Biden’s climate law has led to 86,000 new jobs and $132 billion in investment, new report says

Do you see the Biden's splurging on lavish gifts or parties? No, they are very frugal and practical. That's what a smart couple who are both working can do . His finances are an open book. Try to look up trump's.
They live in freaking mansions, you idiot! Frugal? Hunter is a crack addict that burns through money buying drugs and hookers. You think Joe bought those mansions of his because his wife works? LOL She's a freaking teacher! This could be the dumbest post of the day...which considering 5th is saying something!
What do you know about what Grifty's 500 SHELL COMPANIES!!!!!, I mean, LLCs do for their money, Scoop?
I thought you said you had an MBA? Trump has about 500 companies. Who starts a company without creating an LLC? EVERYONE who starts a company that has other assets would create an LLC!!! You're no more an MBA than you're the Queen of England!
The Bidens on the other hand created LLC's that only appear to have had one hide the transfer of money to the Biden family!
I thought you said you had an MBA? Trump has about 500 companies. Who starts a company without creating an LLC? EVERYONE who starts a company that has other assets would create an LLC!!! You're no more an MBA than you're the Queen of England!
The Bidens on the other hand created LLC's that only appear to have had one hide the transfer of money to the Biden family!

That you think the former 1-term fuckup had 500 actual businesses. They were tax evasion LLCs.
Post em bagel9

I stand behind them as their BLS numbers.
I can't help the blind to see, but you should dam sure be feeling it in your wallet. Uh yet that's all depending on your situation though. How about quit trying to speak for the vast majority of citizens that don't see it or enjoy it your way. People are hurting and their getting poorer by the day under these fantasies Biden and his gang has.
I can't help the blind to see, but you should dam sure be feeling it in your wallet. Uh yet that's all depending on your situation though. How about quit trying to speak for the vast majority of citizens that don't see it or enjoy it your way. People are hurting and their getting poorer by the day under these fantasies Biden and his gang has.
You should stop speaking for anyone other than yourself.
They live in freaking mansions, you idiot! Frugal? Hunter is a crack addict that burns through money buying drugs and hookers. You think Joe bought those mansions of his because his wife works? LOL She's a freaking teacher! This could be the dumbest post of the day...which considering 5th is saying something!
It's a big house, trump lives ina mansion and spends money like it's going out of style. I'm talking about Joe and his wife, Hunter is an adult and does not live with them
I can partly understand your confusion. Joe has always been one of the less wealthy compared to his peers. Their value is about 9 million dollars through a book deal and real estate investments. Joe has always liked dealing in real estate.
I can't help the blind to see, but you should dam sure be feeling it in your wallet. Uh yet that's all depending on your situation though. How about quit trying to speak for the vast majority of citizens that don't see it or enjoy it your way. People are hurting and their getting poorer by the day under these fantasies Biden and his gang has.
Turns out that I can speak for others.

More than half of U.S. adults, 54%, said they think Trump should face criminal charges in that case, while 42% disagreed, according to the university's latest national survey, released Wednesday. That majority included 57% of respondents who said they were independents, and 12% of Republicans, along with nearly all Democrats.

Also, nearly two-thirds of respondents said they considered the federal charges against Trump to be serious, including 52% who said they were "very serious," the poll found.

"Not only do a large majority of Americans regard the federal charges as serious, more than half of Americans think the former president should face prosecution," Quinnipiac's polling analyst Tim Malloy said in a statement.
Let's totally ignore that trump's actions while he was president set up the inflation we are all experiencing. Doubling the national debt, destabilizing the regulations that kept growth stable and sustainable. Let's also not forget the role the pandemic played in all of this. Factors no president could control.
What was the rate of inflation before the pandemic, Stann? Since you admit that no President could control things in the midst of a pandemic...oh blamed Trump for the increase to the national debt that we incurred during the pandemic! Talk out of both sides of your mouth much?
The fact is...before the pandemic hit, Trump was giving us historically good economic numbers and he had inflation controlled rather nicely.

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