Biden's increasing lead in the polls over Trump!

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.
Donald Trump is the Republican Party's wet dream. He's not a fluke or accident, but the purest form of what they are and stand for. This is why he enjoys upwards of 90% of their approval.

America hasn't had a decent Republican President since Lincoln.

We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.
Bottom line....if EVERY Patriotic American gets out and votes, Trump will win.

If any of them fail to vote, Trump will lose. By that ONE vote.

The patriotic thing to do is to vote Trump out. Its time to get rid of Putin's puppet.

Trump is moving troops from Germany to Russia's doorstep in Poland. Does that sound like a puppet to you? Do you wish to explain how that is to Putin's advantage?

You are dumber than a box of hammers.

What you fail to realize is that Trump's preference was to pull all U.S. troops out of Europe. Trump does not care about defending Europe. He said he does not "give a shit about Ukraine". Its Trump's grudging acceptance, lack of interest in certain issues, which has allowed his cabinet to prevent United States defense and foreign policy from going wildly off course in Europe.

Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? Show me where Trump has proposed pulling ALL US troops out of Europe. I have never heard that and apparently neither did you. Your TDS just came up with that as an excuse to slam him for doing the right thing.
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.

If I provide it, do you promise to never post on this board again?

I would love to see your proof that washing hands doesn't reduce chance of disease transmission.
NEVER said that. I said we don't get it from touching objects. In March they said you can, now they say it is highly unlikely. NEVER SAY NEVER but basically almost never. So it is person to person and through saliva mostly. Hence the masks. Those who get it, MOST HAVE ZERO TO MILD symptoms.

I'm sure the fact that most have mild symptoms is a great comfort to the families of all those 126,000 dead people.

Classic misdirection.

The problem being that in the same time frame, funeral homes and others have had to deal with the routine 550,000 who died from other causes.

Death happens.

Get used to it.

BTW: 80% of those deaths are people who were on their way out anyway. Not that you get any of that.
So more than 18% of all deaths is not important to you? You're an idiot.
You cannot save every life. How many deaths will we have from isolation. My good friend just died from a heart attack because gyms are closed and he could not work out. He gained weight, could not see his MD and poof. He was 56. So STFU. There will be a lot of deaths from the lockdowns too. And a lot of business closures. PPP monies are running out.

He couldn't work out for a few months, so he died? I don't mind your lies, but it's insulting for you to think I would fall for such a stupid lie.
A few? three. He was severely overweight. The gym was his solace. Do I know that was what killed him? No. But certainly didn't help. It is not a lie. I do not lie. I am not a Leftist.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.

Oh, you have lots of problems. It takes a special kind of stupid to post the crap you do!
Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.
Donald Trump is the Republican Party's wet dream. He's not a fluke or accident, but the purest form of what they are and stand for. This is why he enjoys upwards of 90% of their approval.

America hasn't had a decent Republican President since Lincoln.
Well Ford and HW are two of my favs, and Reagan was at least top 10, although I didn't vote for him. But that GOP is dead and gone.
I think I actually was in DC on vacation with my child and doing a tour of my senator's offices when it died. W's immigration plan with the compromise on amnesty died of a revolt. McCain tried to tap into Crazy with the Sarah Palen pick (PUN), but it was not to be. The Tea Party may have begun there.

Trump beat perhaps the most disliked candidate since Dewey. Both elections were monumental upsets.
Biden is following an old political axiom. If your opponent is losing the election all on his own, don't interfere.

There is absolutely no comparison between Biden and HRC other than the fact that both have years of experience in government.

Biden is not being investigated by the FBI. Throughout the entire 2016 campaign, voters knew Clinton was being investigated by the FBI. She was even forced to make a statement on national television at a FBI hearing.

Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President, and his government hacked into the DNC computers. The result: a daily four-month barrage of information released to the public that was extremely damaging to the Clinton campaign. That is not likely to happen to Biden.

Clinton had enormous baggage to haul around during her campaign. Her nomination was an error by the DNC. Biden is pretty clean, very little baggage except for a habit of making gaffes.

If Biden is not being investigated by the FBI, then what happened to Clinton can't happen to him. Eleven days before the election, the FBI director, James Comey, reopened the investigation into Clinton. Her strong lead in the polls melted away during the following week.

A couple of days before the election, Comey had a "sorry about that," it was all a big mistake, and he closed the investigation again. As we all know, Trump won the election.

So, there are enormous differences between Biden and HRC. Trump won't luck out again.

Besides, after 3 1/2 years of the Trump administration rump is that bad.

I expect that barr or one of his flunkies to announce an investigation into Joe Biden for Ukraine and China sometime in October. It will all be a bunch of garbage just like it was in 2016 with Hillary and the so called "investigation" comey announced.

It doesn't have to be true. There doesn't have to be an investigation. Just the announcement of it. That's all.

