Biden's war on fossil fuels WILL ADD $104 Billion directly in 2023...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

According to the above, the Federal government spent in 2022 $1,220,000,000,000 ($1.22 Trillion)
According to SS the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) is set at 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

So this means in 2023 an additional $104,920,000,000 will be spent strictly on SS.
Why? Because the COLA based on the inflation rate of 8.6%... ALL due to Biden's war on fossil fuels!
Proof that Biden's "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And Biden's ...
No more drilling on federal lands.
No more drilling, including offshore.
No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one."

So what has been the fossil fuels actions strictly because Biden wants to put them out of business?

VIDEO: What’s REALLY Driving Inflation? Biden’s War on Energy --- JUNE 2, 2022​

ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Director Joe Trotter explains why President Biden's no-energy policies are driving up costs for fuel, food, and just about everything else.​

One year ago the price of diesel was three dollars and nineteen cents. This week the price of diesel is five dollars and fifty eight cents.
Commuters facing sticker shock at the pump may decide to drive less, but our country’s shipping and agriculture industries cannot simple pause their operations. Diesel powers the vast majority of the country’s commercial trucking fleet, railways, and heavy agriculture equipment such as tractors and combines.
The price of diesel begins impacting food costs before seeds are even planted and continues to impact prices up until the moment food is unloaded at markets across the country. Diesel is the single most important agricultural fuel.

Just telling the fossil fuel industry Biden guarantees to get rid of fossil fuels meant to most people including the "fossil fuels" industry that the government will
be doing everything possible to put them out of business. 10 million people out of work.
That’s okay, these guys are okay, they want to do the same thing that I want to do, they want to phase out fossil fuels and we’re going to phase out fossil fuels.

Oh... in case you don't know it...
These other 6,000 more items will cost more because of Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"!

2 billion tires made every year are made from 300 million barrels of oil.
94% of roads in America use Asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.
Oh and by the way this is what the Social Security Trustees predict for Social Security...
Payments to be cut 23% after 2034!
The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

Isn’t that why were at war in Ukraine so Biden can blow up nord stream, a pipeline with fossil fuel
The war is just a cover for his radical environmental non sense
Isn’t that why were at war in Ukraine so Biden can blow up nord stream, a pipeline with fossil fuel
The war is just a cover for his radical environmental non sense
He's on orders from Davos.
Davos wants to set up numbskull leaders in every country. Leaders that refuse to answer to the voters and continue to destroy their country to the point that people are dying by the millions.
Biden is to the United States as Nero was to the Roman Empire.

According to the above, the Federal government spent in 2022 $1,220,000,000,000 ($1.22 Trillion)
According to SS the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) is set at 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

So this means in 2023 an additional $104,920,000,000 will be spent strictly on SS.
Why? Because the COLA based on the inflation rate of 8.6%... ALL due to Biden's war on fossil fuels!
Proof that Biden's "I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And Biden's ...
No more drilling on federal lands.
No more drilling, including offshore.
No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one."

So what has been the fossil fuels actions strictly because Biden wants to put them out of business?

VIDEO: What’s REALLY Driving Inflation? Biden’s War on Energy --- JUNE 2, 2022​

ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Director Joe Trotter explains why President Biden's no-energy policies are driving up costs for fuel, food, and just about everything else.​

One year ago the price of diesel was three dollars and nineteen cents. This week the price of diesel is five dollars and fifty eight cents.
Commuters facing sticker shock at the pump may decide to drive less, but our country’s shipping and agriculture industries cannot simple pause their operations. Diesel powers the vast majority of the country’s commercial trucking fleet, railways, and heavy agriculture equipment such as tractors and combines.
The price of diesel begins impacting food costs before seeds are even planted and continues to impact prices up until the moment food is unloaded at markets across the country. Diesel is the single most important agricultural fuel.

Just telling the fossil fuel industry Biden guarantees to get rid of fossil fuels meant to most people including the "fossil fuels" industry that the government will
be doing everything possible to put them out of business. 10 million people out of work.
That’s okay, these guys are okay, they want to do the same thing that I want to do, they want to phase out fossil fuels and we’re going to phase out fossil fuels.

Oh... in case you don't know it...
These other 6,000 more items will cost more because of Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"!

