Biden's Stolen Documents Story was Suppressed Until After Midterms: Snowden.

the deep state isnkr doing…people that discovered xiden’s hidden stash snitched him out…they weren’t govt employees

that's because it was a non-story at the time....nobody was all that surprised that a former President had some documents at his home, where a SCIF was wasn't a story until Xiden used that as a pretext to raid his home to get access to his attorney-client priv documents and other personal documents
He no longer had a SCIF after he left office and the fact that they lied and claimed to had returned ALL the documents is why his house was raided.
He no longer had a SCIF after he left office and the fact that they lied and claimed to had returned ALL the documents is why his house was raided.
15 boxes were turned over. All the raid got was some empty folders, attorney client. material and stuff he reasonablely believed were personal….that why so much was returned.

xiden never had a SCIF and hid documents in files he labeled personal, all over the east coast for six years.

trump began working with the NA right away. He wasn’t hiding anything
15 boxes were turned over. All the raid got was some empty folders, attorney client. material and stuff he reasonablely believed were personal….that why so much was returned.

xiden never had a SCIF and hid documents in files he labeled personal, all over the east coast for six years.

trump began working with the NA right away. He wasn’t hiding anything
False, if he was working with the NA his house would have never been raided. I never claimed Biden had a SCIF, you said Trump's were secured in a SCIF. He had NO SCIF at the time his house was raided, because he was no longer the POTUS. Biden should be investigated and held accountable, as should Trump.
I am saying the lawyer that went to his Penn-Biden office wasn't White House Counsel. It was a private attorney.

The source told CNN that a personal lawyer for Biden was closing out the downtown DC office that Biden used as part his work with the University of Pennsylvania. The lawyer saw a manila folder that was labeled “personal,” opened the envelope and noticed there were classified documents inside. The lawyer closed the envelope and called NARA, the source said.
So, you’re saying Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal hand selected attorney is doing what ? Screwing Biden ?
Specifically, Comer argued that the big scandal regarding the Biden documents case isn't what Biden did, but rather how the United States Department of Justice treated President Donald Trump for what Comer argued was a similar infraction.

"Every president -- Bill Clinton, Obama, Bush -- every president has accidentally taken documents that were deemed classified," he said. "Yet they were never raided, they were never treated with a special counsel like Donald Trump was!"

In fact, there are key differences between Trump and the other presidents that Comer referenced that can explain why they received different treatment than Trump.
No, they called the NA right away...yes they did, they snitched him out to the law. Hence why a Special Prosecutor was appointed to investigate his crimes.
Who is “ they”:? Thought you said it was just his personal handpicked lawyer, Bob.,
Who is “ they”:? Thought you said it was just his personal handpicked lawyer, Bob.,
i believe it was at the private office. not sure if it was the same at his garage. CNN reported only one at the office
So Biden's lawyer did the right thing, is that what you are saying? As compared to Trump's lawyers lying to the NA.
i see no evidence anyone knowing or intentionally lied.

yes xiden’s personal lawyer did the right thing to snitch
i see no evidence anyone knowing or intentionally lied.

yes xiden’s personal lawyer did the right thing to snitch
A personal lawyer ? That’s not Bob. It’s part of his legal team.
i see no evidence anyone knowing or intentionally lied.

yes xiden’s personal lawyer did the right thing to snitch
I still think you’re reading way too much into this. His personal lawyer hire expressly for this incident, is Bob Bauer. He was hired AFTER some of the material was found. The only lawyers that normally rummage around a presidents materials, are the lawyers from the WHITE HOUSE counsels office. .
This is them…THEY ARE GOVT EMPLOYEES appointed by the president.
“The White House counsel is a senior staff appointee of the president of the United States whose role is to advise the president on all legal issues concerning the president and their administration. The White House counsel also oversees the Office of White House Counsel, a team of lawyers ….”
A personal lawyer ? That’s not Bob. It’s part of his legal team.

still think you’re reading way too much into this. His personal lawyer hire expressly for this incident, is Bob Bauer. He was hired AFTER the material was found. The only lawyers that normally rummage around a presidents materials, are the lawyers from the WHITE HOUSE council.
This is them…THEY ARE GOVT EMPLOYEES appointed by the president.
“The White House counsel is a senior staff appointee of the president of the United States whose role is to advise the president on all legal issues concerning the president and their administration. The White House counsel also oversees the Office of White House Counsel, a team of lawyers ….”
i don’t know who the lawyer was that snitched. CNN just says it was his personal lawyer
i don’t know who the lawyer was that snitched. CNN just says it was his personal lawyer
No they did not. The said he was , “a personal lawyer” which is one of many not THE which is the only one.…..which could easily have been a lawyer in the presidents White House councel whose expressed duties is to advise the president. Biden himself referred to the lawyers as “his legal team”…this is then the White House councel. He has since hired Bob for this sole incident.

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