Biden's Sexual Asault Denial / Dem's Defense of Joe Take Anther HIT

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These liberals can’t just admit it’s all about politics and tribalism.

Just admit you are full of shit.

We all know it, just admit it.

You “believed” Ford because you were afraid you wouldn’t be able to kill babies. Just own it. Why lie?
At Least we now know that liberals will not consider it rape if their daughter is finger banged.

Remember that Libs.
Excusing rape because you don’t like Trump. Just awful.

Making false accusations of excusing rape is disgusting even by Trump cultist standards, and that's saying something. You've lied ugly before, but you're hitting new lows.

Now, how about you locate your 'nads and address what Moonglow wrote? I'm sure the fact that it totally demolished your lies has nothing to do with why you lied and ran.

And by the way, everyone knows you're faking rape accusations against Biden to excuse the rapist that you tongue bathe. You know, the one that bragged about sexually assaulting women. The two sides are completely different. Republicans embrace a self-proclaimed rapist, while Democrats condemn such behavior.

If you disagree, make sure you condemn Trump, otherwise it will be very obvious that you're lying.
Already a thread on this item...
According to a report from The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, the declaration by Reade’s then-husband Theodore Dronen does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention her allegations of sexual assault, but it does say Reade told him about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

Which is a weak piece of evidence...
I assume you were questioning the Balsy-Ford allegations too, right?

That is the relevant point. Hypocrites.

Already a thread on this item...
According to a report from The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, the declaration by Reade’s then-husband Theodore Dronen does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention her allegations of sexual assault, but it does say Reade told him about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

Which is a weak piece of evidence...
It is weak but she were a Trump employee in 1993 and accused Trump of this, how do you believe the Media and the Democrats would react?

Be honest.
At Least we now know that liberals will not consider it rape if their daughter is finger banged.

The premise of the thread is an outright lie. There was no report of a sexual assault by Biden. You. Are. Lying. That's not debatable.

Think about how low you're stooping. You're making false accusations of rape just so that you can continue to lick the ass of a self-admitted rapist.

And that's why all the normal people are fleeing from your cult. Nobody wants to be associated with humans who are as disgusting as you.
Already a thread on this item...
According to a report from The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, the declaration by Reade’s then-husband Theodore Dronen does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention her allegations of sexual assault, but it does say Reade told him about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

Which is a weak piece of evidence...

Much stronger evidence than any offered by Christine Blasey Ford, but her accusations were enough for you to brand Kavanaugh a rapist, so there's that.
It is weak but she were a Trump employee in 1993 and accused Trump of this, how do you believe the Media and the Democrats would react?

They'd check the accusations and see if they were credible. If they were, they'd move forward with them.

Tara Reid's aren't. Not even close. There's no record of her making a past complaint, she's lied outright about what she supposedly said in the past, changed her story entirely several times, and even dishonesty edited her past works to try to make them look like her current story.

Be honest.

Honestly, we are not like you. You need to undertand that. You think that since you'd behave unethically, everyone else will too, but that's not the case.
It is weak but she were a Trump employee in 1993 and accused Trump of this, how do you believe the Media and the Democrats would react?

They'd check the accusations and see if they were credible. If they were, they'd move forward with them.

Tara Reid's aren't. Not even close. There's no record of her making a past complaint, she's lied outright about what she supposedly said in the past, changed her story entirely several times, and even dishonesty edited her past works to try to make them look like her current story.

Be honest.

Honestly, we are not like you. You need to undertand that. You think that since you'd behave unethically, everyone else will too, but that's not the case.

You are quite right, you are nothing like us. You are an immoral troll who deserves NO attention nor credibility. So, shoo
It is weak but she were a Trump employee in 1993 and accused Trump of this, how do you believe the Media and the Democrats would react?

They'd check the accusations and see if they were credible. If they were, they'd move forward with them.

Tara Reid's aren't. Not even close. There's no record of her making a past complaint, she's lied outright about what she supposedly said in the past, changed her story entirely several times, and even dishonesty edited her past works to try to make them look like her current story.

Be honest.

Honestly, we are not like you. You need to undertand that. You think that since you'd behave unethically, everyone else will too, but that's not the case.

They'd check the accusations and see if they were credible. If they were, they'd move forward with them.

