Big Breaking News! Obama’s Campaign Paid $972,000 To Law Firm That Secretly Paid Fusion GPS In 2016

Obama Knew of criminal conduct between himself, Clinton and the Russians... Takes cover to have a Dossier created to give him and Clinton cover... now its exposing them .. IT wasn't enough to just have power in the US and use the government as a weapon against the people they had to then manufacture lies in an attempt to cover it up...

This pile of shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper...
It's a such a corrupt mess. Obama clearly ordered surveillance on the opposition, and worked with Clinton to acquire the phony Russian dossier on Trump. But will they be held accountable for anything? I doubt it. The Clintons are NWO Global Elite Royalty. They're very well-protected. They're above the law.

I said right from the beginning, the only ones who will ever be prosecuted for anything, will be Trump associates. Obama and the Clintons will skate on everything. It's all about taking Trump out. He's ruffled NWO Globalist feathers. He's a Nationalist, looking out for Americans. And the Globalist Elites can't tolerate that. What can i tell ya? The game is rigged folks.
Obama Knew of criminal conduct between himself, Clinton and the Russians... Takes cover to have a Dossier created to give him and Clinton cover... now its exposing them .. IT wasn't enough to just have power in the US and use the government as a weapon against the people they had to then manufacture lies in an attempt to cover it up...

This pile of shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper...

And lets not forget Odummy loosened the rules relative to 'what it takes' to unmask US citizens. How ironic that $$$ were paid to create a fake reason to unmask names

Obama Knew of criminal conduct between himself, Clinton and the Russians... Takes cover to have a Dossier created to give him and Clinton cover... now its exposing them .. IT wasn't enough to just have power in the US and use the government as a weapon against the people they had to then manufacture lies in an attempt to cover it up...

This pile of shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper...

And lets not forget Odummy loosened the rules relative to 'what it takes' to unmask US citizens. How ironic that $$$ were paid to create a fake reason to unmask names

A False Flag to give cover to criminal conduct.... Treasonous criminal conduct..
Obama Knew of criminal conduct between himself, Clinton and the Russians... Takes cover to have a Dossier created to give him and Clinton cover... now its exposing them .. IT wasn't enough to just have power in the US and use the government as a weapon against the people they had to then manufacture lies in an attempt to cover it up...

This pile of shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper...

And lets not forget Odummy loosened the rules relative to 'what it takes' to unmask US citizens. How ironic that $$$ were paid to create a fake reason to unmask names

A False Flag to give cover to criminal conduct.... Treasonous criminal conduct..

The Dems got sloppy because they thought Hitlery would win.

Now they're caught with their pants down. No pun intended toward Slick Willie


So this begs the question. If he was not running for office why did he have campaign funds?
Candidates get to keep left over money donated to them, at least as I understand. I am thinking that such a donation must be tax deductible in Kenya.
Under federal law it may be donated to someones campaign or a charity, they DO NOT GET TO KEEP IT once their bills are paid. They have an allowance for legal expenses in the future but that is next to nothing.

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