Big ACORN shocker...

It's not about him attending a dinner..... It's about the man and his connections to this Administration. If you think that's just attending a dinner, then maybe you should find out more about him. Just sayin'.

Convicted felons with ties to Bush.....

John Poindextor: National Security Adviser in the Bush Administration, was convicted in 1990 on five felony charges

Elliott Abrams, pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress in 1991 over Iran-Congra (is that a felony? Not sure)

Otto Reich - another Iran-Contra figure, White House Special Envoy

Charles Colson - Bush awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to Colson

Convicted felons with ties to the Obama Administration

Obama Administration - according to this wonderful example of Smear by Association (or to be more accurate, Bad Company Fallacy) Obama is "surrounded" by the following convicted felons:

Tony Rezko who raised money for a number of Chicago politicians (of both parties). Rezko was convicted in 2008 thus, a bona fide "convicted felon". I can't find any references to him "surrounding" Obama post-conviction.

Robert Creamer...apparently he also worked on Obama's campaign.

Maybe there are other "convicted felons" - I wouldn't be surprised. I bet if we looked at Clinton we'd find a pretty colorful Rogues Gallery. But, Obama, like Bush or any President or prominant political figure likely has thousands of associates with varying degrees of intimacy. Realistically though - I'm just not getting that warm fuzzy feeling of "surrounded by" here....maybe you can stack the numbers a bit?
Too bad the FBI fucked up the investigation of Bill Ayers, then we could add that terrorist pig and piece of shit to the list. Good ol' Guilty-as-Hell-free-as-a-bird-America-is-great, terrorist Bill.


What about his co-conspirator, Jones..... where's he at? That'll be the Apollo Foundation - they worked on the stimulus bill.

