Biden: "Who Needs Centrists and Moderate Republicans Anyway?"

Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Biden didn't choose Heelsup Harris, his handlers did.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Fake quote. Biden didn't say that, as you admit in the first sentence of your fake news thread.
Admitting that you're spreading fake news doesn't make the fake news real.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

(I see you got your talking points. She is hardly radical left. Biden cou;ld have gone much further left if he had wanted. She is left of center. Trump is more radical than Harris is.

The fact is that suburban women are the ones who are galvanized. They are galvanized to smash Trump. She is hardly more liberal than Sanders. Even Sanders supporters agree with that.

The Biden campaign will AVOID TALKING ABOUT SPECIFIC ISSUES, to the extent that is possible

Issues like Trumps horrific leadership during COVID
Issues like the worst economy in 80 years
Issues like a $3 trillion deficit
Issues like an abusive immigration policy
Issues like a record tax cut for the wealthy
Issues like healthcare

Cant wait to talk about the issues

You are delusional.

You are the one who is delusional Republicans are on the wrong side of every issue.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

I think the problem was this.......the democrat party politicians who were the strongest, do not have confidence joe biden can they likely decided to sit out the next 4 years so they can run against an open Presidential seat.....if they signed on to joe biden, and he lost, they would lose that chance..

I think the problem is that you have no idea what you are talking about. Trump will be the loser.
Harris was picked to appeal to the centrists. Specifically, suburban women.

Biden didn't need to appeal to blacks and leftists. He already had those groups locked down.

Calling Harris far-left is one weirdass delusion. She's moderate, she'll deliver those suburban women, and that will contribute to the Democratic landslide.

As far as energy goes, the left is energized, the right is demoralized. The left would crawl through broken glass to vote this year, while much of the right will be staying home.

Harris is first and foremost the epitome of "political whore", as she fucked her way into politics with Willie Brown. She actually says dumber shit about the 2nd Amendment that even Hitlary does, asserting she would enact laws that actually already exist. Like banning the import of AR15's. That has been done, all AR's are made here. She's all for late term abortion (I like the idea of liberals being aborted into the 395th trimester myself), the Green Turd Deal, massive tax increases, massive spending and was a sociopath as a DA, putting people in prison for pot, while smoking it herself.


She is so far left stalin and mao, in hell, are embarrassed by china joe biden taking her.....

You got your talking points too. She is not far left.
now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Sorry Mike....

But your side needs to get your story straight. On one hand you call her a far left radical and then you criticize her performance as Attorney General as being too strong armed

Far left radicals have used strong arm tactics to puts hundreds of millions in mass graves.
Harris is first and foremost the epitome of "political whore",

What the hell is wrong with you?

Your consistently disgusting behavior is not okay.

You need to stop hanging out with the Trump cult. I know they give you cheers for acting like a human shitstain, and that's why you hang out only with them. Normal people let you know that the way you act is not okay, so you avoid normal people. But you can't hide forever. The Trump cult is dying, and you'll be forced to rejoin normal society eventually.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Axis Mikey, no one really thinks you were considering voting for Biden.

I can see how you don't like that he picked a running mate who wasn't "White and Delightsome".

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

Or he realized that the best way to win this was to increase black turnout... In 2012, when Obama saved us from a takeover of the country by the Mormon Cult, African Americans turned out at 66% participation... In 2016, that dropped to 59%. It was worse in the swing states. Wisconsin it dropped from 72% to 47%. Get black folks to the polls, Biden wins NC, FL, WI, PA and MI.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

ICE is racist as shit and corrupt. It deserves to be disbanded. (We should go back to where we were before 2002, when Customs and Immigration were consolidated under DHS)

As for Medicare for All, that's a discussion that's worth having... It's not like when Bush-41 called Reagan's plans "Voodoo Economics", and then got behind them 100%.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Uh, guy, the "Conservative" vote is what it's always been, about 45-47% of the electorate.

Here's why Trump will lose.

170,000 DEAD
5,000,000 sick
30,000,000 jobs lost
Riots in the streets.
33% drop in GDP.

"But Kamala said something that hurt my little feelings once".
The Biden campaign will AVOID TALKING ABOUT SPECIFIC ISSUES, to the extent that is possible

Issues like Trumps horrific leadership during COVID
Issues like the worst economy in 80 years
Issues like a $3 trillion deficit
Issues like an abusive immigration policy
Issues like a record tax cut for the wealthy
Issues like healthcare

Cant wait to talk about the issues

Oh I doubt like hell Biden or Harris want to talk issues. Foot in mouth Biden kills himself every time he opens his mouth.

Oh guess you forgot about how great the economy was before Chinese Covid hit the world and who was at the helm for that Great economy. That's right Trump was at the helm. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and there were jobs all across this country. Just do you think voters will trust to get that great economy back on track?? I doubt it will be Biden.

I doubt you dumbass Dems would have done anything differently as far as Covid goes. Its a pandemic and there is only so much anyone can do.

Oh and what's abusive about wanting illegal out of country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions every year. And that includes the DACA kids that Barry broke the law to bring into this country. Another EO he wrote.

Everyone got a tax cut not just the rich as you seem to think.

HC needs to be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.

Oh I can't wait to talk about issues either.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Biden’s a very conservative Democrat. Just review his record. It’s not hard.