I expect either china or russia will release documents that they claim are damaging to Biden and the DNC. Russia has never left the internet. They never stopped their campaign to support and reelect trump. Now, trump has china's help.

trump and the republicans are trying to make this election as much the same as 2016 as they possibly can.
Did you hear the Inskeep NPR radio interview with Barr? He was asked if other cases besides those related to Trump, Flynn, Stone, etc. were being intervened? Barr stumbled. Go figure.
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Trump has lied since the beginning about COVID being under control, a cure being available and how quickly a vaccine will be available.

We know it to be a lie because none of his medical experts are saying the same thing
Fauci said a vaccine would be available. He is lying too?
What date did he give...?
He said by the end of the year. It was when he was in front of Congress. Why are you asking me? It is common knowledge. "Dumbfuck".
So we haven't reached that date yet but you idiotically question if he's lying or not? :lmao:
Trump said the same thing. "Dumbfuck" cannot even beat Jits in a debate. I am out of your league and have made you look stupid multiple times. Don't punch above your weight class.

Dumbfuck, you can't fight your way out of a paper bag.

The patriotic thing to do is to vote Trump out. Its time to get rid of Putin's puppet.

Russian Collusion....
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Another one missed the memo......and the boat

Sorry, but when you threaten to leave NATO, and praise Russian intelligence, and withhold aid from Ukraine, YOU WALK WITH PUTIN!

NATO is capable of taking care of themselves until they pay their fair share. Praising Russian intelligence? What dream did that come to you in? Withhold aid from Ukraine? Trump gave them aid that Obama had denied. You want to talk about Putin's puppet? That would be Obama who said to Medvedev , "After my election I will have more flexibility". Is that the Obama who proved time and again to be slobbering on Putin's knob?

It was Donald Trump who tried but failed to withdraw the United States from NATO. It was Donald Trump that wanted to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea as legal and legit. It was Trump that withheld aid from Ukraine in the summer of 2019 for the purposes of digging dirt up on Biden and was impeached by the United States House Of Representatives for doing that. Donald Trump praised Putin and Russian intelligence above U.S. intelligence at the summit in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. I can post the video that if you like.

NATO is an alliance that includes the United States and needs strong U.S. participation in order to create a properly defended Eastern flank bordering Russia as well as a proper deterrent to Russian aggression. Trump has not been interested in doing this and any success in building that policy was achieved despite Trump's opposition, not because of his true support.
His Trump sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine. Obama sent blankets. His decision to move troops from Germany to Poland just blatantly says you are full of shit!

But, then again we knew that already!
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.

Oh, you have lots of problems. It takes a special kind of stupid to post the crap you do!
Life goes on without you is no problem.
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.
You dumbfuck, the CDC still recommends hand washing to prevent the spread of the virus.

View attachment 355392

Are you ever not a retard?


Still living in March I see. Dumbass. CDC always recommended hand washing.

From your own link, no less....
The virus may be spread in other ways
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads.
His Trump sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine. Obama sent blankets. His decision to move troops from Germany to Poland just blatantly says you are full of shit!

But, then again we knew that already!
You know that Trump sent more troops to Washington DC than he sent to Poland.
From your own link, no less....
The virus may be spread in other ways
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads.

People can play beach volleyball, staying 6 feet apart, and still spread the disease by contact with the ball.
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.

If I provide it, do you promise to never post on this board again?

I would love to see your proof that washing hands doesn't reduce chance of disease transmission.
NEVER said that. I said we don't get it from touching objects. In March they said you can, now they say it is highly unlikely. NEVER SAY NEVER but basically almost never. So it is person to person and through saliva mostly. Hence the masks. Those who get it, MOST HAVE ZERO TO MILD symptoms.

I'm sure the fact that most have mild symptoms is a great comfort to the families of all those 126,000 dead people.
Of those most were from nursing homes. 45k die in car accidents annually. We don't stop driving. Your new name is Capt. Strawman.
You're seriously comparing 39000 deaths in 12 months with 127000 deaths in 4 months??

Not to mention, but I will anyway, but a shit ton of money is spent on preventing automobile related deaths. So why are you bitching about measures put in place to try to minimize COVID related deaths?
We really don't know. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be relied upon as true. We heard that businesses and residents in Seattle were happy with the burgeoning summer of love. That turned out to be not true.

We may never know.
Trump lies more than all the media combined. No one lies more than the guy we call "LIAR IN CHIEF".
Nope. Another lie. Par for the course for you, Camp.
Anyone who defends Trump as not being a prolific compulsive pathological serial liar is living in a fantasy world of denial and delusion.
Anyone who believes our dishonest media has the mindset of a 4-year old. Of course Trump has lied but not nearly at the number that the dishonest media portrays. Please tell me you knew that.
Trump lies faster than the media can fact check him
Name a few. If there are so many, surely you can name em off the top of your head.
In the last couple days...

