Biden's biggest mistake?

Not speaking to you personally....but just in general.
We can complain and point out their injustice all week long and twice on Sunday........
and it will make no difference.

Fact is...America (and you) are going down.

Until most Americans are desperate, personally affected, going hungry, losing everything......
Americans will continue to do nothing as their oppressors continually stack the deck in their favor, making the fight that must eventually come exponentially more costly. What would have been an easy and comparatively quick win and turn around for the nation a few decades ago, is now a massive beast that will cost millions of lives and inflict massive damage on the nation......and it will only get more costly with time.

If you thought your freedom was "free", you are sadly mistaken. Everyone is waiting for someone ELSE to save them. Not gonna happen that way.
Nothing but anti American BS. Total BS.
I am not blaming Trump, per se. Only pointing out all the safety precautions he took away during his administration which would have kept many train accidents from happening. Nothing wrong with that. Is he not responsible for the deregulation of much needed laws?

Be as disrespectful to the President as you like, call him by any names you like. It will not change what the deregulation, meant for Companies to get away with doing things they should not, has done.

And train deregulation is not the only deregulation Republicans like. They like to deregulate everything, for the sake of the Companies which want to make more profits. It is true in Texas and all the deregulation laws passed in all other Republican led States, to follow the Companies needs, not that of safety, or health or anything else.

Do yourself a favor. This, he cannot be found, is nothing but Republican BS. We are not in the 17th century. The administration sent all the people and help needed at the time, the Minister of Transportation is there today. All will be well, you accept that or not.

How does Trump bringing 13 year old water, which should have been thrown away how long ago, helps the people of that city?

Trump has the money to bring much needed fresh water to the community but Trump Water sounded better to him. Why?

If one comes to a city to help, bring things which actually are going to help.
And I am pointing that each administration shoulders the responsibility for everything the government does. If TRUMP! made trains unsafe, which seems to be the argument from those wanting to absolve Quid Pro from any responsibility, then it was incumbent on the new Quid Pro administration to make them safer again. How is that even controversial? And no, Quid Pro cannot be found anywhere near the site, which is very bad for him politically. By all accounts, TRUMP! did nothing that caused this accident, so why is it so important for everyone to be whining about him, unless the goal is to deflect attention and criticism away from Quid Pro?
And I am pointing that each administration shoulders the responsibility for everything the government does. If TRUMP! made trains unsafe, which seems to be the argument from those wanting to absolve Quid Pro from any responsibility, then it was incumbent on the new Quid Pro administration to make them safer again. How is that even controversial? And no, Quid Pro cannot be found anywhere near the site, which is very bad for him politically. By all accounts, TRUMP! did nothing that caused this accident, so why is it so important for everyone to be whining about him, unless the goal is to deflect attention and criticism away from Quid Pro?
Biden not being AT THE SITE is not politically bad for him. You just want others to believe that. Let them.

Tell me how it works for the Biden Administration to have passed laws undoing the deregulation of Train safety laws ? What is the process?

How does it work for regulating any other safety and health law? What are the steps, how long does it take for the bills to pass and go into law?

Here is the history of what has happened in the past 10 or more years in regards to regulating train safety:
Long before this month’s fiery derailment, railroad industry leaders battled regulations meant to boost freight train safety, including plans to bolster some of the very same tank cars that ruptured and released chemicals in eastern Ohio.

Norfolk Southern Corp. joined in fighting proposed speed limits and brake system requirements spawned by a series of high-profile accidents, including a lethal 2005 collision involving one of the operator’s own trains.

The intense lobbying campaign — which unfolded over years of direct appeals to lawmakers, regulators and White House officials — underscores the industry’s political sway in Washington and illustrates the challenge now facing Congress and the Biden administration as they vow a new crackdown.

Our experience is that “the rail industry pushes back hard on both safety and public disclosure rules — and keeps that opposition up long after the public scrutiny of tragic accidents abates,” said Kristen Boyles, managing attorney for the environmental group Earthjustice. “There should be a renewed push for safer trains and safer rail cars following the disaster in Ohio, and that pressure will need to be applied for as long as it takes to get new safety requirements and regulations in place.”

