Biden’s climate law has led to 86,000 new jobs and $132 billion in investment, new report says

Who's gettin' th' kickback with all that untrackable money? I wanna know!!! It takes three thousand years to track down one trillion dollars. What a no-brainer way to pick taxpayer pockets, and at its best, we thought Foreign Aid Package extortions were large. No human being can get to the bottom of who is taking how much taxpayer money and putting it into megamillion homes, country clubs, and offshore accounts no one can track. Congress has gone stark, staring crazy mad for our money for groceries and gas. I just don't like them spending another $even hundred and fifty trillion dollar$. It'$ $limey
You are exactly right.... All this bull shite is nothing but vote buying and pick pocketing.. Good call. The citizen's have got to choose a conservative leader from a very formidable pack, and get this dog gone house back in order or we are done being a country.
Who's gettin' th' kickback with all that untrackable money? I wanna know!!! It takes three thousand years to track down one trillion dollars. What a no-brainer way to pick taxpayer pockets, and at its best, we thought Foreign Aid Package extortions were large. No human being can get to the bottom of who is taking how much taxpayer money and putting it into megamillion homes, country clubs, and offshore accounts no one can track. Congress has gone stark, staring crazy mad for our money for groceries and gas. I just don't like them spending another $even hundred and fifty trillion dollar$. It'$ $limey
. I just don't like them spending another $even hundred and fifty trillion dollar$. It'$ $limey
You are, literally, a moron.

It's 750 Billion.
Like after your side produces any 2020 election fraud.
Stay tuned for Biden to politically crumble right before your very eyes. No way that cat wins again, and so you best get ready to yell at the sky some more . 😂
You are, literally, a moron.

It's 750 Billion.
Hook, line, sinker! I'm getting over pneumonia, and I just woke up from a nap. I missed a trillion by 3 zeros. I'm not used to 4 kinds of meds to kill off chronic bronchial pneumonia. My doctor said I was gonna be fine after 6 solid weeks of coughing and hacking. Meanwhile, you're on ignore for being an overbearing TDS nut who fell way down the rabbit hole for the Rodham/Clinton lie about Trump colluding with Russians. :cranky:
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We have the best inflation and the best economy in the world, troll.
The best inflation? Do you know what it's like for my nephew's family who just welcomed their 5th baby into the world and are having trouble paying the rent? You must live in an ivory tower, sir. It's a long way from the top of the tower to the ground. Do not get careless up there and fall. :tongue:
Says the guy who claims to have an MBA but thinks it's "sinister" that Trump's 500 corporations were formed with 500 LLC's! You're a poser, 5th. The most pitiful kind of internet troll. So insecure you have to make up things about yourself.
We got them at the same place....

And I really can't believe how stupid you are.

What is the difference between an LLC and a SHELL CORPORATION!!!!! ?
The best inflation? Do you know what it's like for my nephew's family who just welcomed their 5th baby into the world and are having trouble paying the rent? You must live in an ivory tower, sir. It's a long way from the top of the tower to the ground. Do not get careless up there and fall. :tongue:
who just welcomed their 5th baby into the world and are having trouble paying the rent?

Should have thought of that before the THIRD baby.

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