Biden's DOJ Let's Julian Assange Off The Hook But Continues Prosecuting Trump

president unitar power DOJ.png

If life were as simple as a Junior High school civics class, there would be few to no cases before the US Supreme Court.

Now run along and read a few of the posts that address the one you're attempting to comment coherently on. Your fail can be corrected.
The DOJ is part of the Executive Branch of the government.
Who's head of the Executive Branch??????????
We really need to rein in our rogue federal agencies -

Maybe President Trump should nominate Snowden for CIA director and Assange for the Director of the FBI.
Maybe Biden should just jail Trump?

Sunday’s demand was a stark reminder that President Trump believes he has ultimate power – an “absolute right,” he told The New York Times in December – to control the Justice Department. He is not alone. Legal scholars, including, most visibly, Alan Dershowitz of Harvard Law School, have argued that the Constitution gives the president authority “to tell the Justice Department who to investigate, who to prosecute, and who not to investigate, and who not to prosecute,” as Dershowitz told Slate last December. Under the “unitary executive” view of presidential power, as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote last month in the National Review, Justice Department officials are mere instruments of the president’s constitutional authority as head of the executive branch.

There is, of course, a competing narrative: Prosecutors have a duty, as attorneys, to the rule of law so the Justice Department must stand as an independent bulwark against presidential overreach. At his Senate confirmation hearing in 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the latest in a long line of AG candidates to claim reverence for the Justice Department’s independence and ideals.

After reading a Twitter feed Sunday night filled with 280-character commentary about whether Trump’s demand for a DOJ investigation is a fundamental threat to prosecutorial independence and the rule of law, I did some research on the Justice Department’s historical relationship with the president. The best overview I found is an article scheduled to appear in this fall’s Alabama Law Review: "Can the President Control the Department of Justice?" Its authors are Bruce Green, the noted Fordham Law ethics expert, and law professor Rebecca Roiphe of New York Law School, who also has a doctorate in history from the University of Chicago.

Now go along and play with the other adult-children in the cult-of-personality you belong to
Um he is trying really really hard to jail trump.

And yes the president has an absolutely right to run the DOJ

Art 2 Sec 1, where does all executive power vest? Oh the president t

You idiot
please try to keep up with realities in life.

a Junior High schools civics class understanding of things is very special -- if you're still riding the short bus.
A 8th grade civics class knows that the DOJ is in the executive branch and that the constitution vest all executive power in a president

The DOJ is not some independent branch of Govt
And yes the president has an absolutely right to run the DOJ

Art 2 Sec 1, where does all executive power vest? Oh the president t
Try keeping up with history and the context of DOJ standards, rules, etc.

Ski[ the Junior High School civics lessons. It's embarrassing.

The stuff I've been posting is what experts, scholars, friends of the Court, Justices themselves deal with on this.
Try keeping up with history and the context of DOJ standards, rules, etc.

Ski[ the Junior High School civics lessons. It's embarrassing.

The stuff I've been posting is what experts, scholars, friends of the Court, Justices themselves deal with on this.
The rules and standards are set by who?

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