Biden’s climate law has led to 86,000 new jobs and $132 billion in investment, new report says

What was the rate of inflation before the pandemic, Stann? Since you admit that no President could control things in the midst of a pandemic...oh blamed Trump for the increase to the national debt that we incurred during the pandemic! Talk out of both sides of your mouth much?
The fact is...before the pandemic hit, Trump was giving us historically good economic numbers and he had inflation controlled rather nicely.
What historic numbers are you referring too.
And he would be wrong. Any economy with less than 4% unemployment for two straight years, is a great economy, anyway you try to spin it.

And inflation never hit 12%. It reach d 9% last year, only to be cut by more than half in one year. And would have never reached 9% except for pure coprporate greed, that the CEO’s of those corporations admitted on open calls during annual stock dividend reports to their shareholders.

Gas prices remained high in spite of the fact that oil was below $80 a barrel for over a year. The CEO of Shell openly admitted she was going to keep them high for her shareholders.

And none of these corporations paid over 3% in taxes, and some pain no taxes at all.

Joe Biden is the greatest economic President since WW2.

The poster that replied to my comment is not only an idiot, but a fool, and troll, and I’m being generous.

Oh yeah, would you like to know what the inflation rate is as in 2015, during Obama’s last year? .12%

And keep in mind, Trumps average GDP, never rose above 2%, and he was the only President to leave office with a net loss in jobs.
Core inflation hit 9% but that number didn't include the price of food or fuel, Skews. That 12% number that I mentioned is what economists arrived at if they DID include food and fuel in the calculation.
Americans are paying out an average of $700 more per month than they were a year ago . How is the "Inflation Reduction Act" doing it's job? That's laughable. That bill increased inflation.
On the other hand, ignoramus, the inflation is a problem all around the world ever since Putin invaded and screwed up 13% of the oil and grain markets, and Biden and American economy are doing better than anywhere else DUHHHHH.
Another tool with a dozen questions.

I've been doin' this for a while, Child..

If you cannot distinguish the critical difference between Assertion and Argument, don't engage me.
The fact that you somehow feel the need to argue the critical difference between Assertion and Argument simply illustrates how lost you are in this debate! Instead of responding to posts with well thought out try to muddy the water with nonsense. It's what people do when they don't HAVE an intelligent argument!
What was the rate of inflation before the pandemic, Stann? Since you admit that no President could control things in the midst of a pandemic...oh blamed Trump for the increase to the national debt that we incurred during the pandemic! Talk out of both sides of your mouth much?
The fact is...before the pandemic hit, Trump was giving us historically good economic numbers and he had inflation controlled rather nicely.
If you raise the debt by that much inflation has to occur. I said no president has absolute power over inflation. Sorry, I don't play your stupid games
On the other hand, ignoramus, the inflation is a problem all around the world ever since Putin invaded and screwed up 13% of the oil and grain markets, and Biden and American economy are doing better than anywhere else DUHHHHH.
Inflation was bad in the US long before Russia invaded Ukraine, Franco. Get your timelines straight!
If you raise the debt by that much inflation has to occur. I said no president has absolute power over inflation. Sorry, I don't play your stupid games
The President can't raise the debt...that has to be done by Congress. Remind me again who controlled Congress during the pandemic?
We follow the world pricing idiot.

And when we’re energy independent? Did we stop buying foreign oil sometimes between January 2017 to 2021?
We were a net exporter. Now we are not. Try using your head for something other than a hat rack.
People always worry about money. Normal

Inflation has been in decline all year and people are worrying less about.

The price of gas is up because of OPEC and our oil companies profits.

Only maga fuckups cry over their lost of olde friend Bud Light and bitch about the hardships of being white.
When Trump was in office he had to ask OPEC to raise prices because they had gone so low. Why? Because the US was producing so much oil and natural gas it was driving the price down globally. OPEC reacts to that by increasing it's own production.

When Biden began his war on Big Oil that decreased the amount of oil available worldwide which increased the price of oil. Opec reacted to that by decreasing production despite Joe begging them not to.
Dude, there's nothing on the internet about LLCs owned by President Biden.

So, theres that.
Of course not, Otto...the LLC's are shell companies that Hunter and James Biden created to funnel all of that illegal money to members of the Biden family...including "The Big Guy"!
The fact that you somehow feel the need to argue the critical difference between Assertion and Argument simply illustrates how lost you are in this debate! Instead of responding to posts with well thought out try to muddy the water with nonsense. It's what people do when they don't HAVE an intelligent argument!
More jibber jabber...


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