Wheels within wheels..... same as it ever was. Only difference now is, instead of big business, we got fucking community organizations deciding the future of our nation. I, for one, object!
You were ready to condem them on the words of a 19 year old Borat wanna be.
There's plenty more on ACORN than an amateur journalists' report, but good for James and Hannah.
AR 1998 A contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was arrested for falsifying about 400 voter registration cards.
CO 2005 Two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in Denver of perjury for submitting false voter registrations.
2004 An ACORN employee admitted to forging signatures and registering three of her friends to vote 40 times.
CT 2008 The New York Post reported that ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old Bridgeport girl. Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud.
FL 2009 In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney’s office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person.
2008 Election officials in Brevard County have given prosecutors more than 23 suspect registrations from ACORN. The state's Division of Elections is also investigating complaints in Orange and Broward Counties.
2004 A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokesman said ACORN was “singled out” among suspected voter registration groups for a 2004 wage initiative because it was “the common thread” in the agency’s fraud investigations.
IN 2008 Election officials in Indiana have thrown out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many deceased Indianans, and even the name of a fast food restaurant.
MI 2008 Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN. Those applications have been turned over to the U.S. Attorney's office for investigation.
2004 The Detroit Free Press reported that “overzealous or unscrupulous campaign workers in several Michigan counties are under investigation for voter-registration fraud, suspected of attempting to register nonexistent people or forging applications for already-registered voters.” ACORN-affiliate Project Vote was one of two groups suspected of turning in the documents.
MO 2008 Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been rejected due to duplication or fake information.
2007 Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election.
2006 Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges. Each of the eight faces up to five years in prison for forging signatures and submitting false information.
2003 Of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegally.
MN 2004 During a traffic stop, police found more than 300 voter registration cards in the trunk of a former ACORN employee, who had violated a legal requirements that registration cards be submitted to the Secretary of State within 10 days of being filled out and signed.
NC 2008 County elections officials have sent suspicious voter registration applications to the state Board of Elections. Many of the applications had similar or identical names, but with different addresses or dates of birth.
2004 North Carolina officials investigated ACORN for submitting fake voter registration cards.
NM 2008 Prosecutors are investigating more than 1,100 ACORN-submitted voter registration cards after a county clerk found them to be fraudulent. Many of the cards included duplicate names and slightly altered personal information.
2005 Four ACORN employees submitted as many as 3,000 potentially fraudulent signatures on the group’s Albuquerque ballot initiative. A local sheriff added: “It’s safe to say the forgery was widespread.”
2004 An ACORN employee registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. Citing this and other examples, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.
NV 2009 Nevada authorities indicted ACORN on 26 counts of voter registration fraud and 13 counts of illegally compensating canvassers. ACORN provided a bonus compensation program called “Blackjack” or “21+” for any canvasser who registered more than 20 voters per shift, which is illegal under Nevada law.
2008 Nevada state authorities raided ACORN's Las Vegas headquarters as part of a task force investigation of election fraud. Fraudulent registrations included players from the Dallas Cowboys.
OH 2008 ACORN activists gave Ohio residents cash and cigarettes in exchange for filling out voter registration card, according to the New York Post. Some voters claim to have registered dozens of times, and one man says he signed up on 72 cards.
2007 A man in Reynoldsburg was indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties.
2004 A grand jury indicted a Columbus ACORN worker for submitting a false signature and false voter registration form. In Franklin County, two ACORN workers submitted what the director of the board of election supervisors called “blatantly false” forms. In Cuyahoga County, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group.
PA 2009 Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms. Six of the seven were also indicted for registering voters under an illegal quota system.
2008 State election officials have thrown out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud.
2008 An ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.
2004 Reading’s Director of Elections received calls from numerous individuals complaining that ACORN employees deliberately put inaccurate information on their voter registration forms. The Berks County director of elections said voter fraud was “absolutely out of hand,” and added: “Not only do we have unintentional duplication of voter registration but we have blatant duplicate voter registrations.” The Berks County deputy director of elections added that ACORN was under investigation by the Department of Justice.
TX 2008 In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.
2008 ACORN turned in the voter registration form of David Young, who told reporters “The signature is not my signature. It’s not even close.” His social security number and date of birth were also incorrect.
VA 2005 In 2005, the Virginia State Board of Elections admonished Project Vote and ACORN for turning in a significant number of faulty voter registrations. An audit revealed that 83% of sampled registrations that were rejected for carrying false or questionable information were submitted by Project Vote. Many of these registrations carried social security numbers that exist for other people, listed non-existent or commercial addresses, or were for convicted felons in violation of state and federal election law.

In a letter to ACORN, the State Board of Elections reported that 56% of the voter registration applications ACORN turned in were ineligible. Further, a full 35% were not submitted in a timely manner, as required by law. The State Board of Elections also commented on what appeared to be evidence of intentional voter fraud. "Additionally,” they wrote, “information appears to have been altered on some applications where information given by the applicant in one color ink has been scratched through and re-entered in another color ink. Any alteration of a voter registration application is a Class 5 Felony in accordance with § 24.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia."
WA 2007 Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history. More than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted by the group during a voter registration drive.
WI 2008 At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organizations had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.
Rotten ACORN
Last edited:
It's not about him attending a dinner..... It's about the man and his connections to this Administration. If you think that's just attending a dinner, then maybe you should find out more about him. Just sayin'.

Convicted felons with ties to Bush.....

John Poindextor: National Security Adviser in the Bush Administration, was convicted in 1990 on five felony charges

Elliott Abrams, pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress in 1991 over Iran-Congra (is that a felony? Not sure)

Otto Reich - another Iran-Contra figure, White House Special Envoy

Charles Colson - Bush awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to Colson

Convicted felons with ties to the Obama Administration

Obama Administration - according to this wonderful example of Smear by Association (or to be more accurate, Bad Company Fallacy) Obama is "surrounded" by the following convicted felons:

Tony Rezko who raised money for a number of Chicago politicians (of both parties). Rezko was convicted in 2008 thus, a bona fide "convicted felon". I can't find any references to him "surrounding" Obama post-conviction.