Did you fail to notice that he has included nothing in his platform promoted by Bernie? Nothing.

He’s a con like you. You should like him.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Biden’s a very conservative Democrat. Just review his record. It’s not hard.

Did you fail to notice that he has included nothing in his platform promoted by Bernie? Nothing.

He’s a con like you. You should like him.
There's some on the Left Wing who are pretty pissed. The Trumpsters don't know about them, because Trumpsters keep to their little universe.

It's not looking like they're going to bolt, though. They know what has to be done.
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Let's see how many stupid things a Right Winger Can say!!!
Oh guess you forgot about how great the economy was before Chinese Covid hit the world and who was at the helm.

The economy wasn't "Great" It was already slowing down even before Covid Hit. The fact that Covid could lay waste to it tells me it was kind of weak to start with.

Give you an example. GDP contracted by 5% in Q-1. That was BEFORE Covid hit in late March.

I doubt you dumbass Dems would have done anything differently as far as Covid goes.

Sure they would have. They'd have done what all the other countries did, isolate early, enforce social distancing, lock down unncessary activity and contained it.

Oh and what's abusive about wanting illegal out of country. Illegals that cost we tax payer billions every year. And that includes the DACA kids that Barry broke the law to bring into this country. Another EO he wrote.

The DACA kids have been here since they were babies. Undocumented laborers produce more economic value than they cost. That's why they are invited here by businesses to start with.

Everyone got a tax cut not just the rich as you seem to think.

Probably is, we can't afford the ones for the rich... we are 26 Trillion in debt, 6 Trillion of it run up on Trump's watch.

HC needs to be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.

If you want health care to be something only the rich can afford, sure.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Biden’s a very conservative Democrat. Just review his record. It’s not hard.

Did you fail to notice that he has included nothing in his platform promoted by Bernie? Nothing.

He’s a con like you. You should like him.
There's some on the Left Wing who are pretty pissed. The Trumpsters don't know about them, because they keep to their little universe.

It's not looking like they're going to bolt, though. They know what has to be done.
I’m amazed how many times the wingers can get duped. The right was told by their media O was a commie. Then he ruled like a good warmongering corporatist. Now they are being told Biden is a commie, yet he has a 50 fucking year track record of conservatism.

The left thinks Joe and Harris are progressives, yet they clearly aren’t. Joe is more conservative than Don.

They are both so easily duped by the corporate media. Will they ever learn?
Let's see how many stupid things a Right Winger Can say!!!
Oh guess you forgot about how great the economy was before Chinese Covid hit the world and who was at the helm.

The economy wasn't "Great" It was already slowing down even before Covid Hit. The fact that Covid could lay waste to it tells me it was kind of weak to start with.

Give you an example. GDP contracted by 5% in Q-1. That was BEFORE Covid hit in late March.

I doubt you dumbass Dems would have done anything differently as far as Covid goes.

Sure they would have. They'd have done what all the other countries did, isolate early, enforce social distancing, lock down unncessary activity and contained it.

Oh and what's abusive about wanting illegal out of country. Illegals that cost we tax payer billions every year. And that includes the DACA kids that Barry broke the law to bring into this country. Another EO he wrote.

The DACA kids have been here since they were babies. Undocumented laborers produce more economic value than they cost. That's why they are invited here by businesses to start with.

Everyone got a tax cut not just the rich as you seem to think.

Probably is, we can't afford the ones for the rich... we are 26 Trillion in debt, 6 Trillion of it run up on Trump's watch.

HC needs to be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.

If you want health care to be something only the rich can afford, sure.

Boy are you full of shit.

Try to tell 350 million Americans what to do. Try to enforce social distancing and masks. Not gonna happen. People will do exactly as they want to do. Oh and just try to lock down everything. That's exactly what the States and Trump tried to do without much success and you think Dems could have done better?? You sure are funny.

The DACA kids should never have been brought here. Another of Barry's ridiculous EO's. Those kids have cost we taxpayers billions along with all the other illegals in this country. They should all be returned to wherever the hell they came from.

Oh and the "rich" as you call them already pay over 60% of all the Fed taxes payed in this country. Just who do you think would be paying that money if the "rich" weren't there to pay it.

The Govt. has no business in HC. Show me in the Constitution that says Govt should provide HC for anyone. Don't bother to look cause it ain't in there. I'm not rich and I can pay for my HC no problem. How bout you??
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

Biden’s a very conservative Democrat. Just review his record. It’s not hard.

Did you fail to notice that he has included nothing in his platform promoted by Bernie? Nothing.

He’s a con like you. You should like him.
There's some on the Left Wing who are pretty pissed. The Trumpsters don't know about them, because they keep to their little universe.

It's not looking like they're going to bolt, though. They know what has to be done.
I’m amazed how many times the wingers can get duped. The right was told by their media O was a commie. Then he ruled like a good warmongering corporatist. Now they are being told Biden is a commie, yet he has a 50 fucking year track record of conservatism.

The left thinks Joe and Harris are progressives, yet they clearly aren’t. Joe is more conservative than Don.

They are both so easily duped by the corporate media. Will they ever learn?
My answer to that has actually changed over the last few years.

For the most part, no. So those who can't think honestly and critically will have to somehow be culturally marginalized from any constructive conversation. If possible.

I'm not happy to say that.

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