Biden's family got 'interest-free,' 'forgivable' loan from China, new evidence reveals


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The Biden Crime Family sold out to Russia and to China.

This is what the DoJ needs to take down, not an 87-year-old grandmother, who survived a death camp, because she protested in favor of life outside an abortion mill and the DoJ has indicted her and the FBI arrested her.

... Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest, forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China, according to evidence in the possession of the FBI.

The loan arrangement, confirmed in documents obtained by Just the News and also new information released by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), shows the Chinese energy firm CEFC Beijing International Energy Company Limited understood the transaction would benefit Joe Biden's family (referred to as "BD family" in the emails), but it also was creating heartburn with its own compliance/risk management officers.

The Chinese company's leaders "fully support the framework of establishing the JV (joint venture), based on their trust on BD family," stated a July 26, 2017 email from a CEFC official to Tony Bobulinski, a Hunter Biden business partner at the time. The email was written in part to explain why there had been a delay in getting the money to a firm called SinoHawk associated with the future president's son and brother, Hunter Biden and James Biden, respectively.


"After Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the benefits they procured for CEFC," the senator wrote.

You can read Grassley's full letter here:


Grassley said the scheme "to compensate the Bidens was supposed to consist of an unsecured $5 million loan, intended to be forgivable, from CEFC in 2017." The senator said his office has information that a few months before the $5 million was paid "Hunter Biden yelled at CEFC officials at a meeting for failing to fund the joint venture" and that "James Biden considered calling CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals."

Grassley's letter said that when the money was finally paid it did not go to the SinoHawk firm involving Bobulinski as originally conceived. Rather, it was sent to a Biden family-connected firm called Hudson West III before being transferred to entities tied to Hunter Biden and James Biden, the senator related.

Hudson WestLegalInvoice.pdf

Lawyers for Hunter Biden and James Biden have denied their clients have done anything wrong, but have declined to answer specific questions from Just the News.


The Biden Crime Family sold out to Russia and to China.

This is what the DoJ needs to take down, not an 87-year-old grandmother, who survived a death camp, because she protested in favor of life outside an abortion mill and the DoJ has indicted her and the FBI arrested her.

... Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest, forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China, according to evidence in the possession of the FBI.
The loan arrangement, confirmed in documents obtained by Just the News and also new information released by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), shows the Chinese energy firm CEFC Beijing International Energy Company Limited understood the transaction would benefit Joe Biden's family (referred to as "BD family" in the emails), but it also was creating heartburn with its own compliance/risk management officers.
The Chinese company's leaders "fully support the framework of establishing the JV (joint venture), based on their trust on BD family," stated a July 26, 2017 email from a CEFC official to Tony Bobulinski, a Hunter Biden business partner at the time. The email was written in part to explain why there had been a delay in getting the money to a firm called SinoHawk associated with the future president's son and brother, Hunter Biden and James Biden, respectively.
"After Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the benefits they procured for CEFC," the senator wrote.
You can read Grassley's full letter here:
Grassley said the scheme "to compensate the Bidens was supposed to consist of an unsecured $5 million loan, intended to be forgivable, from CEFC in 2017." The senator said his office has information that a few months before the $5 million was paid "Hunter Biden yelled at CEFC officials at a meeting for failing to fund the joint venture" and that "James Biden considered calling CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals."
Grassley's letter said that when the money was finally paid it did not go to the SinoHawk firm involving Bobulinski as originally conceived. Rather, it was sent to a Biden family-connected firm called Hudson West III before being transferred to entities tied to Hunter Biden and James Biden, the senator related.
Lawyers for Hunter Biden and James Biden have denied their clients have done anything wrong, but have declined to answer specific questions from Just the News.

I just hope that once we win Congress, the Republicans don’t tuck tail. They’ve shown how they’re afraid to fight back against the Marxists.
That will require getting shed of McCarthy and The Turtle as leaders in the House/Senate.....To hell with that "high road".
Yup. That’s our failing. We (as in Congressional Republicans) refuse to lower ourselves to the level of Democrats, and nice guys finish last.
I just hope that once we win Congress, the Republicans don’t tuck tail. They’ve shown how they’re afraid to fight back against the Marxists.

I agree, I hope once the GOP takes the House they do nothing but investigate the Biden's and impeach him and a dozen others.
No one has gone lower than the 800+ arrested at Trump`s Steal The Election riot.
Nope. Lower was when the Democrats refused the National Guard’s help to control the savages who were burning, looting, and murdering their way across America. The Democrats were rooting for as much death and destruction as possible because they wanted to use the Left’s criminal actions to make Trump look bad.
No one has gone lower than the 800+ arrested at Trump`s Steal The Election riot.
Yea, in the six months of the Negro and Communist insurrection with massive looting, destruction, murder and rioting the goddamn Democrats in the big cities told the police to stand down.
You'd figure with the alleged billions China paid him on top of the alleged millions china paid him on he wouldn't need a loan.

Biden got billions from Russia, Ukraine, and China...

Well the Chinese did give the bidens billions of dollars .

You mean like taking his son to China while on government business where he got a billion dollar contract?

He even rode on Air Force Two with his dad to China, and two days later the Chinese communist party bribed Biden by investing 2 billion into the white privedged entitled spoiled brat’s hedge fund.

China gave the Bidens a billion dollars.

Right wing loons don't even try any more...they just fling shit and hope someone believes them.
"The Biden Crime Family sold out to Russia and to China."

You know when you say the Biden family sold out to Russia and China, you mean Tramp sold them out.
not sure how trump made the xiden family get corrupted by their chinese puppet masters.
He is my President.
The Biden Crime Family sold out to Russia and to China.

This is what the DoJ needs to take down, not an 87-year-old grandmother, who survived a death camp, because she protested in favor of life outside an abortion mill and the DoJ has indicted her and the FBI arrested her.

... Five years earlier, his family cashed in on a zero-interest, forgivable loan of its own from an energy company in communist China, according to evidence in the possession of the FBI.
The loan arrangement, confirmed in documents obtained by Just the News and also new information released by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), shows the Chinese energy firm CEFC Beijing International Energy Company Limited understood the transaction would benefit Joe Biden's family (referred to as "BD family" in the emails), but it also was creating heartburn with its own compliance/risk management officers.
The Chinese company's leaders "fully support the framework of establishing the JV (joint venture), based on their trust on BD family," stated a July 26, 2017 email from a CEFC official to Tony Bobulinski, a Hunter Biden business partner at the time. The email was written in part to explain why there had been a delay in getting the money to a firm called SinoHawk associated with the future president's son and brother, Hunter Biden and James Biden, respectively.
"After Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, the summary makes clear that Hunter Biden and James Biden worked with CEFC and affiliated individuals to compensate them for that past work and the benefits they procured for CEFC," the senator wrote.
You can read Grassley's full letter here:
Grassley said the scheme "to compensate the Bidens was supposed to consist of an unsecured $5 million loan, intended to be forgivable, from CEFC in 2017." The senator said his office has information that a few months before the $5 million was paid "Hunter Biden yelled at CEFC officials at a meeting for failing to fund the joint venture" and that "James Biden considered calling CEFC officials and threatening to withdraw Biden family support from future deals."
Grassley's letter said that when the money was finally paid it did not go to the SinoHawk firm involving Bobulinski as originally conceived. Rather, it was sent to a Biden family-connected firm called Hudson West III before being transferred to entities tied to Hunter Biden and James Biden, the senator related.
Lawyers for Hunter Biden and James Biden have denied their clients have done anything wrong, but have declined to answer specific questions from Just the News.

Both parties do it-duh, but you don't ever say anything when your side does it. Hypocrite much?

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