Biden's increasing lead in the polls over Trump!

Biden is following an old political axiom. If your opponent is losing the election all on his own, don't interfere.

There is absolutely no comparison between Biden and HRC other than the fact that both have years of experience in government.

Biden is not being investigated by the FBI. Throughout the entire 2016 campaign, voters knew Clinton was being investigated by the FBI. She was even forced to make a statement on national television at a FBI hearing.

Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President, and his government hacked into the DNC computers. The result: a daily four-month barrage of information released to the public that was extremely damaging to the Clinton campaign. That is not likely to happen to Biden.

Clinton had enormous baggage to haul around during her campaign. Her nomination was an error by the DNC. Biden is pretty clean, very little baggage except for a habit of making gaffes.

If Biden is not being investigated by the FBI, then what happened to Clinton can't happen to him. Eleven days before the election, the FBI director, James Comey, reopened the investigation into Clinton. Her strong lead in the polls melted away during the following week.

A couple of days before the election, Comey had a "sorry about that," it was all a big mistake, and he closed the investigation again. As we all know, Trump won the election.

So, there are enormous differences between Biden and HRC. Trump won't luck out again.

Besides, after 3 1/2 years of the Trump administration rump is that bad.

I expect that barr or one of his flunkies to announce an investigation into Joe Biden for Ukraine and China sometime in October. It will all be a bunch of garbage just like it was in 2016 with Hillary and the so called "investigation" comey announced.

It doesn't have to be true. There doesn't have to be an investigation. Just the announcement of it. That's all.

I expect either china or russia will release documents that they claim are damaging to Biden and the DNC. Russia has never left the internet. They never stopped their campaign to support and reelect trump. Now, trump has china's help.

trump and the republicans are trying to make this election as much the same as 2016 as they possibly can.
Did you hear the Inskeep NPR radio interview with Barr? He was asked if other cases besides those related to Trump, Flynn, Stone, etc. were being intervened? Barr stumbled. Go figure.
What do you mean by "intervene"?
Biden remains silent in his basement in the face of this brutal assault on our nation

Joe Biden has surrendered to his party and to the left-wing mob

He has no control. Does anybody honestly think he controls these radial maniacs?

You know what he says to his wife when he’s not confusing her with his sister? ‘Get me the hell out of there. These people are crazy.’
Biden is sitting pretty as Trumps presidency is collapsing around him

Of those most were from nursing homes. 45k die in car accidents annually. We don't stop driving. Your new name is Capt. Strawman.
You're seriously comparing 39000 deaths in 12 months with 127000 deaths in 4 months??

Not to mention, but I will anyway, but a shit ton of money is spent on preventing automobile related deaths. So why are you bitching about measures put in place to try to minimize COVID related deaths?

I bet there would be a HUGE effort, with restrictions on automobiles like we've never seen before, if the number of automobile fatalities went from 45K a year to (comparing to covid-19 deaths) 1 million auto fatalities a year. They would cut speed limits down to 45 mph.
And there are not any standard requirements for wearing masks or hygiene. Bill Gates was moderately depressing last night on Cnn wondering when face masks became a badge of political alligiance.

The not wearing mask movement would be like people pointing to the 21st amendment, and saying people had the right to drink as much as they want. That freedom is drinking a beer, while driving.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.

I'm so sorry about your sister. My great-grandmother had it. My grandmother had it. My mom had it. One of my sisters has the gene.

It's a very evil disease. It takes everything that is the person away from them. When it's the brain that is diseased, the rest of the body is affected. They lose sense of balance, body function control, control of muscles in their body, they live in their own world. They see and hear things that aren't real. That's just the tip of that evil disease.

I see so many of the same behavior in trump that I saw with those in my family through the years.

A friend and I went through Paradise weeks before the fire. We have photos of it. We both were just devastated when the fire happened but very thankful we had the photos of what it once was.

There is a Paradise here in my state. In the Mt. Rainier National Park. So when we arrived in Paradise in Ca, we had to stop to photograph it.
My sister started acted strange. Alienated every friend and relative. Turned into a Trumpster. Sad.
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.

If I provide it, do you promise to never post on this board again?

If you fail to find credible proof that washing hands doesn't help prevent transmission of disease, will you go away?
Never said hand washing. That was you. I said you cannot get it easily from touching objects. Love how you change the narrative. Typical Leftist.

