Biden will cancel student loan debt from 153k borrowers

Obama, the racist, was right. Biden doesn't get anything right. MAGA, before it's too late.
He needs to prioritize fixing your border and also deport any criminals who have entered.

This will be his legacy and it is by far the worst policy since he was sworn in.
Who will pay the lenders if that debt is canceled?
You and I, along with every taxpayer are now responsible.
Well, actually our grandkids because of the current debt hole we are already in.
Yep, they did. A second time they should make sure it doesn't happen a third time.
SCOTUS has no enforcement arm. They don't have a Police Force, they don't have persecutors.

SCOTUS has to rely on the Executive Branch to ENFORCE the Law. But when the entire Executive Branch is occupied by criminals and gangsters, this is what happens.

I hope all you hard-working dimocraps :auiqs.jpg: remember that your tax dollars are going to pay off your Boss's College Loan Debt.

You know, the guy in middle-management with the BULLSHIT Degree that just threatened to fire you? Or the HR girl that put you on a Job-In-Jeopardy notice.

You're paying their College Loans off. suckers

But, most dimocraps are like lobsters...... Do they even know they're being boiled alive??
Where are the republicans in the house?... isn't it their job to keep our tax dollars from being thrown away like this?...
Why not all car loan debt?
Why not all Health Care debt?

Why not Mortgages?

Why not........

Because dimocraps are the scum of the Earth and they target their thievery to benefit those most likely to vote for scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH. Every time.

Blacks vote dimocrap scum over 90% (Ninety Percent) of the time. So guess who is the main recipient of dimocrap scum largesse?

As was the case in the 2018 midterms, voters with and without college degrees each accounted for roughly half of the Democratic Party’s voters in 2022 (51% held college degrees while 49% did not).

By contrast, a majority of Republican voters in 2022 had no college degree (63%); a smaller share had a college degree or more (37%). This is similar to the shares of Republican voters with and without a college degree in 2018.

White voters without college degrees made up a majority (54%) of Republican voter

People, I don't call dimocraps the scum of the Earthjust to be funny or cute. They ARE. They LITERALLY steal money from people that work for it and give it to people they think will vote for them, without regard to what's best for the Country.

Where are the republicans in the house?... isn't it their job to keep our tax dollars from being thrown away like this?...
The Deep State infests both Parties but Republicans to a lesser extent.

The dimocrap scum party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Deep State. 100% Deep State. I can't think of a single dimocrap scum Rep or Senator that isn't Deep State. Bernie didn't used to be, but he sold out.

The Republican Party in the Senate is about 40% Deep Staters and in the House, the branch most representative of The People, is about 10% Deep State.
If you can't pay off $12K in ten years, there's not a meter in the world that can measure what a total fucking slacker you are.
I once took a car loan for $30,000 after a DP of $20,000 and paid it in full in 3 years. Something is wrong with Biden's math.

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