COVID is under control
Masks are not necessary
A million people requested tickets in Tulsa
The elderly man who police shoved to the ground was Antifa
The ramp was slippery like ice
COVID is under control - Subjective and his personal opinion NOT a lie
You do not know the difference between subjective and objective. COVID has never been under control. Trump was certifiably lying.
Do you? Under control to many could be that we have enough hospital space, ventilators, doctors, etc. to treat every patient. Don't question me, Camp. I am happy to compare resumes at any time. COVID is under control now for sure but the media brainwashes you. Just because more are testing positive it doesn't mean they are gravely ill. 85% have no or very mild symptoms but may still test positive. Key stats are deaths and hospitalizations and those have stabilized.

Tell all the places where COVID is surging out of control. They need your delusional good news.
We are testing more. Just because you test positive doesn’t mean you have symptoms and are “sick”. Obviously you’re too stupid to understand that.

Dumbfuck, even if not "sick," carriers can still spread the disease. :eusa_doh:
Nope. Only if they cough or sneeze on the other person and if they have ZERO symptoms they would not be coughing or sneezing. My sister in law is a doctor. I believe her over you, Fawn. And that is also the same mantra stated by other experts. So if you don't have symptoms you wont spread it. Same reason kids barely if ever spread it.
Wrong, ya flamin' moron. People with the virus also spread it by touching things. That's why vigorously washing hands frequently is important. You prove again you don't know shit.
Nope. That has been disproved. This isn't March. Dumbass.
You dumbfuck, the CDC still recommends hand washing to prevent the spread of the virus.

View attachment 355392

Are you ever not a retard?


Still living in March I see. Dumbass. CDC always recommended hand washing.

From your own link, no less....
The virus may be spread in other ways
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads.
And there are not any standard requirements for wearing masks or hygiene. Bill Gates was moderately depressing last night on Cnn wondering when face masks became a badge of political alligiance.
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.

Well, I disagree that the Republican Party has not had a decent person for President in Decades. In my opinion, Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr, were all good Presidents, John McCain could have been the greatest President the country ever had, and Mitt Romney would have been a good President.

Donald Trump and the Tea Party are the opposite of those Republican Presidents and candidates for President. The Republican Party has morphed into Trump's party. Its double down on old school forms of Republicanism before Reagan that were isolationists and racists.

Trumps Republicans are Know Nothings built around fear and hatred of those who are different

NO ONE is more of a Know Nothing, with your postings that are based on ignorance, than you. If you weren't so obnoxious in your ignorance, I might pity you. Since you are, you inspire indifference.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
That will be the last thing you will ever TRY to do.
Trump is a dead man walking
I just called the Secret Service, and gave them your quote.. Should be showing up soon...
Well, Trump is having a hard time walking ramps. I suggest using the handrails, but that may look weak.
If that ramp would of had handrails, but hey, you only have a peabrain so you arent a very observant person are you.


I wonder how many years that ramp has been there with nobody whining about it? Biden didn't have a problem with that same ramp. He ran up it.
Looks similar to a stroke victim trying to walk that ramp.

If there is anyone who is an expert in stroke victims, it is you. How long as it been since you had one?
Oh, the phony admiral just shot his mouth off. 2012 I had a hemorrhagic stroke. Spent 4 days in ICU.
Luckily, I came out of it stronger. My Mother died in my arms of a stroke. All I can say is... Fuck You.

OMG I'm so sorry. I hope you got through it ok and are ok now.

I'm so sorry about your mom. My mom died 5 years ago. It totally sucks. I miss her every day.

Please don't pay attention to hateful people like the one you replied to. They mean nothing and don't matter to anyone.

I agree there is some neurological problem going on with trump. I started seeing it in 2016. It's only gotten worse since then.

My experience with alzheimers leads me to think that's the problem. Especially since trump's dad died of it. No one "catches" alzheimers. It's a gene passed on from one generation to the next. I think that trump inherited that alzheimers gene from his dad. I hope I'm wrong. No one should have to deal with that evil disease.
My second older sister died from complications with Alzheimers two years ago in Paradise just prior to the fire. She forgot how to eat. Horrible way to go. I was lucky not to suffer any problems with the stroke.

I'm so sorry about your sister. My great-grandmother had it. My grandmother had it. My mom had it. One of my sisters has the gene.

It's a very evil disease. It takes everything that is the person away from them. When it's the brain that is diseased, the rest of the body is affected. They lose sense of balance, body function control, control of muscles in their body, they live in their own world. They see and hear things that aren't real. That's just the tip of that evil disease.

I see so many of the same behavior in trump that I saw with those in my family through the years.

A friend and I went through Paradise weeks before the fire. We have photos of it. We both were just devastated when the fire happened but very thankful we had the photos of what it once was.

There is a Paradise here in my state. In the Mt. Rainier National Park. So when we arrived in Paradise in Ca, we had to stop to photograph it.

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