Norfolk Southern pledged in a Tuesday statement it would “learn from this terrible accident and work with regulators and elected officials to improve railroad safety.” And the company’s chief executive officer, Alan Shaw, said it will rip up tracks that had swiftly returned to use, so chemical-soaked soil under the rails can be removed.

Roughly a decade ago, Norfolk Southern was among the rail companies combating a host of proposed requirements for high-hazard flammable trains — generally those transporting at least 35 tank cars carrying particularly combustible liquids or 20 of them in a single block. The train that derailed Feb. 3 in East Palestine, Ohio, did not fall under that category, though the accident still unleashed a torrent of toxic chemicals, including vinyl chloride used in PVC pipes and the solvent ethylene glycol monobutyl ether.

The Transportation Department’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration had moved to propose tank car standards in response to a number of incidents in which they ruptured and released their contents. That included a 2005 crash in which a Norfolk Southern train hauling chlorine plowed into another, killing nine people in Graniteville, South Carolina. Regulators also sought to require the use of electronically controlled pneumatic braking systems that are designed to rapidly halt trains by applying brakes across their entire span simultaneously, instead of each car individually.

The industry’s top lobbying group, the Association of American Railroads, argued the technology would yield “minimal” safety benefits at a “tremendous” cost.

And in a March 2015 meeting with the White House, the industry doubled down, with representatives of Norfolk Southern and other major railroad operators — including CSX Corp., Union Pacific Corp. and BNSF Railway Co. — insisting that the brake requirement “would not have significant safety benefits, would not have significant business benefits” and “would be extremely costly.”

“There was tremendous pushback,” recalled Cynthia Quarterman, who played a major role crafting the rules as head of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. “It was intense.”

Though the industry supported more stringent tank car standards, it took issue with the methodology and cost-benefit analysis underpinning the government’s plan for bolstering specific rupture-prone DOT-111 models with prescriptions for thicker walls and more robust pressure-relief valves. At least 16 of the tanker cars that went off the tracks in Ohio were those older models.

The Obama administration still imposed speed limits, braking system mandates and new tank car standards in 2015, but only after they were narrowed in response to industry pressure. The government also rejected a bid by the AAR to expand the new tank car standards so they applied evenly — even when a train is using only a few to haul hazardous material.

But the industry didn’t stop fighting the braking mandates.

When former President Donald Trump ordered federal agencies to winnow rules two years later, Norfolk Southern offered encouragement. Railroads operate under a “mountain of safety regulation,” the company told the Transportation Department in 2017, and “the substantial costs” of the brake requirements “cannot be justified.”

The Trump administration rescinded the brake mandates a year later.

The episodes reflect a classic power dynamic in the nation’s capital, where the balance is tilted in favor of industry, said James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the Center for Progressive Reform.

“There is not a single step of the rulemaking process that industry does not dominate,” Goodwin said. Businesses and industry groups wield unmatched influence and economic might to shape federal rules, he said, one that dwarfs the voice of other public stakeholders, such as workers and community residents.

Read more: Trump’s Ohio Visit Puts Spotlight on His Rail-Safety Record

The rail industry also successfully won more time to phase in more durable rail cars — until 2029 “from an originally envisioned date of 2025,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a Sunday letter to Norfolk Southern’s chief executive officer. “While we do not yet know what the NTSB investigation will conclude regarding what caused the derailment in East Palestine, we do know that these steps that Norfolk Southern and its peers lobbied against were intended to improve rail safety and to help keep Americans safe.”

Buttigieg, who will visit the eastern Ohio community on Thursday, is vowing that can’t happen again.

“Major derailments in the past have been followed by calls for reform – and by vigorous resistance by your industry to increased safety measures,” he told Norfolk’s Shaw. “This must change.”

Biden not being AT THE SITE is not politically bad for him. You just want others to believe that. Let them.

Tell me how it works for the Biden Administration to have passed laws undoing the deregulation of Train safety laws ? What is the process?

How does it work for regulating any other safety and health law? What are the steps, how long does it take for the bills to pass and go into law?