Robert Creamer...apparently he also worked on Obama's campaign.

Maybe there are other "convicted felons" - I wouldn't be surprised. I bet if we looked at Clinton we'd find a pretty colorful Rogues Gallery. But, Obama, like Bush or any President or prominant political figure likely has thousands of associates with varying degrees of intimacy. Realistically though - I'm just not getting that warm fuzzy feeling of "surrounded by" here....maybe you can stack the numbers a bit?
Too bad the FBI fucked up the investigation of Bill Ayers, then we could add that terrorist pig and piece of shit to the list. Good ol' Guilty-as-Hell-free-as-a-bird-America-is-great, terrorist Bill.


We're discussing "convicted felons" - otherwise you open the discussion to all sorts of unproven crooks-by-inuendo that may or may not be true depending on your ideological leanings. Try to keep up :)
You were ready to condem them on the words of a 19 year old Borat wanna be.
There's plenty more on ACORN than an amateur journalist's report.
AR 1998 A contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was arrested for falsifying about 400 voter registration cards.
CO 2005 Two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in Denver of perjury for submitting false voter registrations.
2004 An ACORN employee admitted to forging signatures and registering three of her friends to vote 40 times.
CT 2008 The New York Post reported that ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old Bridgeport girl. Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud.
FL 2009 In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney’s office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person.
2008 Election officials in Brevard County have given prosecutors more than 23 suspect registrations from ACORN. The state's Division of Elections is also investigating complaints in Orange and Broward Counties.
2004 A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokesman said ACORN was “singled out” among suspected voter registration groups for a 2004 wage initiative because it was “the common thread” in the agency’s fraud investigations.
IN 2008 Election officials in Indiana have thrown out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many deceased Indianans, and even the name of a fast food restaurant.
MI 2008 Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN. Those applications have been turned over to the U.S. Attorney's office for investigation.
2004 The Detroit Free Press reported that “overzealous or unscrupulous campaign workers in several Michigan counties are under investigation for voter-registration fraud, suspected of attempting to register nonexistent people or forging applications for already-registered voters.” ACORN-affiliate Project Vote was one of two groups suspected of turning in the documents.
MO 2008 Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been rejected due to duplication or fake information.
2007 Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election.
2006 Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges. Each of the eight faces up to five years in prison for forging signatures and submitting false information.
2003 Of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegally.
MN 2004 During a traffic stop, police found more than 300 voter registration cards in the trunk of a former ACORN employee, who had violated a legal requirements that registration cards be submitted to the Secretary of State within 10 days of being filled out and signed.
NC 2008 County elections officials have sent suspicious voter registration applications to the state Board of Elections. Many of the applications had similar or identical names, but with different addresses or dates of birth.
2004 North Carolina officials investigated ACORN for submitting fake voter registration cards.
NM 2008 Prosecutors are investigating more than 1,100 ACORN-submitted voter registration cards after a county clerk found them to be fraudulent. Many of the cards included duplicate names and slightly altered personal information.
2005 Four ACORN employees submitted as many as 3,000 potentially fraudulent signatures on the group’s Albuquerque ballot initiative. A local sheriff added: “It’s safe to say the forgery was widespread.”
2004 An ACORN employee registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. Citing this and other examples, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.
NV 2009 Nevada authorities indicted ACORN on 26 counts of voter registration fraud and 13 counts of illegally compensating canvassers. ACORN provided a bonus compensation program called “Blackjack” or “21+” for any canvasser who registered more than 20 voters per shift, which is illegal under Nevada law.
2008 Nevada state authorities raided ACORN's Las Vegas headquarters as part of a task force investigation of election fraud. Fraudulent registrations included players from the Dallas Cowboys.
OH 2008 ACORN activists gave Ohio residents cash and cigarettes in exchange for filling out voter registration card, according to the New York Post. Some voters claim to have registered dozens of times, and one man says he signed up on 72 cards.
2007 A man in Reynoldsburg was indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties.
2004 A grand jury indicted a Columbus ACORN worker for submitting a false signature and false voter registration form. In Franklin County, two ACORN workers submitted what the director of the board of election supervisors called “blatantly false” forms. In Cuyahoga County, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group.
PA 2009 Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms. Six of the seven were also indicted for registering voters under an illegal quota system.
2008 State election officials have thrown out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud.
2008 An ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.
2004 Reading’s Director of Elections received calls from numerous individuals complaining that ACORN employees deliberately put inaccurate information on their voter registration forms. The Berks County director of elections said voter fraud was “absolutely out of hand,” and added: “Not only do we have unintentional duplication of voter registration but we have blatant duplicate voter registrations.” The Berks County deputy director of elections added that ACORN was under investigation by the Department of Justice.
TX 2008 In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.
2008 ACORN turned in the voter registration form of David Young, who told reporters “The signature is not my signature. It’s not even close.” His social security number and date of birth were also incorrect.
VA 2005 In 2005, the Virginia State Board of Elections admonished Project Vote and ACORN for turning in a significant number of faulty voter registrations. An audit revealed that 83% of sampled registrations that were rejected for carrying false or questionable information were submitted by Project Vote. Many of these registrations carried social security numbers that exist for other people, listed non-existent or commercial addresses, or were for convicted felons in violation of state and federal election law.

