Biden's adviser Keisha Bottoms comment about his speech


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms defended President Joe Biden's prime-time address on Thursday, warning of the threat "MAGA" Republicans pose to American democracy on "This Week," saying Biden spoke "optimistically" about the country, but also said that the nation needs to "call out hatred."
"This 'MAGA' Republican agenda, this hate-filled agenda ... we saw incite violence on our nation's Capitol, has no place in a democracy. And if we are not ... calling it out, which is what the president did, then our country, everything that our country is built upon is in danger," Bottoms, now a senior adviser for public engagement for the White House told co-anchor Martha Raddatz Sunday morning.

The Democrat Party is incapable of self-reflection.
Biden's Nuremberg style speech was pure hate.
The Democrat Party is driven by hate, and that was what Biden is trying to do.
He is fanning the flames of far left extremist hate to get out the vote.
It is the Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption, abuses of power and relentless lying that is the true threat to our republic.
Hopefully people are starting to wake up about the direction the Democrat Party is taking our country.

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