Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.

On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read
That’s so funny. The incompetence has been the last four years.
Delusional trumpkins
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read

Per your signature, leftists would reduce us all to dependant and impoverished wards of the state, i.e., to shuffling n i g g e r s.
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read

I'm not from out West, but I can tell you that this single decision has done more to ramp up "WEXIT" talk in Canada than possibly any before it. This is a separation movement that is gaining ground in Alberta, Saskatchewan and I think Manitoba. People feel neglected and unhappy with the double standard in the way they are treated, vs. how the low performers in Ontario are treated. Canada as a whole is decades behind the rest of the world, but the West had for a long time been subsidizing the East, primarily through oil. While the East continued to lose it's best talent.

There have been calls for Canada to hit the U.S with sanctions and the government of Alberta is probably going to sue the U.S as they have put $1.5B of taxpayer funding into making this pipeline viable. The sanctions probably don't happen, but Canadas kakistocracy is being exposed more than ever before as we see our nation offers little to the world.

Me personally, I think America has to decide what is best for them and I've always said that elections have consequences. I'm clearly not feeling welcome in my own country and human rights are non-existent here, so Canada has to walk a fine line, since they know Europe and other nations have already turned their backs on us long before Biden was in office. Some of this disregarding of us as a nation is certainly related to our human right record and fossil-like view of the role of government.

The question I have asked is, "if you don't get oil from Canada or from your own land, who are you going to get it from"?
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On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously
I believe in Global Warming. It is currently like 100 below (not literally) but feels that way in Boston.
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

The post one article remains unchallenged.
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

The post one article remains unchallenged.
Don't worry there are many pipelines that are expanding and there is work there.
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

The post one article remains unchallenged.
Don't worry there are many pipelines that are expanding and there is work there.

You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

Since you didn't read it, you have no idea how foolish your reply is.
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

The post one article remains unchallenged.
Don't worry there are many pipelines that are expanding and there is work there.

You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

Since you didn't read it, you have no idea how foolish your reply is.
You have yet to post anything in relation to the article..

Watts Up With That?
On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

Remember that day? We still have a depressed oil market and gasoline supply glut, and you want more oil to flood the market? It is ideas like yours which destroys oil companies because of high debt and low prices.


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?
Your article is nonsense and not worth taking seriously. Climate deniers never are worth taking seriously


You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

The post one article remains unchallenged.
Don't worry there are many pipelines that are expanding and there is work there.

You didn't read the article at all, why do you post in ignorance so much?

Since you didn't read it, you have no idea how foolish your reply is.
You have yet to post anything in relation to the article..

Watts Up With That?

You have yet to show evidence that you read the full article, you haven't shown any indication what it is about either.

I read it all the way through, which is why I KNOW your replies are ignorant and stupid.

Democrats are slow to defend Biden here over his idiotic shutdown of the pipeline, which will actually INCREASE air pollution, leaks into the environment and get sued over it.

Yes I did the read the entire article unlike some lazy ass liberals who posted here.
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read
Your ignorance is on display.

Keystone is tar sands 'oil.'
They strip mine it by cutting down forests that have to be reclaimed.
It's the consistently of Asphalt, not oil as you know it.
It needs 3 barrels per of fresh water to make the **** flow thru a pipeline.
All that water becomes toxic. Not to mention the refining byproducts coming off this ****.

We have our own cleaner oil wells shut in or not started. We don't need that toxic **** just to have a labor-intensive Canadian jobs program that the oil sands are.
And... they would have to stop pumping at some point if we didn't take it because the Canadians themselves don't want it going overland by Pipe (Banned it. Kinder Morgan sold it's failed rights to the Cdn Govt), and trains aren't worth it. BC doesn't want it going over their land.

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..he is like a doctor treating someone's broken foot, while he bleeds to death
Watts Up With That?

Biden’s energy & climate incompetence on full display

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin



On his very first day in office Biden killed the TC Energy Keystone pipeline project as reported upon by the Wall Street Journal thereby demonstrating his and the Democratic Party’s colossal incompetence and ignorance of energy and climate realities at home and abroad.

His idiotic decision to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline was noted by the WSJ article as being “a slap at Canada” demonstrating that under his administration “investors that play by U.S. rules” will be subject to arbitrary political whims that represent nothing but Democrats pushing climate alarmism hype in the name of “fighting climate change” with these schemes always being irrelevant to the continuing global CO2 emissions upward climb driven exclusively by the world’s developing nations led by China and India.

As addressed in the Wall Street Journal article the Keystone pipeline project would have provided for moving up to 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. This long environmentally reviewed project has no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since this crude will still be extracted in any event whether for U.S. benefit or benefit to other global purchasers that are adversarial to U.S. energy interests.

Shipping this crude using rail or tanker would increase CO2 transportation emissions by between 28% to 42% and with higher leak likelihood. Killing Keystone will strand billions of dollars in Canadian investment alienating a key ally and kill thousands of U.S. jobs including 10,000 American union construction jobs, steel pipe made in the U.S., a 10 million Green Job Training Fund, $500 million for indigenous suppliers and jobs and 100% renewable power to operate the pipeline.

LINK for a lot more to read
Your ignorance is on display.

Keystone is tar sands 'oil.'
They strip mine it by cutting down forests that have to be reclaimed.
It's the consistently of Asphalt, not oil as you know it.
It needs 3 barrels per of fresh water to make the **** flow thru a pipeline.
All that water becomes toxic. Not to mention the refining byproducts coming off this ****.

We have our own cleaner oil wells shut in or not started. We don't need that toxic **** just to have a labor-intensive Canadian jobs program that the oil sands are.
And... they would have to stop pumping at some point if we didn't take it because the Canadians themselves don't want it going overland by Pipe (Banned it. Kinder Morgan sold it's failed rights to the Cdn Govt), and trains aren't worth it. BC doesn't want it going over their land.


You didn't read the article either.....

Ignorance is deliberate, democrats do it every day!

Article remains unchallenged.
You didn't read the article either.....

Ignorance is deliberate, democrats do it every day!

Article remains unchallenged.
IOW, and unlike me...
YOU are Non-conversant on the topic.
That's what you get for copying that Idiot Blog, and lately become the 'Jack Hays' of this one, just spamming WUWT/WTFUWT.

You didn't read the article either.....

Ignorance is deliberate, democrats do it every day!

Article remains unchallenged.
IOW, and unlike me...
YOU are Non-conversant on the topic.
That's what you get for copying that Idiot Blog, and lately become the 'Jack Hays' of this one, just spamming WUWT/WTFUWT.


You didn't read the article either.....

Ignorance is deliberate, democrats do it every day!

Article remains unchallenged.

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