Here is the history of what has happened in the past 10 or more years in regards to regulating train safety:
Long before this month’s fiery derailment, railroad industry leaders battled regulations meant to boost freight train safety, including plans to bolster some of the very same tank cars that ruptured and released chemicals in eastern Ohio.

Norfolk Southern Corp. joined in fighting proposed speed limits and brake system requirements spawned by a series of high-profile accidents, including a lethal 2005 collision involving one of the operator’s own trains.

The intense lobbying campaign — which unfolded over years of direct appeals to lawmakers, regulators and White House officials — underscores the industry’s political sway in Washington and illustrates the challenge now facing Congress and the Biden administration as they vow a new crackdown.

Our experience is that “the rail industry pushes back hard on both safety and public disclosure rules — and keeps that opposition up long after the public scrutiny of tragic accidents abates,” said Kristen Boyles, managing attorney for the environmental group Earthjustice. “There should be a renewed push for safer trains and safer rail cars following the disaster in Ohio, and that pressure will need to be applied for as long as it takes to get new safety requirements and regulations in place.”

Norfolk Southern pledged in a Tuesday statement it would “learn from this terrible accident and work with regulators and elected officials to improve railroad safety.” And the company’s chief executive officer, Alan Shaw, said it will rip up tracks that had swiftly returned to use, so chemical-soaked soil under the rails can be removed.

Roughly a decade ago, Norfolk Southern was among the rail companies combating a host of proposed requirements for high-hazard flammable trains — generally those transporting at least 35 tank cars carrying particularly combustible liquids or 20 of them in a single block. The train that derailed Feb. 3 in East Palestine, Ohio, did not fall under that category, though the accident still unleashed a torrent of toxic chemicals, including vinyl chloride used in PVC pipes and the solvent ethylene glycol monobutyl ether.

The Transportation Department’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration had moved to propose tank car standards in response to a number of incidents in which they ruptured and released their contents. That included a 2005 crash in which a Norfolk Southern train hauling chlorine plowed into another, killing nine people in Graniteville, South Carolina. Regulators also sought to require the use of electronically controlled pneumatic braking systems that are designed to rapidly halt trains by applying brakes across their entire span simultaneously, instead of each car individually.

The industry’s top lobbying group, the Association of American Railroads, argued the technology would yield “minimal” safety benefits at a “tremendous” cost.

And in a March 2015 meeting with the White House, the industry doubled down, with representatives of Norfolk Southern and other major railroad operators — including CSX Corp., Union Pacific Corp. and BNSF Railway Co. — insisting that the brake requirement “would not have significant safety benefits, would not have significant business benefits” and “would be extremely costly.”

“There was tremendous pushback,” recalled Cynthia Quarterman, who played a major role crafting the rules as head of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. “It was intense.”

Though the industry supported more stringent tank car standards, it took issue with the methodology and cost-benefit analysis underpinning the government’s plan for bolstering specific rupture-prone DOT-111 models with prescriptions for thicker walls and more robust pressure-relief valves. At least 16 of the tanker cars that went off the tracks in Ohio were those older models.

The Obama administration still imposed speed limits, braking system mandates and new tank car standards in 2015, but only after they were narrowed in response to industry pressure. The government also rejected a bid by the AAR to expand the new tank car standards so they applied evenly — even when a train is using only a few to haul hazardous material.

But the industry didn’t stop fighting the braking mandates.

When former President Donald Trump ordered federal agencies to winnow rules two years later, Norfolk Southern offered encouragement. Railroads operate under a “mountain of safety regulation,” the company told the Transportation Department in 2017, and “the substantial costs” of the brake requirements “cannot be justified.”

The Trump administration rescinded the brake mandates a year later.

The episodes reflect a classic power dynamic in the nation’s capital, where the balance is tilted in favor of industry, said James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the Center for Progressive Reform.

“There is not a single step of the rulemaking process that industry does not dominate,” Goodwin said. Businesses and industry groups wield unmatched influence and economic might to shape federal rules, he said, one that dwarfs the voice of other public stakeholders, such as workers and community residents.

