Biden’s Age Is Now Unavoidable

Read the article. You wanted a doctor. Are you gonna play games now?
You do realize doctors have written about Trump’s cognitive abilities as well….? All without any sort of actual examination? Kind of like this guy?
Starting today, Democrats are asking Americans to give Joe Biden five more years. Does anyone here truthfully believe that this isn't a problem? Five more years? Really?

Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

can't wait til he takes a crap in his diaper walking to the helicopter
That test does not measure “mental fitness”.

we want to see biden take this test......the 25th demands it...............then harris as your nominee....................lololol

so much fun
mental fitness???....taking god damned showers with your fucking tween daughter as she ADMITS to it.lololol

i laugh so hard
Not me who destroyed the Country. That is you and your deep state overlords you ignorant old short-sighted fool.
I didn't know the country was destroyed, the stock market has reached record highs under the esteemed leadership of the Honorable Joseph Biden.
Trump is 78 and is still campaigning against Obama.
Rightly so. That is who runs the country through a puppet known as President Joe Biden. It is the third term of President Obama.
Five more years? Wait, did you just have a Biden moment, or have they changed the Constitution?
Yes, this year and four more. The poor guy doesn't remember when he was Vice President or when his beloved son died or where he died. Have you no mercy on him? Would you subject a loved one to such cruelty?
Rightly so. That is who runs the country through a puppet known as President Joe Biden. It is the third term of President Obama.
That explains why the stock market is breaking records then.
Exactly. Age is a valid concern, but the president could be 40 and die suddenly. But these MAGAS started this when Biden entered the 2020 campaign and have not shut up about it since. Both men are old, yet given the way things are, it is good to have Biden in there right now. Experience is a good thing.


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