Biden wins South Carolina

Biden has a prayer for a brokered convention. We'll see if he and Bloomberg can scrape enough delegates out of Super Tuesday to keep it interesting. I'm glad that doofus Steyer pissed away $23 million pandering to the SC Black vote. :21:
Haven’t seen how Bloomberg did in South Carolina

He will be a wild card on Super Tuesday
At this point it is all about keeping Bernie below 50%. Chop up those delegates I want to see the DNC hose Bernie again. :popcorn:

Bernie swings about 30 million voters Nationwide.... If they hose him I swear half of them will become Trump votes.


Not what the Bernie supporters I know are saying. I don't think you understand how united All the candidates and their supporters are in the effort to get rid of that orange monstrocity.
The truth is, you gave him the presidency for four more years with that impeachment fiasco. Thank you!

I think you're right....I've said right along I'm pretty sure Biden will be the nominee. The goofy stuff really doesn't matter...most votes are locked in well ahead of time and nearly impossible to change....I suppose if he pulled his dick out in public and wagged it around he might kick loose some voters but that's about what it would take. That will be a very tough contest ... Anything else is landslide Trump.


the truith is that in the dem party, the primary voters don't really have any say in who is the nominee. that is decided by the super delegates. Its a farce and a hoax to make everyone think that the dem primary votes matter.
Not exactly.

Superdelegates do not vote in the first ballot. They only come in if no candidate can get 50 percent of the delegates.

At that point all delegates get released.

thats what they claim, but the reality is that they pick the candidate. Why do you think Bernie didn't win in 2016? Same reason he won't win this year, because even the dems know that his foolish ideas won't work and he will lose big time it they run him.

You want to see a market crash? put Bernie in the white house.

LOL, sleepy old Joe cannot even put two sentences together that make sense. He is toast, but the DNC will keep proping him up because they know that none of their other clowns have a chance. Its pretty sad when a senile old white guy who has never done anything and has been involved in corruption his entire life is your best hope.

Give it up, winger. stop making fool of yourself. Trump will be president for another 4 years and the country will continue to prosper.
Biden would crush Trump

wanna bet? put your money where your mouth is or STFU. I will bet you 5K that Trump wins in November. Deal?

I have learned not to bet with USMB Conservatives

Too many welsh on the bet

nice dodge, but the real reasons are 1. you know you will lose, and 2. you don't have any money.
Now they are saying it was called in moments not minutes after the polls closed. The results showed were 54% for Biden and even showed him with over 100 delegates. That is not exit polling, to include delgates. Hmmm.
Are you inferring it was rigged? You people have no better defense than to dishonestly cry "CHEATING!" Over and over. It's pathetic.

all elections involving democrats are rigged, they would never win an honest election any more. the party of Kennedy and Truman is dead, it is the party of AOC and Marx. (not Groucho, Karl)
You're watching the beginning of the end for the Democrats in yet another Presidential election. The mainstream Democratic establishment wants nothing to do with Bernie and will push for Biden in a brokered convention. The Bernie supporters will once again be outraged that their guy was screwed over by the Democratic elites and will stay home from the polls just like they did when Hillary stole the last nomination. Trump will win the Electoral College. The far left will point fingers at everywhere but where the blame really lies...their own leadership!
Now they are saying it was called in moments not minutes after the polls closed. The results showed were 54% for Biden and even showed him with over 100 delegates. That is not exit polling, to include delgates. Hmmm.
Are you inferring it was rigged? You people have no better defense than to dishonestly cry "CHEATING!" Over and over. It's pathetic.

all elections involving democrats are rigged, they would never win an honest election any more. the party of Kennedy and Truman is dead, it is the party of AOC and Marx. (not Groucho, Karl)
Biden has a prayer for a brokered convention. We'll see if he and Bloomberg can scrape enough delegates out of Super Tuesday to keep it interesting. I'm glad that doofus Steyer pissed away $23 million pandering to the SC Black vote. :21:
Haven’t seen how Bloomberg did in South Carolina

He will be a wild card on Super Tuesday
At this point it is all about keeping Bernie below 50%. Chop up those delegates I want to see the DNC hose Bernie again. :popcorn:

Bernie swings about 30 million voters Nationwide.... If they hose him I swear half of them will become Trump votes.


Not what the Bernie supporters I know are saying. I don't think you understand how united All the candidates and their supporters are in the effort to get rid of that orange monstrocity.
The truth is, you gave him the presidency for four more years with that impeachment fiasco. Thank you!

The majority favored impeachment and 70 percent thought Trump acted inappropriately.

Problem for Trump is that when Clinton was impeached, people felt sorry for him.

Nobody feels sorry for Trump.
Now they are saying it was called in moments not minutes after the polls closed. The results showed were 54% for Biden and even showed him with over 100 delegates. That is not exit polling, to include delgates. Hmmm.
Are you inferring it was rigged? You people have no better defense than to dishonestly cry "CHEATING!" Over and over. It's pathetic.

all elections involving democrats are rigged, they would never win an honest election any more. the party of Kennedy and Truman is dead, it is the party of AOC and Marx. (not Groucho, Karl)
View attachment 309628

JFK supported welfare, anti poverty programs, universal healthcare.
Super Tuesday is too little, too late

Iowa, NH and Nevada are not exactly heavy hitters with delegates

Biden made a mistake. He took it for granted that he was going to win and just doesn’t have the grassroots campaign that Bernie has. It’s a shame because I’m not a fan of Biden, but I really don’t like Sanders.
Biden has a prayer for a brokered convention. We'll see if he and Bloomberg can scrape enough delegates out of Super Tuesday to keep it interesting. I'm glad that doofus Steyer pissed away $23 million pandering to the SC Black vote. :21:
Haven’t seen how Bloomberg did in South Carolina

He will be a wild card on Super Tuesday
At this point it is all about keeping Bernie below 50%. Chop up those delegates I want to see the DNC hose Bernie again. :popcorn:

Bernie swings about 30 million voters Nationwide.... If they hose him I swear half of them will become Trump votes.


Not what the Bernie supporters I know are saying. I don't think you understand how united All the candidates and their supporters are in the effort to get rid of that orange monstrocity.

Wishful and childish.....
Didn't you learn from the last election that reality is not what you want it to be?
Super Tuesday is too little, too late

Iowa, NH and Nevada are not exactly heavy hitters with delegates

Biden made a mistake. He took it for granted that he was going to win and just doesn’t have the grassroots campaign that Bernie has. It’s a shame because I’m not a fan of Biden, but I really don’t like Sanders.

Biden will most likely be the nominee.
The DNC doesn't do things normally.

You're watching the beginning of the end for the Democrats in yet another Presidential election. The mainstream Democratic establishment wants nothing to do with Bernie and will push for Biden in a brokered convention. The Bernie supporters will once again be outraged that their guy was screwed over by the Democratic elites and will stay home from the polls just like they did when Hillary stole the last nomination. Trump will win the Electoral College. The far left will point fingers at everywhere but where the blame really lies...their own leadership!

Yupp. Play it again, Sam....:smoke:.
You're watching the beginning of the end for the Democrats in yet another Presidential election. The mainstream Democratic establishment wants nothing to do with Bernie and will push for Biden in a brokered convention. The Bernie supporters will once again be outraged that their guy was screwed over by the Democratic elites and will stay home from the polls just like they did when Hillary stole the last nomination. Trump will win the Electoral College. The far left will point fingers at everywhere but where the blame really lies...their own leadership!

There will be a huge wave of revenge votes from the Bernie Bros.... guaranteed.


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