In a letter to ACORN, the State Board of Elections reported that 56% of the voter registration applications ACORN turned in were ineligible. Further, a full 35% were not submitted in a timely manner, as required by law. The State Board of Elections also commented on what appeared to be evidence of intentional voter fraud. "Additionally,” they wrote, “information appears to have been altered on some applications where information given by the applicant in one color ink has been scratched through and re-entered in another color ink. Any alteration of a voter registration application is a Class 5 Felony in accordance with § 24.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia."
WA 2007 Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history. More than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted by the group during a voter registration drive.
WI 2008 At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organizations had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.
Rotten ACORN

i'm sure upper management at ACORN was shocked to hear of this.


If the tapes WERE altered - then that really removes a lot of the fuel from the ACORN fire and compromises FOX's legitimacy as a news agency even further.

I suspect if they were altered, we'll be hearing about it in the courts and news.
You were ready to condem them on the words of a 19 year old Borat wanna be.
There's plenty more on ACORN than an amateur journalist's report.
AR 1998 A contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was arrested for falsifying about 400 voter registration cards.
CO 2005 Two ex-ACORN employees were convicted in Denver of perjury for submitting false voter registrations.
2004 An ACORN employee admitted to forging signatures and registering three of her friends to vote 40 times.
CT 2008 The New York Post reported that ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old Bridgeport girl. Another 8,000 cards from the same city will be scrutinized for possible fraud.
FL 2009 In September, 11 ACORN workers were accused of forging voter registration applications in Miami-Dade County during the last election. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the state attorney’s office scoured hundreds of suspicious applications provided by ACORN and found 197 of 260 contained personal ID information that did not match any living person.
2008 Election officials in Brevard County have given prosecutors more than 23 suspect registrations from ACORN. The state's Division of Elections is also investigating complaints in Orange and Broward Counties.
2004 A Florida Department of Law Enforcement spokesman said ACORN was “singled out” among suspected voter registration groups for a 2004 wage initiative because it was “the common thread” in the agency’s fraud investigations.
IN 2008 Election officials in Indiana have thrown out more than 4,000 ACORN-submitted voter registrations after finding they had identical handwriting and included the names of many deceased Indianans, and even the name of a fast food restaurant.
MI 2008 Clerks in Detroit found a "sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent [voter] applications" from the Michigan branch of ACORN. Those applications have been turned over to the U.S. Attorney's office for investigation.
2004 The Detroit Free Press reported that “overzealous or unscrupulous campaign workers in several Michigan counties are under investigation for voter-registration fraud, suspected of attempting to register nonexistent people or forging applications for already-registered voters.” ACORN-affiliate Project Vote was one of two groups suspected of turning in the documents.
MO 2008 Nearly 400 ACORN-submitted registrations in Kansas City have been rejected due to duplication or fake information.
2007 Four ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City for charges including identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election.
2006 Eight ACORN employees in St. Louis were indicted on federal election fraud charges. Each of the eight faces up to five years in prison for forging signatures and submitting false information.
2003 Of 5,379 voter registration cards ACORN submitted in St. Louis, only 2,013 of those appeared to be valid. At least 1,000 are believed to be attempts to register voters illegally.
