Biden’s HHS Pick Advocates Sex Changes for Kids.

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Totally not a pervert. Now we know why Uncle Joe likes the guy.

Veggie Joe has assembled the most radical bunch of nutbags in history.
There is no entity called god, though when the tranny (or religious nut) mutilates their flesh, it becomes a religion at that moment, not at the moment they think to do it. The CIA also has this perennial problematic: intention.
So this is to prove God makes mistakes.
Since when did either you or that freak become a spokesman for God?

I don't believe that you and that one have the same definition for God.


This is their Risen Yahweh......they even named him God, Jesus and the messiah......
Donnie Jr.....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to lying.

What Levine says...

Minors need parental consent
If the situation is right and parents consent, hormonal treatment can start in the mid-teens, Levine said.

But without parental consent, hormonal therapy cannot start until age 18, unless the child is fully emancipated — a legal process that grants a teenager who is 16 or older legal independence from his or her parents or guardians.

Surgical treatment is not generally recommended before age 18, she said.

Also, it's helpful to read the snippet in the tweet in it's full context - here is the article.

The discussion occurred against a back drop of several states seeking to make it illegal to give children puberty blocking drugs. It (and Levine) quoted studies that show a correlation with providing those drugs and lowering suicide rates.
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Failed Fact Checks
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180


Founded in 2016, The National Pulse is a Washington-based political news and news media publication. The National Pulse promotes a conservative line on a wide range of issues such as Planned Parenthood, LGBT, and Common Core. The National Pulse is also affiliated with the questionable American Principles Project which advocates for immigration reform, banning abortions, and denying LGBTQ equal rights.

Read our country media profile of the USA.

The National Pulse - Media Bias Fact Check
So you think the story is fake news?

He is a man who dresses like a woman

but you dont think he would ever advocate sex changes for children?
Fake news.
God you re an idiot

then you know God doesn't make any mistakes.
No but humans do
Donnie Jr.....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to lying.

What Levine says...

Minors need parental consent
If the situation is right and parents consent, hormonal treatment can start in the mid-teens, Levine said.

But without parental consent, hormonal therapy cannot start until age 18, unless the child is fully emancipated — a legal process that grants a teenager who is 16 or older legal independence from his or her parents or guardians.

Surgical treatment is not generally recommended before age 18, she said.

Also, it's helpful to read the snippet in the tweet in it's full context - here is the article.

The discussion occurred against a back drop of several states seeking to make it illegal to give children puberty blocking drugs. It (and Levine) quoted studies that show a correlation with providing those drugs and lowering suicide rates.

With or without parental consent, it is still a severe form of sexual child abuse. Anyone who has any willing part in it needs to be put in prison for life, or put to death.

Anyone who would even defend this is not to be trusted.
If a man is so fucking delusional that he believes he's a woman, he should not be in any position of responsibility.
A mentally ill person as assistant health secretary :lmao:
Its hard to believe thats real, but it is.
View attachment 460683
It wasnt just a movie.....
We have a mentally ill President.
Because of his bizarre behavior and medical history, I surmise that he is suffering from vascular dementia.

On stage at one of the debates, he had a blood vessel in his eye burst for no apparent reason. That same thing is likely happening on a regular basis in other parts of his head. mini-strokes.

Vascular dementia would explain his bizarre confabulations, his lapses of judgement and occasionally not even knowing what city he's in.

It wouldn't surprise me if he dropped dead from a massive stroke tomorrow.

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