Read more: Trump’s Ohio Visit Puts Spotlight on His Rail-Safety Record

The rail industry also successfully won more time to phase in more durable rail cars — until 2029 “from an originally envisioned date of 2025,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a Sunday letter to Norfolk Southern’s chief executive officer. “While we do not yet know what the NTSB investigation will conclude regarding what caused the derailment in East Palestine, we do know that these steps that Norfolk Southern and its peers lobbied against were intended to improve rail safety and to help keep Americans safe.”

Buttigieg, who will visit the eastern Ohio community on Thursday, is vowing that can’t happen again.

“Major derailments in the past have been followed by calls for reform – and by vigorous resistance by your industry to increased safety measures,” he told Norfolk’s Shaw. “This must change.”

Which of the steps TRUMP! took made this disaster inevitable? And, if you don't think Quid Pro missing from the site is bad political optics, you don't understand politics.
Want to explain how saying that people are going to have to do more to save their nation than complain about is BS?

Something tells me you have no clue. Just want to see America in ashes.
Your last paragraph is more incitement to violence on the basis of original incitement to violence, which is what you are trying to create.

You show no examples, no proof. TOTAL BS
Which of the steps TRUMP! took made this disaster inevitable? And, if you don't think Quid Pro missing from the site is bad political optics, you don't understand politics.
Considering that Republicans have been losing elections since 2017, I think I understand Politics very well.

Read the article I posted and you will be able to figure out what contributed to this accident as well as many others.
The Biden administration and some lawmakers’ call for new freight railroad safety rules could face the same industry lobbying opposition that past attempts have encountered.

In the wake of the East Palestine, Ohio, derailment, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg rolled out an agenda for overhauling rail safety. It includes requiring at least two crew members to staff each train.

The secretary also touted a potential rule to require electronically controlled pneumatic (ECP) brakes on certain trains and called on Congress to phase in higher tank car standards at a faster pace (Greenwire, Feb. 21).

“Profit and expediency must never outweigh the safety of the American people,” he said in a statement. “We at USDOT are doing everything in our power to improve rail safety, and we insist that the rail industry do the same — while inviting Congress to work with us to raise the bar.”

All four senators representing Pennsylvania and Ohio, including Ohio Republican J.D. Vance, are also expressing support for new safety rules to prevent future disasters, including new crew size requirements.

“The one issue we have to be careful about is we don’t let Norfolk Southern off the hook,” Vance said during recent remarks.

The Association of American Railroads — the freight rail industry’s main lobbying group, which counts as a member Norfolk Southern Corp. — has called for policymakers to hold off on pursuing policy changes while the National Transportation Safety Board investigates.

“The NTSB’s independent investigators continue their work to identify the accident’s root cause and contributing factors,” AAR President Ian Jeffries said in a statement this week.

“That investigation must continue unimpeded by politics and speculation so NTSB’s findings can guide what additional measures may have prevented this accident,” said Jeffries.

“All stakeholders — railroads along with federal, state and local officials — must work to restore the public’s trust in the safety and security of our communities. We can only do that by letting the facts drive the post-accident response. At this time, the focus must be on the most pressing issue at hand — ensuring the community of East Palestine has all the support they need as it moves forward.”

Indeed, the powerful industry has for years worked to block, delay or reverse safety regulations, usually under the argument that they would be cost prohibitive or would not improve safety.

The freight rail industry has spent more than $254 million lobbying the federal government in the last decade, according to federal disclosures compiled by OpenSecrets.

In that same period, industry employees and political action committees gave $43.6 million to federal election campaigns, with most of the money going to Republicans, according to OpenSecrets data.

When did Biden undo the deregulation of the train safety laws? How was it supposed to happen? With Congress? Enough votes for it?

Trump DID deregulate those laws necessary to keep trains safe. Now he is blaming Biden and everyone else?

And this is what Trump does:

Trump was pictured alongside several crates of water bottles bearing his name that had already arrived; he said more would be arriving on trucks.

"We have big tractor-trailers full of water; I think you're going to have water for a long time maybe," he said.

However, it was quickly claimed that the water was over a decade out of date, and therefore could pose its own risk to drinkers' health.

"He goes to East Palestine and brings them Trump Water that might actually be at least 13 years old (the business went under in 2010)?" Tristan Snell, a lawyer who, as an assistant attorney general for New York was part of the legal team that prosecuted Trump University, tweeted. "Got it."