MN 2004 During a traffic stop, police found more than 300 voter registration cards in the trunk of a former ACORN employee, who had violated a legal requirements that registration cards be submitted to the Secretary of State within 10 days of being filled out and signed.
NC 2008 County elections officials have sent suspicious voter registration applications to the state Board of Elections. Many of the applications had similar or identical names, but with different addresses or dates of birth.
2004 North Carolina officials investigated ACORN for submitting fake voter registration cards.
NM 2008 Prosecutors are investigating more than 1,100 ACORN-submitted voter registration cards after a county clerk found them to be fraudulent. Many of the cards included duplicate names and slightly altered personal information.
2005 Four ACORN employees submitted as many as 3,000 potentially fraudulent signatures on the group’s Albuquerque ballot initiative. A local sheriff added: “It’s safe to say the forgery was widespread.”
2004 An ACORN employee registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. Citing this and other examples, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.
NV 2009 Nevada authorities indicted ACORN on 26 counts of voter registration fraud and 13 counts of illegally compensating canvassers. ACORN provided a bonus compensation program called “Blackjack” or “21+” for any canvasser who registered more than 20 voters per shift, which is illegal under Nevada law.
2008 Nevada state authorities raided ACORN's Las Vegas headquarters as part of a task force investigation of election fraud. Fraudulent registrations included players from the Dallas Cowboys.
OH 2008 ACORN activists gave Ohio residents cash and cigarettes in exchange for filling out voter registration card, according to the New York Post. Some voters claim to have registered dozens of times, and one man says he signed up on 72 cards.
2007 A man in Reynoldsburg was indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties.
2004 A grand jury indicted a Columbus ACORN worker for submitting a false signature and false voter registration form. In Franklin County, two ACORN workers submitted what the director of the board of election supervisors called “blatantly false” forms. In Cuyahoga County, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group.
PA 2009 Seven ACORN workers in the Pittsburgh area were indicted for submitting falsified voter registration forms. Six of the seven were also indicted for registering voters under an illegal quota system.
2008 State election officials have thrown out 57,435 voter registrations, the majority of which were submitted by ACORN. The registrations were thrown out after officials found "clearly fraudulent" signatures, vacant lots listed as addresses, and other signs of fraud.
2008 An ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced to up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.
2004 Reading’s Director of Elections received calls from numerous individuals complaining that ACORN employees deliberately put inaccurate information on their voter registration forms. The Berks County director of elections said voter fraud was “absolutely out of hand,” and added: “Not only do we have unintentional duplication of voter registration but we have blatant duplicate voter registrations.” The Berks County deputy director of elections added that ACORN was under investigation by the Department of Justice.
TX 2008 In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.
2008 ACORN turned in the voter registration form of David Young, who told reporters “The signature is not my signature. It’s not even close.” His social security number and date of birth were also incorrect.
VA 2005 In 2005, the Virginia State Board of Elections admonished Project Vote and ACORN for turning in a significant number of faulty voter registrations. An audit revealed that 83% of sampled registrations that were rejected for carrying false or questionable information were submitted by Project Vote. Many of these registrations carried social security numbers that exist for other people, listed non-existent or commercial addresses, or were for convicted felons in violation of state and federal election law.