2 billion tires made every year are made from 300 million barrels of oil.
94% of roads in America use Asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.
Oh and by the way this is what the Social Security Trustees predict for Social Security...
Payments to be cut 23% after 2034!
The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

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What was FAKE? I'm getting an additional 8.6% in my SS payment as the
He's on orders from Davos.
Davos wants to set up numbskull leaders in every country. Leaders that refuse to answer to the voters and continue to destroy their country to the point that people are dying by the millions.
Biden is to the United States as Nero was to the Roman Empire.
Very very good point! Check out the leader of WEF!!!
While Schwab declared that excessively high management salaries were "no longer socially acceptable",[31] his own annual salary of about one million Swiss francs (a little more than $1 million USD) has been repeatedly questioned by the media.[citation needed] The Swiss radio and television corporation SRF mentioned this salary level in the context of ongoing public contributions to the WEF and the fact that the Forum does not pay any federal taxes
Klaus Martin Schwab (German: [klaʊs ˈmaʁtiːn ʃvaːp]; born 30 March 1938) is a German engineer, economist and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF). He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971.
It's always more cost effective to address AGW now, than clean up the damage later.
So you think that the USA converting to EVs is a "cost effective way to address AGW now?
Details, details, details.. devil is in the details though...
Surely these dummies don't seem to comprehend what alternative i.e. EVS will COST consumers!
Do these idiots have any idea that 13.4 Trillion MORE kWh to provide electricity for EVs because will be needed? In 2021, about 4,108 billion kilo watt hours (kWh) (or about 4.11 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.
About 61% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases.
If the very best kWh per mile is according to this: Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs] is 0.25 kWh per mile driven.
Assuming 50% of cars in the future are EVs and the use is 0.25 kWh/mile.
The average miles driven / year is 14,000.
Then the total 114 million drivers total miles is 1.6 trillion miles/year or when an EV driver uses 1/4th kWh/mile or 6.5 trillion kWh.
Everyone agree with the math?
Did you know that 19% of America’s electricity comes from nuclear power?
54 nuclear power plants, located in 28 states, are fueling the future with reliable electricity that we can use every day—and all the time. or total of 782 billion kWh at 19% which would be 932 new nuclear power plants each nuclear plant costs an average of $3 billion so where will the $6,522,362,762,226
come from? YOU and me as consumers directly to the utilities and indirectly from businesses.

So are you willing as part of the 129,930,000 American households to pay directly/indirectly $50,199 over the next 20 years to build
these 932 nuclear plants..

JUST to provide the additional electricity for all EV cars/trucks.... NOW?


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So you think that the USA converting to EVs is a "cost effective way to address AGW now?
Details, details, details.. devil is in the details though...
No, I don't, because it's in the details. EV's are what could be seen as a gesture in the right spirit of facing up to climate change. I've said a dozen times at least that EV's are not the answer to the problem, but lifestyle change likely is.
The details: Mass transit and people not travelling far from home are! Can you think of anything else. I won't for now because I think you people need to have some skin in the game.
Surely these dummies don't seem to comprehend what alternative i.e. EVS will COST consumers!
Do these idiots have any idea that 13.4 Trillion MORE kWh to provide electricity for EVs because will be needed? In 2021, about 4,108 billion kilo watt hours (kWh) (or about 4.11 trillion kWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.
You have my answer and I won't take it any further for now. Later I can perhaps answer some of your other questions. But that calls for some sincere devotion to the topic along with me.
No, I don't, because it's in the details. EV's are what could be seen as a gesture in the right spirit of facing up to climate change. I've said a dozen times at least that EV's are not the answer to the problem, but lifestyle change likely is.
The details: Mass transit and people not travelling far from home are! Can you think of anything else. I won't for now because I think you people need to have some skin in the game.

You have my answer and I won't take it any further for now. Later I can perhaps answer some of your other questions. But that calls for some sincere devotion to the topic along with me.
Facts, details...
You support Biden's goal to rid fossil fuels right?
Are you aware that the major factor causing inflation to be at the highest rate in 40 years is due to Biden's goal to "rid fossil fuels"?
Explain to me how a CEO of an oil company would come to this conclusion:
"U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says on 06/03/22
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So why not continue to do the following???
The methane emissions intensity of oil and gas operations varies greatly across countries,
with the best performing countries having an emission intensity over 100 times lower than the worst performers.
High emission intensities from oil and gas operations are not inevitable; they are an “above-ground issue” that can be addressed cost-effectively through a well-established combination of high operational standards, firm policy action and technology deployment.
The technologies and measures to prevent methane emissions from oil and gas operations include leak detection and repair campaigns, installing emissions control devices, and replacing components and devices that emit methane in their normal operations.

The cost effectiveness of abatement measures vary by country, depending on the prevailing emissions sources, capital and labour costs, and natural gas prices.
We estimate that it is technically possible to avoid over 70% of today’s methane emissions from global oil and gas operations. Based on average natural gas prices over the past five years, over 40% of methane emissions from oil and gas operations could be avoided at no net cost as the outlays for the abatement measures are less than the market value of the additional gas that is captured. Based on the elevated natural gas prices seen in 2021, almost all of the options to reduce emissions from oil and gas operations worldwide could be implemented at no net cost.

