Biden’s Mental Decline Is Obvious to Everyone


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Only disagreement with the article is the title. The press knows, they see their job as a disinformation agency like we haven’t seen since WW2 to fool the Axis powers.

Something is wrong with President Joe Biden, and everyone knows it.

Last week, Biden was asked if his administration will consider delaying the end of Title 42, a pandemic immigration restriction that allows for fast deportation of migrants illegally crossing our border in the name of stopping the circulation of COVID-19.

Biden started rambling. “No. What I’m considering is continuing to hear from my — my — First of all, there’s gonna be an appeal by the Justice Department. Because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if, in fact, it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42 that we’d be able to do that. But there has been no decision on extending Title 42.”

It turned out he was talking about mask mandates on airplanes and other forms of transportation. That raises the issue of consistency: If the administration will continue to push masks on planes because COVID is still a threat, isn’t Title 42 protecting against that same threat?

But it would at least be nice if the president knew what he was talking about.

This isn’t simply misspeaking. He seems fully out of it, and we’re all watching quietly.

On Friday, Biden tried to comment on Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law and came out with this word salad:“There’s nothing conservative about deciding you’re going to throw Disney out of its present posture because Mickey Mouse? In fact, do you think we should be not be able to say, you know, ‘gay’? I mean, what’s going on here?”

What is going on here, indeed? Is the president OK? He doesn’t seem like it.

On Easter Monday, a reporter at the White House asked Biden about Afghanistan. As he started answering the question, a staffer in an Easter bunny costume appeared, waving her arms in front of Biden’s face and ushering him along to a different part of the event.

It’s funny, sure, but it’s also kind of scary. Who is really running the show at the White House? The president often makes comments about what he’s “allowed” to say, how many press questions he’s permitted to take and which specific reporters he can call on. Who is making these decisions? Is Joe Biden the president or not?

Who was even in that bunny costume?! (It appears it was Meghan Hays, the White House director of message planning.)

It’s also hard to forget that during the Donald Trump years, the president’s acumen was full-on debated and often.

Brian Stelter, of CNN’s most-misnamed show, “Reliable Sources,” had actor Robert De Niro on to discuss Trump’s mental capacity. The network also favored medical opinions from Trump’s enemies like Anthony Scaramucci.

When Trump joked about buying Greenland from Denmark, MSNBC furrowed its collective brows and featured Dr. Lance Dodes, former assistant psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School, to talk about the president’s mental decline. Dodes contributed to a book about the subject without, of course, ever having examined Trump.

But now we’re supposed to disregard what we see with our own eyes. Many of us have had our own confused grandpa, starting one story and finishing another or rambling from one topic to the next nonsensically.

Grandpa sometimes wanders. The trouble is this confused grandpa has a bit more power than your own.

In August, during another confused stretch for the president, CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote about various Republican officials questioning Biden’s awareness: “This is the sort of gross, lowest-common-denominator politics that drive people away from public life. If Republicans have some sort of proof that Biden is declining, they should bring it forward. If they don’t, they should stop doing what they’re doing. Immediately.”

The proof is in front of our faces, and Cillizza knows it. But perhaps he should check in with Robert De Niro first and see what he thinks.
Anybody with eyes, ears & a functioning brain can see Briben's mental capacity is somewhere between mashed carrots & a dungbeetle.
He isn't in charge of anything, from his diaper changes to the word salads coming out of his mouth. He has become a liability that can't be trusted to stay on script anymore.
They will use him as the scapegoat when everything crashes down & hope everything sticks to him. He's just too brain damaged to see he's just the patsy
Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin and prevent the spread of the war.

Meanwhile, the guy YOU voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius

Who is unsuited to be President?
I think you'll find that a great many Democrats and Independents and fence-sitters who voted for Biden last time are ALSO concerned about this.

Never mind a Democrat -triggered energy crisis, rocketing inflation, an invasion of Illegal Aliens on the Southern Border, and a weak initial Ukraine response.

That said... next time, give the rest of us a reason to vote Republican again...but to do so, you've gotta ditch Trump, even if you keep most of the Trump agenda.

Periodic absent-mindedness or slowly-advancing dementia on Old Joe's part will NOT be enough to resurrect the Presidential aspirations of Donald Trump.

America at-large will always reject faux strong-men and demagogues and those who violate their sacred oath to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

With your failed Orange Messiah, it was mostly a matter of Right Message, Wrong Messenger...and the sooner you realize that the better you'll do in 2024.

Beyond the old (and shrinking) Rumpian Base... America-at-large will not forgive January 6, 2021... you can move past that by moving past Cadet Bone Spurs.

If you have the intelligence and courage to come to grips with that Reality and then to act upon it accordingly so as to reposition yourselves for 2024.
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Biden was in mental decline before he even began to campaign. That is why Biden refused to show up for one of the debates and why his team hid him in the basement.

