Biden's doing a great job.

Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Also...Trump is the first president in modern times to actively attempt to sabotage his successor and did so by depriving him of a meaningful transition.
So you fully admit that Biden got started a lot later than any other President in modern history - and that it's only *checks notes*

71 days in...and still you're all-in with the GOP on attacking him for his border policies, eh?
Look, I'm not saying Biden is fully to blame but he's not free from it either. Comes with the territory.
I think he's handling it close to perfectly. I mean, to me, perfectly would be the Feds sucking 1 bil out of Jeff Bezos account and using it to buy a piece of Texas to give to the immigrants -- but Biden is doing a pretty okay job.
That's silly.

I dunno if you were paying attention the past 4 years, but ICE was basically a dehumanized SS-type arm of the government under Trump. They raided places during the daytime and children would go home from school and their parents would be gone. No lie.
True. The blob is and was a disgusting piece of trash.

So I mean...whatever, man. Find something else to get upset about.

Calling it "perfect" or "close to perfect" and knowing what the conditions are is delusional.

Upset? No. Being realistic. Biden needs to do a better job.
Not silly at all. Could use a giant vacuum and turn Bezos upside down and shake him while money falls out of his pockets. It would be cathartic.

PS: Eat the rich.

Calling it "perfect" or "close to perfect" and knowing what the conditions are is delusional.

Upset? No. Being realistic. Biden needs to do a better job.

When 71 days ago, the kids were in cages standing shoulder-to-shoulder and being videotaped by mobs of media using them as props

to 71 days later where they have computers and basketball hoops and are outside and the media isn't running through with cameras treating them like a zoo and dehumanizing them

I mean yeah, it's close to perfect as you're going to get without Biden going down there himself with Jimmy Carter and building Habitat for Humanity Homes.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Guess you missed the crisis on the boarder that he's responsible for. The thousands of kids in cages that you were all over Trump about. How bout all the illegals that the stuttering fuck told to come on over. Many with the Chinese virus. We tax payers are paying for motel rooms for them instead of packing them on busses and shipping them back to the border where they belong.

I also guess you missed all the pork in the Chinese virus relief bill. You know, using tax money to bail out Union pension funds. Lord knows what else is in that bill that we tax payers will be paying for. Oh and lets not talk about the EO's and green shit he's pushing.

Oh and lets talk about all that unhinged hate on the left that Trump had to put up with for four years. You were right there with your unhinged hate every day on this board.

Oh yeah. Your unhinged lefty hate sure lets you lie about the great job the stuttering fuck is doing. LOL

So for F-minus on the stuttering fuck you voted for.

You sound upset and dumb.


I'm not upset. But you sure are. You voted for a stuttering fuck who's made a mess of the country. Dummy. LOL
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
That's why they have turned to restrictive voting laws and Mexiscare.
Not silly at all. Could use a giant vacuum and turn Bezos upside down and shake him while money falls out of his pockets. It would be cathartic.

PS: Eat the rich.

Calling it "perfect" or "close to perfect" and knowing what the conditions are is delusional.

Upset? No. Being realistic. Biden needs to do a better job.

When 71 days ago, the kids were in cages standing shoulder-to-shoulder and being videotaped by mobs of media using them as props

to 71 days later where they have computers and basketball hoops and are outside and the media isn't running through with cameras treating them like a zoo and dehumanizing them

I mean yeah, it's close to perfect as you're going to get without Biden going down there himself with Jimmy Carter and building Habitat for Humanity Homes.
Biden is a liar everyday. We owe no patriotism to that. You are going to find out that getting ten dollars out of one dollar in revenue is not sustainable. And we are finding out because we can not get more then an average of 2 per cent or so growth anymore.
DHS falls under Biden. Part of DHS is the Border Patrol. Congress plays a role... but Joe inherited a mess. He didn't inherit it from the Congress. He inherited it from the Blob who intentionally sabotaged him. He's not fully to blame but he's not free from it either.

Such utter BS. The border was doing fantastic until the media predicted Biden would win hands down. When he won, that's when the problems started to grow.

Watch a real news station sometime. They interviewed migrants crossing into our country who said the reason they are coming now IS because of Biden. Real news stations show these filthy diseased people wearing Biden tee shirts, not Trump's. When Dementia rescinded the Stop At Mexico policy, that's the green light they needed to flood our borders like they are now.