In a letter to ACORN, the State Board of Elections reported that 56% of the voter registration applications ACORN turned in were ineligible. Further, a full 35% were not submitted in a timely manner, as required by law. The State Board of Elections also commented on what appeared to be evidence of intentional voter fraud. "Additionally,” they wrote, “information appears to have been altered on some applications where information given by the applicant in one color ink has been scratched through and re-entered in another color ink. Any alteration of a voter registration application is a Class 5 Felony in accordance with § 24.2-1009 of the Code of Virginia."
WA 2007 Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged, in the worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history. More than 2,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted by the group during a voter registration drive.
WI 2008 At least 33,000 ACORN-submitted registrations in Milwaukee have been called into question after it was found that the organizations had been using felons as registration workers, in violation of state election rules. Two people involved in the ongoing Wisconsin voter fraud investigation have been charged with felonies.
Rotten ACORN

i'm sure upper management at ACORN was shocked to hear of this.


If the tapes WERE altered - then that really removes a lot of the fuel from the ACORN fire and compromises FOX's legitimacy as a news agency even further.

I suspect if they were altered, we'll be hearing about it in the courts and news.

I would suspect that you would have to have proof as to who did the altering.

Maybe they were editted.

Maybe it was ACORN that did the editting? You wouldn't want any really incriminating information getting to the "independent" investigator now would you? Not a likely scenario since the originals must still be available.

Maybe the person who filmed it?

Maybe Fox?

By the way, since when did it become illegal to edit tapes? I'm not justifying edits used to incriminate ACORN, but to my knowledge it is not a crime to edit tapes.

Convicted felons with ties to Bush.....

John Poindextor: National Security Adviser in the Bush Administration, was convicted in 1990 on five felony charges

Elliott Abrams, pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress in 1991 over Iran-Congra (is that a felony? Not sure)

Otto Reich - another Iran-Contra figure, White House Special Envoy

Charles Colson - Bush awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to Colson

Convicted felons with ties to the Obama Administration

Obama Administration - according to this wonderful example of Smear by Association (or to be more accurate, Bad Company Fallacy) Obama is "surrounded" by the following convicted felons:

Tony Rezko who raised money for a number of Chicago politicians (of both parties). Rezko was convicted in 2008 thus, a bona fide "convicted felon". I can't find any references to him "surrounding" Obama post-conviction.

Robert Creamer...apparently he also worked on Obama's campaign.

Maybe there are other "convicted felons" - I wouldn't be surprised. I bet if we looked at Clinton we'd find a pretty colorful Rogues Gallery. But, Obama, like Bush or any President or prominant political figure likely has thousands of associates with varying degrees of intimacy. Realistically though - I'm just not getting that warm fuzzy feeling of "surrounded by" here....maybe you can stack the numbers a bit?
Too bad the FBI fucked up the investigation of Bill Ayers, then we could add that terrorist pig and piece of shit to the list. Good ol' Guilty-as-Hell-free-as-a-bird-America-is-great, terrorist Bill.


We're discussing "convicted felons" - otherwise you open the discussion to all sorts of unproven crooks-by-inuendo that may or may not be true depending on your ideological leanings. Try to keep up :)
There's no innuendo. But for the investigative fuck up, terrorist Ayers would be in prison for the rest of his life for murder. He says so himself. "Guilty as hell, free as a bird. America is Great." Then he poses standing on the same flag that kept him out of jail for his terrorism against this country.

Simply an amazing terrorist pig and a piece of shit.
ACORN employees caught in those undercover videos advising a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to break the law acted unprofessionally and inappropriately, but did nothing illegal, a report commissioned by ACORN and conducted by an independent investigator has found.

shocking i tell you shocking.....
You were ready to condem them on the words of a 19 year old Borat wanna be.