People would not even show up for his speeches.

No one actually like the POS corrupt graft and bribery machine called Biden Inc.

They knew this from the beginning, and this is why they needed The Pandemic to push the election in to Mass Mail in balloting, and last second registrations of fictitious people. It is also why there were these weird shipments of Fake IDs occasionally confiscated coming over from China....literally entire shipping containers full of Fake IDs. Why would America need millions of Fake IDs printed in China in an election year, huh, LEFT-TARDS?

This was planned from the start the moment Trump was sworn in. It's why Obama removed the ban on Gain of Function for Fauci, The CCP, Wuhan Lab, EcoHealth, and The Defense Department and why Fauci in 2017 predicted that The Trump Administration would experience a Pandemic from the very BioWeapon Fauci was in charge of creating and unleashing.

BTW, why isn't Hunter Biden before Congress getting his ass GRILLED over the laptop and BIDEN Inc's Graft and Bribery Criminal Enterprises?

That was rigged and covered up same as Clinton, Biden and Obama's involvement in creating The Russian Collusion Lie in which they actually had to go to Putin and pay him to have it created for them.
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Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin and prevent the spread of the war.

Meanwhile, the guy YOU voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius

Who is unsuited to be President?
Even France snubbed Brandon.
London (CNN Business)The barrage of sanctions imposed by the West following Russia's invasion of Ukraine decimated the ruble. But one month after the tanks rolled, the currency has made a full recovery and is now trading at levels seen prior to the war.
Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin and prevent the spread of the war.

Meanwhile, the guy YOU voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius

Who is unsuited to be President?
"Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin..."
Your capacity for self delusion is, frankly, mind-boggling.
Even France snubbed Brandon.
London (CNN Business)The barrage of sanctions imposed by the West following Russia's invasion of Ukraine decimated the ruble. But one month after the tanks rolled, the currency has made a full recovery and is now trading at levels seen prior to the war.

Still Rootin for Pootin?

The Ruble is being artificially propped up and is unsustainable
Dude, about 50% of the topics on this website are about Biden’s brain. No need for a new topic.

Oh whoops, didn’t realize it was a Weatherman topic. I know you have a quota of 10 topics a day…my bad

Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin and prevent the spread of the war.

Meanwhile, the guy YOU voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius

Who is unsuited to be President?
EmperorShitzHizPantz has done one thing for Putin and that is to spread his ass cheeks wide for him.
This is why he created back door deals that allows Putin to sell gas to Europe, pay for it in Rubles, and then also get paid $10 Billion by Iran to build Nuclear Weapons for your lover Ayatollah Assahollah. In addition it creates a money laundering avenue for Putin which allows him to launder gas, oil, and weapons sales through Iran.

Putin has made a "Minor Incursion" in to your panties cuz Diaper Joe told him he could.

The only thing your dirty diapered god has done was hurt the poor ordinary citizens of Russia.

Putin owns Faux Xiden and so does The CCP.
"Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin..."
Your capacity for self delusion is, frankly, mind-boggling.

Again let’s look at the two choices in 2020

One invoked crippling sanctions against Putin for leading an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and is supplying US weapons

The other cheered Putin and called the invasion “smart” and mocked NATO

THAT is the President we could have ended up with
Again let’s look at the two choices in 2020

One invoked crippling sanctions against Putin for leading an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and is supplying US weapons

The other cheered Putin and called the invasion “smart” and mocked NATO

THAT is the President we could have ended up with
Putin is so crippled that Russia has reversed course.
Said no one ever.

In the meantime you Leftards blame America’s crumbling economy on Brandon’s sanctions.
You can’t get any dumber.
I think you'll find that a great many Democrats and Independents and fence-sitters who voted for Biden last time are ALSO concerned about this.

Never mind a Democrat -triggered energy crisis, rocketing inflation, an invasion of Illegal Aliens on the Southern Border, and a week initial Ukraine response.

That said... next time, give the rest of us a reason to vote Republican again...but to do so, you've gotta ditch Trump, even if you keep most of the Trump agenda.

Periodic absent-mindedness or slowly-advancing dementia on Old Joe's part will NOT be enough to resurrect the Presidential aspirations of Donald Trump.

With your failed Orange Messiah, it was mostly a matter of Right Message, Wrong Messenger...and the sooner you realize that the better you'll do in 2024.

Beyond the old (and shrinking) Rumpian Base... America-at-large will not forgive January 6, 2021... you can move past that, by moving past Cadet Bone Spurs.

If you have the intelligence and courage to come to grips with that Reality and then to act upon it accordingly so as to reposition yourselves for 2024.

Margie Green just testified she couldn’t recall 92 times, and Trump can’t even say the name of his own company without brain malfunctioning at a rally, and you’re accusing Biden of mental decline?


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