Big ACORN shocker...


As a LIEbtard I don't expect you to be rational. Not surprisingly, in your last well as all the previous posts you were not.

When people discuss "felons", in the course of the discussion one usually considers the CIRCUMSTANCES of the "felony". Whether they are of the "convicted" variety, or not. That is especially pertinent when one discusses "felons" with the goal of establishing the validity of their status.

My dearest Guano,

So good to hear from you again! Thank you for the new nickname, I shall treasure it always. Of COURSE we must consider the CIRCUMSTANCES of the "felony" - I mean if you was talking about all kinds of mean nasty ugly people like....mother rapers....father stabbers...father'd have a point. But essentially your apologetics toe an ideological line rather than a criminal line so I'm afraid it's rather laughable.

Apparently. that aspect of discussing "felons" is beyond the ability of the typical LIEbtard (sadly, YOU) who has been furnished by NATURE with not only a unicelled brain......but a seriously damaged one, as well.

This, and other peculiar lack of abilities for a LIEbtard brain to function adequately causes you drop-cases to be correctly adjudicated as being IDIOTS.

As you've already self-identified as a semi-retarded Jr Hi student in your preceeding post, I am somewhat confused as to why you feel such a need to continue flailing about on the topic of intelligence. Perhaps you are projecting? Projecting is a common tactic for those who see themselves as functionally inferior. Medical science, while contineously advancing in many areas is sadly slow in the field of brain chemistry and neurology. Hollywood might offer better options for your particular case.

On the subject of "FLYING CRAP". My dear unicelled being a typical LIEbtard ......ARE CRAP, the "FLYING" variety, or otherwise is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT !

You seem confused. First, you introduce the topic of flying crapola ... then you say it is irrelevant. Perhaps you are a political poop-flinger in denial - unwilling to acknowledge his higher calling to the service of aerodynamic fertilizer? Don't worry. I promise I won't point my finger and laugh hysterically. Ok...maybe just a little.

As a matter of fact, you being a LIEbtard, is correctly identified as a POS. The "S" in that acronym refers to a synonym for CRAP.

I have given you all the "direct evidence" you need. As to whether you are "open" to the explanations I have given you is of monumental indifference to me.

There you go again...talking about crap. I've got a suggestion for ya...just let it all out :)

...and, since I know you are real concerned about spelling and grammar and have been so helpful to me in that regard, I do have one teensy suggestion: As a matter of fact, you being a LIEbtard, is correctly identified as a POS really should be As a matter of fact, you being a LIEbtard, are correctly identified as a POS. I'm sure that was just a typo though.

Regarding your phenomenal ability to manufacture an inexhaustible amount of "gobblygook" on any subject, at any time: I realize that this happens to be an inborn trait of the typical LIEbtard.

However, there is a cure for that obnoxious malady: Take a TEN TON vat filled 1/2 way with a honeyed enema of your choice.....pour enough DRANO to fill up the vat.....get an XXXtra large diametered hose (to heighten your pleasure), stick it in the place where the "sun don't shine".....and flush out the "gobblygook" that has clogged up your unicelled brain. Needless to say, you'll have to use up ALL of the vat's contents. TRUST ME.

I think you've got your "cures" a bit mixed up to say the least but that's ok, I know you are trying real hard and I'm here to tell you I'll support your efforts all the way:clap2: Honeyed enemas are useful for reverting a cranial-rectal inversion with a minimum of stress to the patient. You should never ever mix drano with honey or you'll risk a massive methane explosion and possible permanent damage to the cranium (though in your case I don't know if anyone would notice the difference). The hose diameter is....well...interesting. You seem to know an awful about hose diameters and "pleasure". No need to fill me in there, I can do without the details. Lastly, when you revert the invert - do it gently but don't be surprised if it pops back into the rectum again, relapses are common.

You mentioned retardation. A typical LIEbtard like you is beyond being retarded. Hence for you to even refer to "retardation" is a non sequitur.

I hope I won't be contacted by a whackjob like you again. Knowing you, that is, of course, an impossibility. However, I will promise you this: I will do my best to ignore you.

You're so cute. Keep trying, I'm rooting for you. One of these days you might even be able to utter a clear sentence without spitting on the keyboard. Let's be optimistic shall we?

Your friend always,

If the tapes WERE altered - then that really removes a lot of the fuel from the ACORN fire and compromises FOX's legitimacy as a news agency even further.

I suspect if they were altered, we'll be hearing about it in the courts and news.

Who's gonna cover that? The same news outlets who covered the original allegations? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, I'm sure the 'media' would be all over it should it suit their agenda - which of course the original allegations did not. The media is a fucking joke.

The original allegations were all over Fox. Do you think they'll post retractions if the videos are frauds?

Of course not. Hell, they exact a "zero tolerance" policy for errors in their newscasts and within two weeks are caught doctoring data yet again, and instead of applying the policy and making the correction, they scrap the policy.
SO you predcted that this was nothing but a farce and an attack on Acorn?

