Big Bird Wants Out

Kind of ruins the worn out old rightwing talking point that PBS is just a tool of the left, doesn't it?
Ouch!!! I guess Big Bird understands that he makes his money off people of all political stripes and doesn't want to be labeled a Democrat. :lol:

Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Published October 09, 2012

Big Bird will not be anyone's political puppet.
Sesame Workshop has asked the Obama campaign to take down a new TV ad that prominently features the famous talking bird, in a satirical spot mocking Mitt Romney for calling for an end to PBS subsidies.
"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.
An Obama campaign official said it has received the request and "will review their concerns."

Read more: Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad | Fox News

Says who, Fox? Pppppfffffttt.
Is Obama going to run on any of his record or ideas? Or is he just going to keep pushing lame nonsense like this?

I personally could care less regarding which one of them is in the white house. With the exception that since Obama had 4 years to keep his promises, and he failed. He should be fired and replaced. If Romney wins, and he too fails. FIRED!

Well he'll never match Romney on 'ideas'. Romney has 2 or 3 or 4 different ones on every issue.
So now it's all about Big Bird? Yikes! Yeah, the Democrats really are embarrassing themselves on this one. They're talking Big Bird while Romney and Republicans are talking about cleaning up their Dear Leader's horrific mess. I would say it's more about high Unemployment, Food & Gas Prices, and a nightmarish Debt. But all the Democrats got is "What about Big Bird?" Yup, they're in big trouble.
So now it's all about Big Bird? Yikes! Yeah, the Democrats really are embarrassing themselves on this one. They're talking Big Bird while Romney and Republicans are talking about cleaning up their Dear Leader's horrific mess. I would say it's more about high Unemployment, Food & Gas Prices, and a nightmarish Debt. But all the Democrats got is "What about Big Bird?" Yup, they're in big trouble.

YOU"RE in this thread talking about it, you retard.
Ouch!!! I guess Big Bird understands that he makes his money off people of all political stripes and doesn't want to be labeled a Democrat. :lol:

Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Published October 09, 2012

Big Bird will not be anyone's political puppet.
Sesame Workshop has asked the Obama campaign to take down a new TV ad that prominently features the famous talking bird, in a satirical spot mocking Mitt Romney for calling for an end to PBS subsidies.
"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.
An Obama campaign official said it has received the request and "will review their concerns."

Read more: Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad | Fox News

Says who, Fox? Pppppfffffttt.

oops, not just Fox...pppppffffffetttt

oops i forgot the link...
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Ouch!!! I guess Big Bird understands that he makes his money off people of all political stripes and doesn't want to be labeled a Democrat. :lol:

Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Published October 09, 2012

Big Bird will not be anyone's political puppet.
Sesame Workshop has asked the Obama campaign to take down a new TV ad that prominently features the famous talking bird, in a satirical spot mocking Mitt Romney for calling for an end to PBS subsidies.
"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.
An Obama campaign official said it has received the request and "will review their concerns."

Read more: Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad | Fox News

So much for the Republican theory that public broadcasting is all a liberal run conspiracy.
the Emperor done lost his clothes..

man oh man who would vote for this CLOWN administration..sheesh
Ouch!!! I guess Big Bird understands that he makes his money off people of all political stripes and doesn't want to be labeled a Democrat. :lol:

Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Published October 09, 2012

Big Bird will not be anyone's political puppet.
Sesame Workshop has asked the Obama campaign to take down a new TV ad that prominently features the famous talking bird, in a satirical spot mocking Mitt Romney for calling for an end to PBS subsidies.
"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.
An Obama campaign official said it has received the request and "will review their concerns."

Read more: Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad | Fox News

So much for the Republican theory that public broadcasting is all a liberal run conspiracy.

wtf? I think that conspiracy is in your head.
good GRIEF
But I thought Big Bird was a liberal????????

LOL Big Bird is a CAPITALIST. :) Have you been in the toy or baby sections of a department store? As a one percenter, Big Bird knows who REALLY has placed a target on his back. Big Bird is smart enough to know that if you crash the economy, then the royalties dry up.

shut up. stop using big bird for your moronic political attempts. Obama should take down the ad, and people should just lay off sesame street. Its not mean't to be a political football.
But I thought Big Bird was a liberal????????

LOL Big Bird is a CAPITALIST. :) Have you been in the toy or baby sections of a department store? As a one percenter, Big Bird knows who REALLY has placed a target on his back. Big Bird is smart enough to know that if you crash the economy, then the royalties dry up.

shut up. stop using big bird for your moronic political attempts. Obama should take down the ad, and people should just lay off sesame street. Its not mean't to be a political football.

Well tell Obama he should take the football he brought to the game home.
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"A guy who bet his presidential candidacy on Paul Ryan is about as serious as an American politician can get when it comes to spending. And let me gently suggest to Team O that any campaign that treats the Buffett Rule as an important budgetary reform shouldn’t wag its finger too sternly in criticizing others for half-measures. Second, the Big Bird ad is actually very typical of Hopenchange’s M.O. this year. They’ve tried to bludgeon Romney with every cheap demagogic populist ploy within reach. How were they supposed to lay off an easy opportunity to suggest that Mitt hates moms and kids and puppets? What’s unusual about the spot isn’t that it’s trivial, it’s that they released it at a moment of real momentum for Romney, which in turn makes them look desperate and inept. Per Sean Trende’s superb analysis today at RCP, it’s very important to Obama’s campaign that they be seen as winning at all times. A winner can get away with a silly ad like this; a guy who just got his ass handed to him in front of 70 million people really can’t."

Obama spokesman: We released that moronic Big Bird ad because of the “grassroots outcry” « Hot Air
Obie defends the muppets cause thatz opposed to defending his record which is slim to none......and slim left town a long time ago.
He said it himself...someone with no record will focus on the little things.
After 40 years, Big Bird can make more money on his own than one or more of US put together and still fulfill his misson. GO BIG BIRD!
If the Liberal Media is so concerned about Big Bird, can't Gary Knell give a portion of his salary to him?
Ouch!!! I guess Big Bird understands that he makes his money off people of all political stripes and doesn't want to be labeled a Democrat. :lol:

Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad
Published October 09, 2012

Big Bird will not be anyone's political puppet.
Sesame Workshop has asked the Obama campaign to take down a new TV ad that prominently features the famous talking bird, in a satirical spot mocking Mitt Romney for calling for an end to PBS subsidies.
"Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down," Sesame Workshop said in a statement.
An Obama campaign official said it has received the request and "will review their concerns."

Read more: Angry birds on Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad | Fox News

Just a thought Barack, but maybe you should've asked for permission before using Big Bird's image in your crappy ad!

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