Biden's Handler

I love how you saved the best for comedy gold

as you know,I’m not a trump fan,only voting for him cause the alterternative of a mass murdering warmonger in Hitlery was 10 times worse which is the same reason I will vote for him again,the thought of Harris running the country,is scary as hell. I have always said both parties are evil and corrupt and one in the same which is true until now recently with the dems being infiltrated by terrorists.right now thdy are the worst of the two,i give trump credit where credit is due and he did a good thing for the people getting them paychecks of $700.00 but now because the dems blocked his actions,they only gets a measly $250.00 at one time twenty and thirty years ago the repubs were the more evil party of the two,not anymore though,the roles have been reversed.
Biden and Harris just seem like the most unlikely running mates. What do they even talk about? She thinks he‘s a racist and he probably wants to sniff her hair.
I love how you saved the best for comedy gold

as you know,I’m not a trump fan,only voting for him cause the alterternative of a mass murdering warmonger in Hitlery was 10 times worse which is the same reason I will vote for him again,the thought of Harris running the country,is scary as hell. I have always said both parties are evil and corrupt and one in the same which is true until now recently with the dems being infiltrated by terrorists.right now thdy are the worst of the two,i give trump credit where credit is due and he did a good thing for the people getting them paychecks of $700.00 but now because the dems blocked his actions,they only gets a measly $250.00 at one time twenty and thirty years ago the repubs were the more evil party of the two,not anymore though,the roles have been reversed.

"I love how you saved the best for comedy gold"

That was especially for Leo123 because of his excellent OP ;)
Biden and Harris just seem like the most unlikely running mates. What do they even talk about? She thinks he‘s a racist and he probably wants to sniff her hair.
The elite just had biden select her because he is too old to be potus so they are planning on her being the president which will be the doom for the people the fact the dems hate Americans and want to kill us all omg with some of the other globalist repubs as well like Romney and bush,wonder how many other repubs are out there like those two involved with the dems as well do you know,Lucy do you know?they are the only ones I am aware of but there’s got to be much more in the senate.
Y'all ever notice how leftist "humor" is bitter and unfunny? It's like a blond, who, upon hearing a blond joke, gets angry and tells the exact same joke, only substituting "brunette" for "blond", then flounces off.

This is your cue to flounce off, Moonie.

"Y'all ever notice how leftist "humor" is bitter and unfunny?"

That's because Leftist's ARE bitter and unfunny and also they are miserable POS who should just Retroactively Abort themselves so we can you know Save The Planet, the Leftist POS are literally WASTING the precious oxygen the Planet needs so Leftists GTFO and Retroactively Abort your MISERABLE wastes of human skin :smoke:
Lucy, telling people to kill themselves is NOT cool.

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