Bidenomics Pushes Stock Market to ALL TIME high 38k - post pics of your piles of money!

But the base, the plantation dwellers, your pet humans, those dark people you claim to cherish don’t have 401(k)s and they aren’t homeowners… but they do buy fuel, groceries, a shit-ton of carne asada and they wish they could afford a 7.75% interest rate on a home. Do you really think they’re are celebrating along with you?
I'm a dark person with a 401(k) and own my house. But the people you describe won't be voting for trump.
rCome on man, even you are not this dumb! Everyone who invests knows they/we are taking a flyer because Trump is winning in the polls, and we are trying to get ahead of the surge.

Does not mean it is going to produce, but what it does mean is that Joe will screw the pooch.

Want to know if you or I are correct? Watch the domestic auto stock prices, and see what they do!

Also, watch domestic oil producers, and see what happens there.

This is all a bet on who you think is going to run this country, like it or not. Right now, it looks like the GOP. They suck, but the Dems SUCK way worse than they do!
Blaah,, blaaaaaahh, bllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Another feather in Biden’s cap as he navigates the economy to new highs. God bless your 401k.. or should I say Biden blessed your 401k? If you have money in the market go ahead and post a pic of what you are going to spend your new found wealth on… or just a nice pic of the pile of money until you know.

Live: Dow rises more than 100 points to close above 38,000 for the first time ever

Stocks rose Monday as investors built on the previous session’s historic move to record highs.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 138.01 points, or 0.36%, to finish at 38,001.81. Monday’s gains pushed the blue-chip average to a new record and above the 38,000 level for the first time. The S&P 500 added 0.22% to 4,850.43, also reaching a fresh all-time high. The Nasdaq Compositeadvanced 0.32% to 15,360.29.
Thanks Joe!!

Another feather in Biden’s cap as he navigates the economy to new highs. God bless your 401k.. or should I say Biden blessed your 401k? If you have money in the market go ahead and post a pic of what you are going to spend your new found wealth on… or just a nice pic of the pile of money until you know.

Live: Dow rises more than 100 points to close above 38,000 for the first time ever

Stocks rose Monday as investors built on the previous session’s historic move to record highs.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 138.01 points, or 0.36%, to finish at 38,001.81. Monday’s gains pushed the blue-chip average to a new record and above the 38,000 level for the first time. The S&P 500 added 0.22% to 4,850.43, also reaching a fresh all-time high. The Nasdaq Compositeadvanced 0.32% to 15,360.29.

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Trump's lead on the old coot is what is driving the market... just like in 2016....
I'm a dark person with a 401(k) and own my house. But the people you describe won't be voting for trump.
So does Ben Carson and Barack Obama… So I guess you aren’t oppressed after all?
It also has a 29 - 30 year low, and first time home buyers don't have that equity .. thanks for responding! You're focused on upper middle and upper class .. what about the other lower middle and lower class? Gosh ..

He's a troll that sucks Democrat dick, nothing more
Trump's lead on the old coot is what is driving the market... just like in 2016....

Trump's lead on the old coot is what is driving the market... just like in 2016....
Trump had the worst economy since Hoover. The market has been higher than it was under Trump (his best numbers) almost the entire term of Biden and a better GDP and employment #s.
I see no correlation between Biden's "policies" and the stock market, but I'm making a killing. Made enough in November to pay for a new Tesla, net of taxes. Balance keeps going up.
You can't argue because the numbers don't lie ... so you call names like a little bitch. Trump does well with the uneducated.

Look you fucking retard, normal folks aren't as stupid as you are.
How many trillions did they dump into the stock market to try to have a false climb prior to the election?
Yeah ... now how's the housing market
My house is worth more than EVER.
That used to be a GREAT thing, until you contards decided to bitch about the poor (who you contards don't give a rat's ASS about) not being able to buy a house.

JFC....You fucktards don't want to tax the Ultra Rich ( NOT ME), but you bitch about MY PERSONAL wealth increasing ( Stock Market, Salary, and Real Estate)
I spent my stock market earnings on higher food and gas prices.
No you didn't, if you actually did, then you are WEAKER than we thought.
I see no correlation between Biden's "policies" and the stock market, but I'm making a killing. Made enough in November to pay for a new Tesla, net of taxes. Balance keeps going up.
Well then, thank you Donald Trump, for making me wealthier in this Current Economy.

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