Look who's trying to change his position. :lmao:

No, dumbfuck, you didn't say you cannot get it easily from touching objects. You actually said you can't get it from touching objects. Saying you can't easily get it from touching objects is what you switched your argument to after you were proven wrong.

First, you said you can only get it from spit....

Doesn’t mean you have symptoms or are sick
Does mean you can spread it to many people if you do not quarantine
Wrong again cupcake. You spread it by coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have symptoms you won’t be doing that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing.

Then you flat out denied it was even a possibility...

Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things.
Nope. That has been disproved.

If you didn't have fluid positions, you'd have no position at all.

We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.

If I provide it, do you promise to never post on this board again?

I would love to see your proof that washing hands doesn't reduce chance of disease transmission.
NEVER said that. I said we don't get it from touching objects. In March they said you can, now they say it is highly unlikely. NEVER SAY NEVER but basically almost never. So it is person to person and through saliva mostly. Hence the masks. Those who get it, MOST HAVE ZERO TO MILD symptoms.

I'm sure the fact that most have mild symptoms is a great comfort to the families of all those 126,000 dead people.

Classic misdirection.

The problem being that in the same time frame, funeral homes and others have had to deal with the routine 550,000 who died from other causes.

Death happens.

Get used to it.

BTW: 80% of those deaths are people who were on their way out anyway. Not that you get any of that.
So more than 18% of all deaths is not important to you? You're an idiot.
You cannot save every life. How many deaths will we have from isolation. My good friend just died from a heart attack because gyms are closed and he could not work out. He gained weight, could not see his MD and poof. He was 56. So STFU. There will be a lot of deaths from the lockdowns too. And a lot of business closures. PPP monies are running out.
So? Employing rightard logic, he was on his way out anyway.
You cannot save every life. How many deaths will we have from isolation. My good friend just died from a heart attack because gyms are closed and he could not work out. He gained weight, could not see his MD and poof. He was 56. So STFU. There will be a lot of deaths from the lockdowns too. And a lot of business closures. PPP monies are running out.
So? Employing rightard logic, he was on his way out anyway.

Even when I was in isolation, I continued to exercise. The lockdown is no excuse.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.

I'm so sorry about your sister. My great-grandmother had it. My grandmother had it. My mom had it. One of my sisters has the gene.

It's a very evil disease. It takes everything that is the person away from them. When it's the brain that is diseased, the rest of the body is affected. They lose sense of balance, body function control, control of muscles in their body, they live in their own world. They see and hear things that aren't real. That's just the tip of that evil disease.

I see so many of the same behavior in trump that I saw with those in my family through the years.

A friend and I went through Paradise weeks before the fire. We have photos of it. We both were just devastated when the fire happened but very thankful we had the photos of what it once was.

There is a Paradise here in my state. In the Mt. Rainier National Park. So when we arrived in Paradise in Ca, we had to stop to photograph it.
My sister started acted strange. Alienated every friend and relative. Turned into a Trumpster. Sad.
Sorry to hear that. My condolences.
You cannot save every life. How many deaths will we have from isolation. My good friend just died from a heart attack because gyms are closed and he could not work out. He gained weight, could not see his MD and poof. He was 56. So STFU. There will be a lot of deaths from the lockdowns too. And a lot of business closures. PPP monies are running out.
So? Employing rightard logic, he was on his way out anyway.

Even when I was in isolation, I continued to exercise. The lockdown is no excuse.
Harder though. And the less fit have it the hardest. Not that I cut the Troll any slack.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
You do realize of course, that the polls are done in largely major Democrat metropolitan areas....
This is also why, in 2016, the polls showed Hillary Clinton beating Trump by double digits and he was considered a joke.
Americans are looking at the chaos that the left is causing and its destruction of businesses in the areas and are sick of it and while they want Trump to do something about the chaos in the streets, they also recognize that he respects the Constitution and thus is trying to stay out of it and let the lame ass Democrats get control of the situation, which per the Constitution, is their responsibility.
Pelosi came out and has now said that George Floyd would still be alive if Democrat legislation had been in charge of the police. Laughable.
The city he died in was led by a Democrat mayor, the police chief is chosen by the Democrat mayor or Democrat led City Council and the state is led by a Democrat governor. And of course...the police chief chosen by the Democrats, sets the standards and leads by example.
George Floyd would still be alive.....if he didn't break the law....and.......didn't resist arrest.
Far more whites end up dead at the hands of cops for resisting arrest, than blacks.
Last....if blacks don't like seeing cops in their neighborhoods......convince the law-abiding ones in your neighborhood to stop calling the police when crime occurs....or....I know this is a failing thought....STOP COMMITTING CRIMES!!!
Trump can dazzle the whole world with just one speech. there's no one comparable on the left. that's what makes them jealous!
Trump can dazzle the whole world with just one speech. there's no one comparable on the left. that's what makes them jealous!

