Biden's Handler


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017

Was there really ever any doubt?
I really wouldn't mind if it really was Jeff Dunham's hand up the meat puppet pervert's ass. It would be leagues better than the meat puppet faggot obozo with Valerie Jarrett's hand up his ass.

Nope,not in the
Jeff probably just took over for Kamala while she was speaking from her soap box.
I’m in the dark on Jeff who is that.?
Jeff Dunham, He is the ventriloquist standing behind Biden. He has a famous 'old man' puppet that looks just like Biden that he has been using in his performances for years.
That puppet is sitting on the floor beside Biden's chair.
View attachment 378856

The puppet looks better than Creepy Joe:

Dude I am No trump supporter in the least. I have said that many times.the fact he lied to the American people that he would get rid of the fed,the CIA and FBI And caters to Israel it baffles me why he has so many supporters even the people that recognize how Israel is a warmonger,,everytime I point out those facts about trumps lies,I get vilified by the trump worshippers who think he is the greatest thing sense apple pie shooting the messenger accusing me of being anti American and I hate this country and I’m a communist and the worst imaginable insults on the planet like that even though my critisems are valid so it burns me up when just from stating facts like that they don’t want to hear,they act like I am demonic and start in with the childish tds syndrome crap.

that being said,the people attacking you hear,you brought it on yourself with them,you don’t stick to facts,there was never a shrewd of evidence that Putin had anything to do with the mock people in the conspiracy section when they expose facts about government corruption you don’t want to hear being chilidish calling them conspiracy theorists and shit like that,well your a hypocrite because your going by an unproven conspiracy theory cooked up by the corporate controlled media. Next time you visit the conspiracy section and mock people I will bring that fact up on your hypocrisy.

stop embarrassing yourself with this nonsense about trump being Putin’s puppet and that bs election fraud crap by the corporate controlled want to do something that’s not popular with usmb posters,stick to exposing Reagan’s corruption,how he was so corrupt,at least then you have FACTS to back you up and THEY are the ones that look like idiots for attacking you ignoring those facts instead of the other way around which is the case on this thread.
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Y'all ever notice how leftist "humor" is bitter and unfunny? It's like a blond, who, upon hearing a blond joke, gets angry and tells the exact same joke, only substituting "brunette" for "blond", then flounces off.

This is your cue to flounce off, Moonie.

"Y'all ever notice how leftist "humor" is bitter and unfunny?"

That's because Leftist's ARE bitter and unfunny and also they are miserable POS who should just Retroactively Abort themselves so we can you know Save The Planet, the Leftist POS are literally WASTING the precious oxygen the Planet needs so Leftists GTFO and Retroactively Abort your MISERABLE wastes of human skin :smoke:

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