And you beleve their own findings uncovered by their own investigation?

And you ask that we put credibilty in your postings?

The report was conducted by an independent investigator.

Reading: It can be your friend.

ACORN employees caught in those undercover videos advising a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to break the law acted unprofessionally and inappropriately, but did nothing illegal, a report commissioned by ACORN and conducted by an independent investigator has found.

The report, by former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, recommends nine steps for ACORN to take in order to regain public trust in the wake of the scandal, including that it return to its "core competency - community organizing and citizen engagement empowerment, with related services."

SO you predcted that this was nothing but a farce and an attack on Acorn?

And you beleve their own findings uncovered by their own investigation?

And you ask that we put credibilty in your postings?

The report was conducted by an independent investigator.

seems you know as much about investigations as you do about the constitution that obama taught you

Once again CG turns out to be a liar...tff!

And once again Ravi shows herself to be dog stupid. tff!

It is not my job to educate people here - it is for them to find out information for themselves. That way you learn.

To me it looks like you had the name of one guy with a loose connection to the adminstration, tried to sluff it off as the administration being "surrounded by convicted felons" and got your bluff called.
The truth is quite easily distinguishable from this sham investigation.

Acorn hired one of their own to investigate themselves. Democrat Scott Harshbarger is of the same leftist ilk as is Acorn - they share a very important contributor in George Soros.

This "investigator" is a champion of Nancy Pelosi, and was already cozy with the likes of the Working Families Party - a branch of Acorn itself.

The Acorn "Investigator", appointed by Acorn - paid for by Acorn, has deep roots with leftist billionaire George Soros - the same billionaire leftist with deep roots with Acorn. This "investigation" was a sham.

Scott Harshbarger ‘Bad Choice’ to Investigate ACORN

Submitted by Peter Flaherty on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 15:23

Acorn announced today that former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger has agreed to head ACORN’s investigation of itself. Leaving aside the valid question of whether any ACORN-funded probe can actually be “independent,” Harshbarger is a particularly bad choice.

Harshbarger has impressive-sounding credentials, but he is well-known for his political and ideological intensity. A quick Google check of his affiliations shows him sharing the program as a speaker at a Campaign Institute event in 2004 with Dan Cantor who is described as “founding executive director of the Working Families Party (WFP),” an ACORN front.

ACORN board member Maude Hurd was eager to point out today that Harshbarger is “the former President and CEO of Common Cause, the good government organization.”

Scott Harshbarger ‘Bad Choice’ to Investigate ACORN | National Legal and Policy Center


Soros-Funded Liberal Group Common Cause in Deep Financial Trouble

One of liberal philanthropist George Soros's favorite lefty groups is in deep financial doo-doo.

The group is Common Cause. It attacks pharmaceutical companies for opposing government-run health care, demands federal regulation of drug prices, and pushes for so-called campaign finance reform and public financing of campaigns for political office...

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Soros-Funded Liberal Group Common Cause in Deep Financial Trouble


The truth is quite easily distinguishable from this sham investigation.

Acorn hired one of their own to investigate themselves. Democrat Scott Harshbarger is of the same leftist ilk as is Acorn - they share a very important contributor in George Soros.

This "investigator" is a champion of Nancy Pelosi, and was already cozy with the likes of the Working Families Party - a branch of Acorn itself.


The Leftiest of the Left Multi-Billionaire Maestro George Soros, who is the largest Financial Supporter of Marxist Obami Salami ( just 5 personal visits to the White House as Obami's personal guest) supporting ACORN by supporting Harshbarger and his semi-Commie COMMON CAUSE ??????



You are correct - this "independent" investigator headed up the Soros-funded Common Cause, which itself has links to Acorn.

Acorn paid one of their own and called it "independent".

The only thing this "investigation" was independent of was the truth...
The truth is quite easily distinguishable from this sham investigation.

Acorn hired one of their own to investigate themselves. Democrat Scott Harshbarger is of the same leftist ilk as is Acorn - they share a very important contributor in George Soros.

This "investigator" is a champion of Nancy Pelosi, and was already cozy with the likes of the Working Families Party - a branch of Acorn itself.



How much do you get paid to bump these posts?
The report was conducted by an independent investigator.

Reading: It can be your friend.

ACORN employees caught in those undercover videos advising a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to break the law acted unprofessionally and inappropriately, but did nothing illegal, a report commissioned by ACORN and conducted by an independent investigator has found.

The report, by former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, recommends nine steps for ACORN to take in order to regain public trust in the wake of the scandal, including that it return to its "core competency - community organizing and citizen engagement empowerment, with related services."
You may want to take your own advice. Folks I hire, especially attorneys, are independent. :lol:
Notice the pattern here.