Lie! Kavanaugh was pronounced guilty immediately and Hollywood went on Twitter saying "We believe you". Blasey Ford was 100% lying. No corroboration. No real case. The people she claimed were there denied it and basically distanced themselves from her. Yet Kavanaugh was called a "rapist".

Your dishonesty is hilarious. If this were Trump, you would pronounce him guilty immediately.

I believe ALL people are innocent until proven guilty. Women lie. #Believe All Women is a stupid Leftist mantra as is #Me Too. Seriously "Pound me too"?

Leftists are stupid and are hypocrites but now I see they are liars too. You're case in point. LIAR!
She should take the polygraph, then Biden will have to himself, if she passes it with no lies....

She'll back off if Biden agrees. She runs when Biden calls her bluffs.

Tara Reid said she made a rape complaint at the time.

Biden said that complaint should be found and looked at.

Tara Reid then said "Oops? Did I say I filed a rape complaint? No, I didn't file a rape complaint".

She's a really bad liar, which is one reason all the Trump cultists love her. Like attracts like.

And Trump cultists? I don't see you calling for Trump to take a polygraph, so as usual, you're being rank stinking hypocrites.
She should take the polygraph, then Biden will have to himself, if she passes it with no lies....

She'll back off if Biden agrees. She runs when Biden calls her bluffs.

Tara Reid said she made a rape complaint at the time.

Biden said that complaint should be found and looked at.

Tara Reid then said "Oops? Did I say I filed a rape complaint? No, I didn't file a rape complaint".

She's a really bad liar, which is one reason all the Trump cultists love her. Like attracts like.

And Trump cultists? I don't see you calling for Trump to take a polygraph, so as usual, you're being rank stinking hypocrites.
More lies.

I told you that ALL people should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Obviously you have a problem with reading comprehension.
Your dishonesty is hilarious. If this were Trump, you would pronounce him guilty immediately.

Like I said, stop assuming we are like you. That's not the case.

I get it. You're a Trump cultist, so you've been trained to lie as readily as normal humans breathe. You only hang out with other moral cripples, so you simple can't grasp that normal humans aren't as morally depraved as you are.

That's not the case. We are not like you. We won't lie for the glory of the party. We hold to moral absolutes like "lying is wrong". You hold to the moral relativism of "The ends always justify the means for my own side". If the big lie helps your cause, then you lie.

That's why you hate us so. Moral relativists despise moral absolutists. The shining light of our moral absolutism affects moral relativists much like sunlight burning a vampire. Seeking to destroy the source of their discomfort, the moral relativists lash out in pain and rage.

Evidence? Just look at this thread. The Trump cultsits are lying outright and claiming that a sexual assault claim was fled against Biden. And you're fine with that.
Your dishonesty is hilarious. If this were Trump, you would pronounce him guilty immediately.

Like I said, stop assuming we are like you. That's not the case.

I get it. You're a Trump cultist, so you've been trained to lie as readily as normal humans breathe. You only hang out with other moral cripples, so you simple can't grasp that normal humans aren't as morally depraved as you are.

That's not the case. We are not like you. We won't lie for the glory of the party. We hold to moral absolutes like "lying is wrong". You hold to the moral relativism of "The ends always justify the means for my own side". If the big lie helps your cause, then you lie.

That's why you hate us so. Moral relativists despise moral absolutists. The shining light of our moral absolutism affects moral relativists much like sunlight burning a vampire. Seeking to destroy the source of their discomfort, the moral relativists lash out in pain and rage.

Evidence? Just look at this thread. The Trump cultsits are lying outright and claiming that a sexual assault claim was fled against Biden. And you're fine with that.
There it is. Because I call you out you label me a “Trump cultist”. I am for whomever is anti Leftist BS. For example, Tulsi Gabbard. You’re also stupid. I told you everyone is innocent until proven guilty, including Biden. This accusation and it’s timeline is very suspicious. But if this were Trump you would immediately say he was guilty.

Go on record and swear on the lives of your family members that you didn’t say Kavanaugh was guilty. Do it, Leftist.
Tara is going to sit for a lie detector test...Obiden should get out of the race today....but he is too stupid to see the train rolling towards him....
You guys can stop the incessant posts on this subject now. Mission accomplished. The smear designed to neutralize..................

...............has been effective.
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