Biden's doing a great job.

All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

As a hater of Democrats and Republicans, I'd say Biden isn't doing a good job.

The best thing he's doing is that he's not in my face all the time like Trump was. But I really only notice what he's up to when people are laughing at him.

His policies seem to be straight out of the Democratic playbook. Rather than policies that make sense, it's just politics for the sake of politics.

I think the US is going to be three out of four on the ridiculous scale for the last presidents. Bush, Trump and Biden.... not really much to get excited about.

Thats true. He's not breaking any new ground. He's executing the plays he has called so far.
Completing the $2K stimulus. Check.
Vaccines being distributed. Check.
Standing firm against Russia and NK. Check.
Cabinet appointees. Check.
Returning some normalcy and sanity. Check.
"Turning down the temperature" (as much as a POTUS can). Check.

He's also opened the borders up, which is kind of insanity.

And he keeps making a fool out of himself speaking.
No he didn't.

And he sounds good to me
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

As a hater of Democrats and Republicans, I'd say Biden isn't doing a good job.

The best thing he's doing is that he's not in my face all the time like Trump was. But I really only notice what he's up to when people are laughing at him.

His policies seem to be straight out of the Democratic playbook. Rather than policies that make sense, it's just politics for the sake of politics.

I think the US is going to be three out of four on the ridiculous scale for the last presidents. Bush, Trump and Biden.... not really much to get excited about.

Thats true. He's not breaking any new ground. He's executing the plays he has called so far.
Completing the $2K stimulus. Check.
Vaccines being distributed. Check.
Standing firm against Russia and NK. Check.
Cabinet appointees. Check.
Returning some normalcy and sanity. Check.
"Turning down the temperature" (as much as a POTUS can). Check.

He's also opened the borders up, which is kind of insanity.

And he keeps making a fool out of himself speaking.
No he didn't.

And he sounds good to me

Okay, he didn't literally say "the borders are open", but he might as well have done.

Biden didn't 'open' the U.S.-Mexico border, but it isn't 'closed' either"

For those who want to get into the US, the border is effectively open.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

As a hater of Democrats and Republicans, I'd say Biden isn't doing a good job.

The best thing he's doing is that he's not in my face all the time like Trump was. But I really only notice what he's up to when people are laughing at him.

His policies seem to be straight out of the Democratic playbook. Rather than policies that make sense, it's just politics for the sake of politics.

I think the US is going to be three out of four on the ridiculous scale for the last presidents. Bush, Trump and Biden.... not really much to get excited about.

Thats true. He's not breaking any new ground. He's executing the plays he has called so far.
Completing the $2K stimulus. Check.
Vaccines being distributed. Check.
Standing firm against Russia and NK. Check.
Cabinet appointees. Check.
Returning some normalcy and sanity. Check.
"Turning down the temperature" (as much as a POTUS can). Check.

He's also opened the borders up, which is kind of insanity.

And he keeps making a fool out of himself speaking.
No he didn't.

And he sounds good to me

Because you're an ignorant moron.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.
What's faulty about it?
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

You will find out when your taxes go sky high. But, I guess it don't matter to people on Welfare.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Guess you missed the crisis on the boarder that he's responsible for. The thousands of kids in cages that you were all over Trump about. How bout all the illegals that the stuttering fuck told to come on over. Many with the Chinese virus. We tax payers are paying for motel rooms for them instead of packing them on busses and shipping them back to the border where they belong.

I also guess you missed all the pork in the Chinese virus relief bill. You know, using tax money to bail out Union pension funds. Lord knows what else is in that bill that we tax payers will be paying for. Oh and lets not talk about the EO's and green shit he's pushing.

Oh and lets talk about all that unhinged hate on the left that Trump had to put up with for four years. You were right there with your unhinged hate every day on this board.

Oh yeah. Your unhinged lefty hate sure lets you lie about the great job the stuttering fuck is doing. LOL

So for F-minus on the stuttering fuck you voted for.
Last edited:
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
We see the children everyday in blue areas acting out as the flowers of humanity. Your Party will turn on you. You have increased homelessness in many areas of the nation. It is a disgrace. High rises are near empty or partially full in many cities. Businesses on the ground level in many shopping districts like empty block after block in cities. Rich Progs driving through these areas should be ashamed of themselves for what they supported. Self destructive to that point means crazy. And to much crazy is in power.
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
We see the children everyday in blue areas acting out as the flowers of humanity. Your Party will turn on you. You have increased homelessness in many areas of the nation. It is a disgrace. High rises are near empty or partially full in many cities. Businesses on the ground level in many shopping districts like empty block after block in cities. Rich Progs driving through these areas should be ashamed of themselves for what they supported. Self destructive to that point means crazy. And to much crazy is in power.
As I said, you're free to wallow in paranoia and rage. There's another mess to clean up.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.
What's faulty about it?

