join them. Joe has 50 years in and he is out of touch with reality.
Don't worry everyone, tonight his words are going to unite the nation!

Think he will use an F-15 to execute some Trump voters on live TV?

The Biden speech will be:

"Look man, the thing. You know - insurrection and Trump. So I'm declaring Marshall Dillon and the Republican party is outlawed. Herr Leaksensmear will be arresting anyone who voted for, hey can I have ice cream?"
It was an off-script, which indicates how he really thinks. Funny how he wouldn't bomb Taliban until they allowed all 8,000 Americans still stuck there out of the country. But he's prepared to deploy the regular military against Americans.

He made this threat several times don't take the bait let the tyrant hang himself
That is not what he said. You are changing the meaning of what he said on purpose, because FEAR is what you are trying to spread.


You do not know who I am, fool, to call me a Nazi and hater of Jews and Israel.

LOSER. !!!!!!

What a laugh, totally ROTFLOL
He's said it more than once.
Biden was talking about the American Taliban, which consists of MAGAtard hillbillies and nutbags.

Then you better pick up your fucking rifle, bitch.

Your dictator has called you to wage civil war against his political opponents.
Biden was talking about the American Taliban, which consists of MAGAtard hillbillies and nutbags.
Naw. He was trying to incite the nutbags in his own party that drool at sound of progressive buzz words and imagery.
Check a close-up of Xiden's face. He's trying to grow a Hitler mustache but all he can muster is a little peach-fuzz. How about we "go fund me" a jar of minoxidil? or just don't wipe away the nose drippings - maybe they'd act as a little fertilizer?
Coming from those who choose to follow a Dictator wanna be, who insists he "Won" the 2020 election and took hundreds of classified documents without telling anyone out of the WH once he left.

Spread lies all you like.

So many Republican candidates are scrubbing his name off their sites. Poison, is not good during an election year. And he has brought plenty, so that many Republicans are saying enough.
Yet it’s Dems who are telling Xiden to stay away from their states. As Republicans have erased Dem leads in many big races.

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