Biden’s Age Is Now Unavoidable


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Starting today, Democrats are asking Americans to give Joe Biden five more years. Does anyone here truthfully believe that this isn't a problem? Five more years? Really?

Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

As an outsider observing the U.S. presidential election, I have been wondering for months when Joe Biden’s age would become a thing. Biden is 81 already—the oldest person ever to occupy the White House—and is seeking another four-year term. He is older than George W. Bush, who stopped being president in 2008, and older than Bill Clinton, who gave up the job in 2000. He is older than the hovercraft, the barcode, and the Breathalyzer. And he looks it: Biden’s likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump, a mere debutant at 77, is possessed with a bronzed, demonic energy that makes him seem vigorously alive, even when his words make no sense. Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

Starting today, Democrats are asking Americans to give Joe Biden five more years. Does anyone here truthfully believe that this isn't a problem? Five more years? Really?

Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has one foot in the grave & the other foot following like it's all over for the cantankerous old fart. I'd say the Biden admin & various bureaucrats have been the ones calling the shots, with old Joe just parroting what he can remember from what they told him to say. Of course "Joe + 5" is a problem. Joe himself is a problem, Joes admin is a problem. The statist left marxism religion is a problem. The statist left "one world without borders" southern border fiasco is a, well what I just said a fiasco. The problem with Joe +5 is just one more statist left fantasy induced fiasco built upon a history replete with fiascos. The statist left & their climate change(people control) fraud induced fiasco(endless fiascos) about shutting down the farming/farmers = (mass starvation) over in Europa(& else where) has European folks(85%) up in arms, tractors & roadblocks like PHUK WEF!!!


Trump still works sixteen hours a day. Diminished Faculties *Joe sleeps sixteen hours a day.
Trump didn't even remember what his first wife looked like. Trump isn't working 16 hours per day and it is Trump who is in mental decline. You guys are repeating a false narrative and if you get your way, this nation is dead. Republicans can't pass a bill in congress and trump is going to jail.
Trump didn't even remember what his first wife looked like. Trump isn't working 16 hours per day and it is Trump who is in mental decline. You guys are repeating a false narrative and if you get your way, this nation is dead. Republicans can't pass a bill in congress and trump is going to jail.
Well done, saying all that whilst sucking your thumb. Biden is an old fart with dementia, the Democrats need to put that old horse out to graze.
Starting today, Democrats are asking Americans to give Joe Biden five more years. Does anyone here truthfully believe that this isn't a problem? Five more years? Really?

Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

So, is everybody’s, kiddo. Everyone will get old.

But, Biden has had a long successful career and he ended up as President. While your orange douche bag will end up at best a convicted criminal and at worst, in jail.

It sucks to be a trumptard. Thoughts and prayers.
So, is everybody’s, kiddo. Everyone will get old.

But, Biden has had a long successful career and he ended up as President. While your orange douche bag will end up at best a convicted criminal and at worst, in jail.

It sucks to be a trumptard. Thoughts and prayers.
Denial isn't a river in Mexico
Isn't it funny, Robert Hur gives Joe Biden a get out of jail card claiming that his action" although willful would not lead to prosecution because of his age and dminished capacity.
"Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.."

Democrats have screamed and whined about this phase, when in fact Counselor Hur used this as key to absolve Biden from prosecution.
You would have to believe that DNCCPUSA would have had a sigh of relief. Not So!
One would assume that DNCCPUSA Leftists would rather Biden be consider of sound mind and body rather than a old man well into hs eighties with diminished mental capacity.
Dems can't have it both ways. Either Biden willfuly stole documents from a Senate SCIF and retain highly Secret Defense information about Afghanistan, or he is not able to stand trial because he's mentally unfit.
Not so much his age... it's he's absolutely suffering from dementia/ Alzheimer's
Trump is 78 and is still campaigning against Obama.
Ironic that those who are “concerned” about Biden’s age have no problem voting for Trump, who is only two years younger. Even more ironic…Trump is older now than Biden was in 2020 (and they were yelling about his age then).

They will clutch their pearls when people vote for Biden while simultaneously casting votes for their demented orange psychopath.

The irony and level of projection coming out of the MAGA Zone requires more popcorn than I have on hand to sit through.

Ironic that those who are “concerned” about Biden’s age have no problem voting for Trump, who is only two years younger. Even more ironic…Trump is older now than Biden was in 2020 (and they were yelling about his age then).

They will clutch their pearls when people vote for Biden while simultaneously casting votes for their demented orange psychopath.

The irony and level of projection coming out of the MAGA Zone requires more popcorn than I have on hand to sit through.

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No doubt. It's amazing how these guys twist and turn themselves.
Starting today, Democrats are asking Americans to give Joe Biden five more years. Does anyone here truthfully believe that this isn't a problem? Five more years? Really?

Joe Biden looks like he is turning into a statue of Joe Biden.

Five more years? Wait, did you just have a Biden moment, or have they changed the Constitution?

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