Trump is great with a crowd. Without an audience (like a news conference) he falls on his face.

Trump wants to rolls out his big rallies with 60.000 people in the crowd, but his first outing drew a crowd of 6,200 people. (and the comma is in the right place)
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
Polls don't mean crap, when a person who's mind is growing smaller each day can even get on a poll shows just what little time we have to put up or shut up. That goes for murdering and dishonest women that cheat their way onto a ballot. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see we have been in a civil war since one party tried to unset a setting president with lies, fabricated evidence, and a media that was compliant.

It's been years since I have been it the military. In those years it seems like only yesterday and when they train you you are trained and no one will ever take that training from you. Is America less importune than any of the rat holes we have fought in? It doesn't matter if you are in training now or pushing 100 in a wheel chair you are an American and you have a duty to this country and your children.

Every problem we have in this country follow the evidence and it will lead right to the democrat front door. There is no such thing as a democrat socialist. It's only a traitor trying to destroy us. It's time we take this country back while we still have the means to do so. In 2018 a rifle was used 296 times to murder some one. A hammer was used more times. I don't see any democrat screaming 'Hell yes we are going to take your hammers'. Anyone that can't see the nose in front of his face, as stupid as they are, are part of the problem. a vote for Joe will be a death sentence and stupid is no longer an excuse. Pull your head out while you still have one. No more fuckin around.
Trump can dazzle the whole world with just one speech. there's no one comparable on the left. that's what makes them jealous!

Trump can read a crowd, and feeds off their reaction and energy. Without a crowd Trump either reads the teleprompter, or does a strange stream of conscience rambling.
Well he did that "please slow down the testing" thing in Tulsa.

4 years ago Tumpfiles were saying his detractors took him too literally. (He wasn't really racist calling all illegal aliens rapists and murders, but speaning to the larger issue)

But his tax cuts were never popular and he was under 50% even with less than 3% growth and full employment and now he's fucked up our corvid response and only the irrational few are debating that fact, and the economy is toast. He's speaking to the Nixon voters on police brutality. It's no longer the literal shit he says but his general policy. LOL

I won't count him out until there's a stake in his heart and feted toxic corpse is burned by sunlight. But he's on the wrong side of the two dominating issues.

I suppose the progressvive social warriors could fuck it up again
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
Where does trump get the energy he’s in Arizona right now speaking to a stadium full of college students young kids Joe Biden is in his little bunker lol He’s got 15 people watching his online show lol
And still 14 points ahead.
Dukakis was up by 17 at this point.

Dukakis had a short lived post convention bump.
Dukakis was up
19 at this point .. sleepy joe started talking today with out the microphone lol
Liar, try 5 points, not 19.
View attachment 355298 are we in July? Huh??
No, but who knows what month you think it is since Dukakis was up by 5 points at time, not 19. In fact, Dukakis was never up by 19. Once again, you prove to be ignorant of American elections, comrade.
May and June he’s up double digits lol hello mcfly lol View attachment 355339
Not last week when. Newt brought it up lol it was still high but thanks thou ha
I won't count him out until there's a stake in his heart and feted toxic corpse is burned by sunlight. But he's on the wrong side of the two dominating issues.

I suppose the progressvive social warriors could fuck it up again

Trump looked at the polls, and his answer is to limit the vote. He's against mail in ballots, even though that's how he and his family have voted for the last few years.

His strategy is to keep as many people from voting as possible especially in the big cities, by making it dangerous. Forcing people to wait in long voter lines for hours. And discouraging those wearing masks to protect themselves and others, by pushing his supporters to stand in those lines NOT wearing masks.

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