Biden's first 100 days: Has he really acccomplished anything?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency
Biden has destroyed thousands of American jobs and flooded the border with 100's of thousands of Covid infected illegals he's spending $60 million a day to house, feed, and clean. He's gifted millions of American jobs and trillions of American's money to 'climate change'. The guy is a walking disaster area.
You can't be outdone by yer predecessor.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency
Well, he has signed more EO's in his first 100 days than the last 10 presidents combined, even though he didn't know what he was signing...

Biden Caught On Hot Mic Allegedly Saying: "I Don't Know What(Where) I'm Signing,' - Signs Executive Order Anyway (Video) – Right Journalism

He's a buffoon, and his handlers know it. He's nothing more than a figure head, a Weekend At Bernie's puppet.
Apparently, we'll never really know what if anything, Biden has accomplished. That, thanks to the media which is reporting 89% anti-Trump and 59% pro-Biden.

"The MRC, looking at ABC, CBS, and NBC News, finds that there is both much less coverage of President Joe Biden than there was of President Donald Trump in each’s first 100 days, and that the tone of the coverage has flipped almost 180 degrees. Trump earned 1,900 minutes of coverage in his first 100 days, and almost all of the coverage that consisted of “evaluative comments” was negative — 89 percent. By contrast, Biden has drawn only 700 minutes of coverage, and the editorializing was 59 percent positive. “These much lower numbers signify a news media that’s not trying to drown out the White House with its own aggressive criticism, as was their standard practice in 2017,” MRC noted.

Guess how much time the networks spent discussing the breathtaking levels of debt we are taking on, to such a degree that the deficit for the last six months reached $1.7 trillion and we just ran a monthly deficit, in March, of $660 billion? According to MRC, the answer is: 29 seconds."

Media drop resistance and take up pom-poms | National Review
Getting rid of Trump was the biggest and most important example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of American politics.

The rest, Biden can take his time on, and I'll wish him the best whether I agree with him on an individual issue or not.
The only people who "got rid" of Trump was a globalist cabal of powerful and rich people.
Oligarchs, media barons, Tech giants and huge corporations.
The working class people were crushed.
And that's according to Time magazine.
Apparently, we'll never really know what if anything, Biden has accomplished. That, thanks to the media which is reporting 89% anti-Trump and 59% pro-Biden.

"The MRC, looking at ABC, CBS, and NBC News, finds that there is both much less coverage of President Joe Biden than there was of President Donald Trump in each’s first 100 days, and that the tone of the coverage has flipped almost 180 degrees. Trump earned 1,900 minutes of coverage in his first 100 days, and almost all of the coverage that consisted of “evaluative comments” was negative — 89 percent. By contrast, Biden has drawn only 700 minutes of coverage, and the editorializing was 59 percent positive. “These much lower numbers signify a news media that’s not trying to drown out the White House with its own aggressive criticism, as was their standard practice in 2017,” MRC noted.

Guess how much time the networks spent discussing the breathtaking levels of debt we are taking on, to such a degree that the deficit for the last six months reached $1.7 trillion and we just ran a monthly deficit, in March, of $660 billion? According to MRC, the answer is: 29 seconds."

Media drop resistance and take up pom-poms | National Review
The media are acting as Biden's sandbags.
Getting rid of Trump was the biggest and most important example of "addition by subtraction" in the history of American politics.

The rest, Biden can take his time on, and I'll wish him the best whether I agree with him on an individual issue or not.
Oh yeah, I'm sure you view the border wide open with illegal aliens pouring in by the hundreds of thousands as just AWESOME.

You're a pathetic anti American piece of shit to be such a HACK that DESTROYING America looks good to you just because it's being done by someone that isn't the person you HATE. What a freakin' jerk off.
Besides anything that Trump hasn't already done, I mean.

So people are getting vaccinated, whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Like we didn't have nurses with needles until Biden was elected?

"Joe Biden entered the White House with an expansive agenda that includes taming the coronavirus, reshaping the economic recovery, overhauling climate policy and rethinking the power of tech companies..."

The First 100 Days of Biden's Presidency
How do you folks continue to be bipolar this way??

You folks both claim Biden is single-handedly destroying America while at the same time saying he didn't accomplish anything....

Yall are acting like catty little bitches right now....
You're a pathetic anti American piece of shit to be such a HACK that DESTROYING America looks good to you just because it's being done by someone that isn't the person you HATE. What a freakin' jerk off.


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