I know you belong to the party of irresponsibility, and that's why I predicted long before the election that if Dementia won, you on the left would be doing exactly what you are doing here, and that is trying to blame the best President this country has seen in years for the tragedies your people are going to create, and have created in the past two months.
It’s Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform, it’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issue of immigration – not the executive’s; absent Congressional action the next president will fare the same as Biden.

The last executive fixed our border problem. If reelected, we wouldn't have a border problem today.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, dang, isn't that why all the illegals are crossing the border.

Indeed,No surprise in the least a thread like this would be made by Langley shill candyass.this fake Raiders fan does not have anything against republicans he just hates Trump sense he is not part of the corrupt two party system that is why he NEVER had one bad word to say about Bush. He loves Biden sense he is continuing what Obama did and Bush before him,letting illegals into the country. thats candyasses boy there.
It’s Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform, it’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issue of immigration – not the executive’s; absent Congressional action the next president will fare the same as Biden.

The last executive fixed our border problem. If reelected, we wouldn't have a border problem today.

Yup. Trump had the border handled. ICE and the Border Patrol had the power they needed to keep illegals out. The fully funded wall would have gone a long way make that happen.

Trump made a deal with Mexico to send Mexican troops to the border to stop the convoys from South America from getting to our border. Anyone who did had to wait in Mexico for their court date.

Trump had it handled very well and that stuttering fuck made a mess of it all.
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Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.

He doesn't even know where his heart is on his body. It's humane to bus these thousands of non-tested Covid immigrants all over the country to infect Americans who are just trying to stay alive until we are vaccinated enough to be safe?
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Yeah, well the fact of the matter is Dementia is doing nothing but riding on the coattails of Trump's success with the vaccine. Look at the chart. It's the exact same trajectory as when Trump was President. He didn't do anything but take credit, but we all know Democrats are born liars and thieves.

Americans got the least from the 2 trillion dollar Pork bill. That crummy $1,400 won't do all that much for Americans.

A- from a guy who pissed off an American Indian tribe, a guy who pissed off our friends in Canada, a guy who pissed of the people of New Mexico, a guy who pissed off ICE and our Border Patrol, a guy who pissed off the workers on the Keystone and the wall, a guy who pissed off parents with athletic daughters in school, a guy that pissed off our military men and women, a ;guy who pissed off Americans that need a sizeable amount of gasoline to get to work and back, a guy who pissed off the transportation industry, a guy who is packing Covid kids and adults in detention centers because he reversed all of Trump's successful policies, and is sending these diseased and contagious people all across the country coast to coast to make Americans sick or cause their death.

All this success in just a little over 2 months. Imagine how bad it's going to be here in two years until the Republicans take over Congress to stop his destruction of our country.,

as always,candyass gets embarrassed.:up:
I walked to the park last week and children were laughing and playing again. It has been 4 long years since I saw the smile of a child...Trump took away all joy in life.

Good grief

what else did you expect from the child to post?

Something not so fcking stupid

Absolutely nobody believes that shit

well with that child,you are holding up too much hope to think he will ever say something not stupid.thats the norm for HIM.
There's always a small minority of Blacks who vote republican. Ex Presidential candidate Herman Caine was Black. He went to a trump rally, got the virus, and died. No distancing or masks at rallies is how stupid republicans are.

This coming from a person that supported a President who is packing people into holding facilities with no masks, no social distancing, and no testing, and then sending them out on buses all over the country?
See what I mean...unhinged impotent hate from the right....

Biden is doing a great job and you guys are so incredibly angry about it. You should storm the capitol again. LOL

This is a country we love and you on the left hate. That's why you are all over USMB telling us how much better it is in other countries. Of course when we see communism taking over the United States we will be pissed. Too many people died for our freedom which you on the left are trying to eliminate.
He works for Langley so thats WHY he hates America.
I walked to the park last week and children were laughing and playing again. It has been 4 long years since I saw the smile of a child...Trump took away all joy in life.
You really sound as weird as you look in your profile.

yeah the fact he sounds as weird as he looks in his photo,pretty much the entire board knows he is a kid pretending to be an adult.

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