This is one of the issues:

The story chronicles how detainees from the Reynosa region (near the Gulf of Mexico) are flown to El Paso and deported there. I'm sure they are doing the best they can but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense from a humanitarian viewpoint or a financial viewpoint. Humanitarian concerns of being dropped off in Juarez instead of Reynosa or Matamoros. Hell or even Nuevo Laredo. Financial insofar as flying them all the way over there to deport them.

Its puzzling. Joe needs to do better.
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Also...Trump is the first president in modern times to actively attempt to sabotage his successor and did so by depriving him of a meaningful transition.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

Guess you missed the crisis on the boarder that he's responsible for. The thousands of kids in cages that you were all over Trump about. How bout all the illegals that the stuttering fuck told to come on over. Many with the Chinese virus. We tax payers are paying for motel rooms for them instead of packing them on busses and shipping them back to the border where they belong.

I also guess you missed all the pork in the Chinese virus relief bill. You know, using tax money to bail out Union pension funds. Lord knows what else is in that bill that we tax payers will be paying for. Oh and lets not talk about the EO's and green shit he's pushing.

Oh and lets talk about all that unhinged hate on the left that Trump had to put up with for four years. You were right there with your unhinged hate every day on this board.

Oh yeah. Your unhinged lefty hate sure lets you lie about the great job the stuttering fuck is doing. LOL

So for F-minus on the stuttering fuck you voted for.

You sound upset and dumb.

Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Also...Trump is the first president in modern times to actively attempt to sabotage his successor and did so by depriving him of a meaningful transition.
So you fully admit that Biden got started a lot later than any other President in modern history - and that it's only *checks notes*

71 days in...and still you're all-in with the GOP on attacking him for his border policies, eh?
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.
It’s Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform, it’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issue of immigration – not the executive’s; absent Congressional action the next president will fare the same as Biden.
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Also...Trump is the first president in modern times to actively attempt to sabotage his successor and did so by depriving him of a meaningful transition.
So you fully admit that Biden got started a lot later than any other President in modern history - and that it's only *checks notes*

71 days in...and still you're all-in with the GOP on attacking him for his border policies, eh?
Look, I'm not saying Biden is fully to blame but he's not free from it either. Comes with the territory.
Considering what he inherited (again), some obvious problems (the Dems brought the border mess on themselves), but certainly good enough.

On top of the absolutely wonderful addition by subtraction of the former guy.

The Trumpsters are free to wallow in their paranoia and rage. It's just noise, like children at a dinner party.
Also...Trump is the first president in modern times to actively attempt to sabotage his successor and did so by depriving him of a meaningful transition.
So you fully admit that Biden got started a lot later than any other President in modern history - and that it's only *checks notes*

71 days in...and still you're all-in with the GOP on attacking him for his border policies, eh?
Look, I'm not saying Biden is fully to blame but he's not free from it either. Comes with the territory.
I think he's handling it close to perfectly. I mean, to me, perfectly would be the Feds sucking 1 bil out of Jeff Bezos account and using it to buy a piece of Texas to give to the immigrants -- but Biden is doing a pretty okay job.

I dunno if you were paying attention the past 4 years, but ICE was basically a dehumanized SS-type arm of the government under Trump. They raided places during the daytime and children would go home from school and their parents would be gone. No lie.

So I mean...whatever, man. Find something else to get upset about.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.

The baseless attacks on Biden by the right and conservatives’ incessant lying about the president is conformation that Biden is doing a great job.

I disagree with Biden about guns, of course, but he’s otherwise correct on the other issues.
Well, I think his execution on immigration is faulty but when you don't have any meaningful transition and we're moving from a sick and perverted policy from the incumbent to a humane and reasoned policy of Biden, there are bound to be fissures. One thing that any sober observer would agree on is that Joe's heart is in the right place. You couldn't say the same about the previous administration on any topic really.
It’s Congress’ failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform, it’s Congress’ responsibility to address the issue of immigration – not the executive’s; absent Congressional action the next president will fare the same as Biden.
DHS falls under Biden. Part of DHS is the Border Patrol. Congress plays a role... but Joe inherited a mess. He didn't inherit it from the Congress. He inherited it from the Blob who intentionally sabotaged him. He's not fully to blame but he's not free from it either.

I do like that he's cutting GEO Group out of the loop (somewhat) by not setting up a permanent revolving door of detainment with private prisons along the border. He's keeping it public sector which is much better.

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