I was? Who is Borat? Isn't that some fictional movie character? The movie trailer didn't look that good so I have never seen it.


Sasha Baron Coehn

He is the guy who makes movies as characters and then asks real people questions.

This young man was very obviously trying to do a rightwing version of this guys gig.

The tapes are obviously altered according to the study.

They would only harm themselves by claiming this when the tapes are in the public domain for anyone to test.

Oh BTW it also looks like the GW emails were altered.
If the tapes WERE altered - then that really removes a lot of the fuel from the ACORN fire and compromises FOX's legitimacy as a news agency even further.

I suspect if they were altered, we'll be hearing about it in the courts and news.

Who's gonna cover that? The same news outlets who covered the original allegations? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, I'm sure the 'media' would be all over it should it suit their agenda - which of course the original allegations did not. The media is a fucking joke.
Too bad the FBI fucked up the investigation of Bill Ayers, then we could add that terrorist pig and piece of shit to the list. Good ol' Guilty-as-Hell-free-as-a-bird-America-is-great, terrorist Bill.


We're discussing "convicted felons" - otherwise you open the discussion to all sorts of unproven crooks-by-inuendo that may or may not be true depending on your ideological leanings. Try to keep up :)
There's no innuendo. But for the investigative fuck up, terrorist Ayers would be in prison for the rest of his life for murder. He says so himself. "Guilty as hell, free as a bird. America is Great." Then he poses standing on the same flag that kept him out of jail for his terrorism against this country.

Simply an amazing terrorist pig and a piece of shit.

He's not a convicted felon. That is a simple statement of fact.
If the tapes WERE altered - then that really removes a lot of the fuel from the ACORN fire and compromises FOX's legitimacy as a news agency even further.

I suspect if they were altered, we'll be hearing about it in the courts and news.

Who's gonna cover that? The same news outlets who covered the original allegations? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, I'm sure the 'media' would be all over it should it suit their agenda - which of course the original allegations did not. The media is a fucking joke.

The original allegations were all over Fox. Do you think they'll post retractions if the videos are frauds?
We're discussing "convicted felons" - otherwise you open the discussion to all sorts of unproven crooks-by-inuendo that may or may not be true depending on your ideological leanings. Try to keep up :)
There's no innuendo. But for the investigative fuck up, terrorist Ayers would be in prison for the rest of his life for murder. He says so himself. "Guilty as hell, free as a bird. America is Great." Then he poses standing on the same flag that kept him out of jail for his terrorism against this country.

Simply an amazing terrorist pig and a piece of shit.

He's not a convicted felon. That is a simple statement of fact.
And, a few on your list for the GWB administration are not convicted felons, either. You opened the door nicely.
You were ready to condem them on the words of a 19 year old Borat wanna be.

I was? Who is Borat? Isn't that some fictional movie character? The movie trailer didn't look that good so I have never seen it.


Sasha Baron Coehn

He is the guy who makes movies as characters and then asks real people questions.

This young man was very obviously trying to do a rightwing version of this guys gig.

The tapes are obviously altered according to the study.

They would only harm themselves by claiming this when the tapes are in the public domain for anyone to test.

Oh BTW it also looks like the GW emails were altered.

oh, btw, you're such a lying sack of shit.
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There's no innuendo. But for the investigative fuck up, terrorist Ayers would be in prison for the rest of his life for murder. He says so himself. "Guilty as hell, free as a bird. America is Great." Then he poses standing on the same flag that kept him out of jail for his terrorism against this country.

Simply an amazing terrorist pig and a piece of shit.

He's not a convicted felon. That is a simple statement of fact.
And, a few on your list for the GWB administration are not convicted felons, either. You opened the door nicely.

Could be....I double checked but wasn't 100% on Otto Reich or whether Abrams was convicted of a felony or something else. If evidence proves to the contrary I have no issue taking them off - it doesn't change my point either way :)

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