The above experts seem to say... why destroy an entire industry that affects EVERYONE's lives so intensely as fossil fuels?
Facts, details...
You support Biden's goal to rid fossil fuels right?
I support the goal, but I'm a Canadian and I live in a world of reality as opposed to your world of politics. Ridding the world of fossil fuels is quite impossible but doing so to some degree is what I have confidence in being able to accomplish.
And that gives me hope that it will be enough and soon enough?
Are you aware that the major factor causing inflation to be at the highest rate in 40 years is due to Biden's goal to "rid fossil fuels"?
Explain to me how a CEO of an oil company would come to this conclusion:
I don't accept that.
"U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says on 06/03/22
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So why not continue to do the following???
The methane emissions intensity of oil and gas operations varies greatly across countries,
Yes, I believe it does.
with the best performing countries having an emission intensity over 100 times lower than the worst performers.
High emission intensities from oil and gas operations are not inevitable; they are an “above-ground issue” that can be addressed cost-effectively through a well-established combination of high operational standards, firm policy action and technology deployment.
The technologies and measures to prevent methane emissions from oil and gas operations include leak detection and repair campaigns, installing emissions control devices, and replacing components and devices that emit methane in their normal operations.

The cost effectiveness of abatement measures vary by country, depending on the prevailing emissions sources, capital and labour costs, and natural gas prices.
And the biggest factor most likely being that other nations are trying to catch up and attain a standard of living that's experienced in the wealthy modern countries. As simple as having running water for an example.
We estimate that it is technically possible to avoid over 70% of today’s methane emissions from global oil and gas operations. Based on average natural gas prices over the past five years, over 40% of methane emissions from oil and gas operations could be avoided at no net cost as the outlays for the abatement measures are less than the market value of the additional gas that is captured. Based on the elevated natural gas prices seen in 2021, almost all of the options to reduce emissions from oil and gas operations worldwide could be implemented at no net cost.

The above experts seem to say... why destroy an entire industry that affects EVERYONE's lives so intensely as fossil fuels?
IMO, fossil fuel use needs to be greatly reduced, along with addressing other sources of methane and CO2.
This is consistent with the opinions of the world's science experts.

Glad to be able to delve a little deeper into the questions that face the world, with you. I hope we can maintain the spirit in which we are exchanging ideas.
Why? Because the COLA based on the inflation rate of 8.6%... ALL due to Biden's war on fossil fuels!

Damn....Biden's war on fossil fuels caused bird flu outbreaks?

Damn....Biden's war on fossil fuels caused Putin to invade Ukraine?
Damn....Biden's war on fossil fuels caused bird flu outbreaks?

Damn....Biden's war on fossil fuels caused Putin to invade Ukraine?
So you are telling me that when the oil companies hear this:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

These oil companies rub their hands and say OH boy now we have an excuse to raise prices! After all Biden is going to get rid of us!
So the dumb ass Biden COULD have said this:
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
And that would have been NO issue of destroying a segment of our economy that affects 6,000+ products and not just gas.
The fossil fuel companies would have been then WORKING with Biden... but the dumb shit gave people like this the way to increase their values without having to spend any more money!
Totally ignorant !
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So you are telling me that when the oil companies hear this:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Did those words

Cause an outbreak bird flu?

Make Putin invade Ukraine?

Yes or no will do
Did those words

Cause an outbreak bird flu?

Make Putin invade Ukraine?

Yes or no will do
Of course not. And Putin invading Ukraine had NO AFFECT on US gas prices!
BUT THIS DID! Remember the OIL industry raised prices right after Biden was elected because of these Biden stupid statements:
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

"There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling."

Biden clearly states in 2020 debate with Bernie Sanders...
No more drilling on federal lands.
No more drilling, including offshore.
No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one."

Gas Prices Were Already Rising Before Russia Invaded Ukraine. What’s Next?​

Trump's first month 01/2017 gas price $2.458
Trump's last month (12/20) gas price: $2.284 decline of 7.08% DECLINE!!
Biden's first month (01/22) gas price:$2.420 5.62% INCREASE!!!
Russia invaded Ukraine on 02/2022...
Biden's gas price 01/2022 $3.413 or increase of 29% BEFORE RUSSIA invaded Ukraine.

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Of course not. And Putin invading Ukraine had NO AFFECT on US gas prices!

Come on now, you cannot pretend to be that stupid, I know you better than that.

Putin invading Ukraine had an impact on the global price of oil, which has an affect on our gas prices
Come on now, you cannot pretend to be that stupid, I know you better than that.

Putin invading Ukraine had an impact on the global price of oil, which has an affect on our gas prices
look at the chart the government provided and tell me there was no gas price increase prior to 02/2022. look at the numbers and then tell gas prices rose first in 02/2022
STRAW man comments as they have NO bearing on Biden's war on fossil fuels.

You said that his war on fossil fuels is solely responsible for the current inflation.

If you had the balls to answer my questions you would refute your own claims...thus you ran away from them like you always do

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