The head of the SEIU or ACORN visits the White House over a hundred times this year and there is no mention of any investigations by the Attorney General Eric Holder. Congress cuts off funds to ACORN and the Attorney General's office announces that they will still be paid for services already rendered. Over $53 million so far.

The Attorney General's office wants to investigate CIA agents and anyone that had anything to do with the Bush Administration.....but when it comes to prosecuting New Black Panther members that threatened voters in front of polling places in the last election, or ACORN members that on video conspired to commit various felonious acts including human-trafficking and underage prostitution...

....well...let's not talk about that right now.:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, we know the deal here. :evil:
Last edited:
Another LIEbtard heard from.

So, let's compare "felon" and uber Human Trash Hater G.Gordon Liddy, to MARXIST Obami Salami's long-assed friendship with the NON-convicted "felon" COMMIE Billy Ayers: THE UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL MANIACAL TERRORIST, who on National TV, claimed that he was remorseful that he wasn't more successful in his bombing of a Police HQ, the Pentagon, etc. Or, how about MARXIST Obami Salami's RAPIST and MURDERING COMMIE cousin who was photo-oped arm-in-arm with the smiling Obami Salami at one of the "AFRICAN STALIN'S" rallies ?

So yes, you think Liddy was a stand-up guy.


I'm glad you also made the correct conclusion after comparing Liddy with MARXIST Obami Salami's decade long friend and co-worker at ACORN, the COMMIE POS Ayers.

Hey, you're the one saying it's OK for someone to be a violent lawbreaking thug as long as it's aginst people you don't agree with politically, not me. :eusa_hand:
Once again CG turns out to be a liar...tff!

And once again Ravi shows herself to be dog stupid. tff!

It is not my job to educate people here - it is for them to find out information for themselves. That way you learn.

To me it looks like you had the name of one guy with a loose connection to the adminstration, tried to sluff it off as the administration being "surrounded by convicted felons" and got your bluff called.

That's what it looks like to you - fine. I have no problem with people remaining ignorant of their government.... with some people, like Ravi, I am not at all surprised. With someone like you, Art, I am.
Now they're serving acorn cookies at the White House.

Is this some kind of sick joke....or is the White House really this much on the ACORN bandwagon?

Ether shows us a White House that is tonedeaf and out of touch with the American public.

Is this what Liberals think is funny?

It reminds me of the rumors that the Clintons decorated a Christmas tree with rubbers.

acorn.jpg - White House's Acorn Cookies Surprises Republican Lawmaker
Rep. Steve King: The White House Served Me ACORN Cookies! | TPM LiveWire
And once again Ravi shows herself to be dog stupid. tff!

It is not my job to educate people here - it is for them to find out information for themselves. That way you learn.

To me it looks like you had the name of one guy with a loose connection to the adminstration, tried to sluff it off as the administration being "surrounded by convicted felons" and got your bluff called.

That's what it looks like to you - fine. I have no problem with people remaining ignorant of their government.... with some people, like Ravi, I am not at all surprised. With someone like you, Art, I am.

So where's your list then?

Vague and airy statements don't cut it, CG.

Honestly, I think you just have a bad habit of making silly statements like the administration is "surrounded by convicted felons" with nothing to back up such a bold assertion.
Now they're serving acorn cookies at the White House.

Is this some kind of sick joke....or is the White House really this much on the ACORN bandwagon?

Ether shows us a White House that is tonedeaf and out of touch with the American public.

Is this what Liberals think is funny?

It reminds me of the rumors that the Clintons decorated a Christmas tree with rubbers.

acorn.jpg - White House's Acorn Cookies Surprises Republican Lawmaker
Rep. Steve King: The White House Served Me ACORN Cookies! | TPM LiveWire
Oh, that's funny!
Once again CG turns out to be a liar...tff!

And once again Ravi shows herself to be dog stupid. tff!

It is not my job to educate people here - it is for them to find out information for themselves. That way you learn.

To me it looks like you had the name of one guy with a loose connection to the adminstration, tried to sluff it off as the administration being "surrounded by convicted felons" and got your bluff called.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Article 15 again.
that I predicted from the beginning.
While some of the advice and counsel given by ACORN employees and volunteers was clearly inappropriate and unprofessional, we did not find a pattern of intentional, illegal conduct by ACORN staff; in fact, there is no evidence that action, illegal or otherwise, was taken by any ACORN employee on behalf of the videographers.
The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O'Keefe's and Ms. Giles's comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions.
ACORN Report Finds No Illegal Conduct | TPMMuckraker

well now since your the OP and YOUR ASS is on the line, lets just take a look here and YOU tell us what's been edited



there's no such thing as an independent investigator. they get paid by who??? as usual you always step in the big bucket a shit.​
Watch them. You never see the faces or mouth movements of both groups at the same time. There is no way to tell if what is answered is in answer to what is asked.

IMO, they learned from that sad Terri Shaivo tape...there really is no difference.

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