Quite a gimmick from Trump. "I am here to help you with 13 year old water"

You lying spinning pile of human garbage. how you go from "Electric Brake laws" to now "Train safety laws". No regulation was removed to GREASE the AXELS!!!
Another anti-American enemy combatant identified. Mark the tape.
Considering that Republicans have been losing elections since 2017, I think I understand Politics very well.
Those don't have any relationship, so it doesn't mean anything.
Read the article I posted and you will be able to figure out what contributed to this accident as well as many others.
Again, the Quid Pro administration had control of Congress and the White House for 2 years and did precisely nothing about the situation. Nothing, didn't even mention it.
“It’s clear that it’s a political stunt,” said former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a Republican and former member of Congress who led DOT during President Barack Obama’s first term. “If he wants to visit, he’s a citizen. But clearly his regulations and the elimination of them, and no emphasis on safety, is going to be pointed out.”

Buttigieg took his own veiled shot at Trump — though not by name — when answering a POLITICO reporter’s question about the tension between Trump’s rail safety record and his criticisms of the Biden administration.

“There is a chance for everybody who has a public voice on this issue to demonstrate whether they are interested in helping the people of East Palestine or using the people of East Palestine,” Buttigieg said. “A lot of the folks who seem to find political opportunity there are among those who have sided with the rail industry again and again and again as they have fought safety regulations on railroads and [hazardous materials] tooth and nail.”

(full article online)

Those don't have any relationship, so it doesn't mean anything.

Again, the Quid Pro administration had control of Congress and the White House for 2 years and did precisely nothing about the situation. Nothing, didn't even mention it.
Your knowledge of Politics is zero. And how things work in the accident world is even less. Thanks for confirming it.
Those don't have any relationship, so it doesn't mean anything.

Again, the Quid Pro administration had control of Congress and the White House for 2 years and did precisely nothing about the situation. Nothing, didn't even mention it.

The worthless pole-smoker was home breast-feeding the baby for the first 9 months.
Your last paragraph is more incitement to violence on the basis of original incitement to violence, which is what you are trying to create.

You show no examples, no proof. TOTAL BS

You are a fraud who obviously is overjoyed that Americans have passively allowed your communist dreams to come true while defending a regime obviously hell bent on Americas downfall.

Old Yeller was spot on about you.
“It’s clear that it’s a political stunt,” said former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a Republican and former member of Congress who led DOT during President Barack Obama’s first term. “If he wants to visit, he’s a citizen. But clearly his regulations and the elimination of them, and no emphasis on safety, is going to be pointed out.”

Buttigieg took his own veiled shot at Trump — though not by name — when answering a POLITICO reporter’s question about the tension between Trump’s rail safety record and his criticisms of the Biden administration.

“There is a chance for everybody who has a public voice on this issue to demonstrate whether they are interested in helping the people of East Palestine or using the people of East Palestine,” Buttigieg said. “A lot of the folks who seem to find political opportunity there are among those who have sided with the rail industry again and again and again as they have fought safety regulations on railroads and [hazardous materials] tooth and nail.”

(full article online)

Sure, TRUMP! being there is a political stunt, and it was brilliant. The campaign ads write themselves. You see TRUMP! at the scene of a disaster that impacts thousands of lives and is being handled badly juxtaposed with Quid Pro meandering around 5,000 miles away. There's all upside and no downside for TRUMP! because he's not responsible to fix the disaster, while Quid Pro is.
Your knowledge of Politics is zero. And how things work in the accident world is even less. Thanks for confirming it.
I know political optics, and this is bad for Quid Pro. You can pretend it's not, but that doesn't change anything. Just add a few destitute people who lost everything asking, "Where is the help we need? We pay taxes, God knows we pay taxes, where's the help?", then show Quid Pro gallivanting around 5,000 miles away as if the only thing on his mind is what flavor of pudding is for dinner. Useless or not, political leaders are expected to show up when disaster strikes to demonstrate that the plight of the people matters and help is on the way.
Who ignored the heat sensor warnings? Who did drained out or did not fill the Axel with required level of grease? Was this intentional? Another GOVT setup? will we be told the truth someday?
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