Big business on winning side in U.S. top court's major rulings


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
As usual, liberals (activist judges) take care of those they love the most, big business. Citizens United, the two ACA rulings and gay rights are all inline with the courts catering to big business. As usual the opposite is the result of the liberal's stated intent.

Big business on winning side in U.S. top court s major rulings - Yahoo News Canada

Both cases were largely seen through the lens of national ideological wars, with liberals backing gay marriage and Obamacare and conservatives opposing them. But the cases could also be seen as pro-business rulings by a court with a reputation as friendly to corporate interests under Chief Justice John Roberts.

Unlike in other contexts, such as a series of cases in which the court cut back on class-action lawsuits, business interests aligned themselves with liberal activists for these cases.

"This Supreme Court is unquestionably responsive to the views of corporate America. Here, in both the healthcare and marriage cases, those views aligned with a progressive outcome," said Doug Kendall, president of the Constitutional Accountability Center, a left-leaning legal activist group.

The two major rulings mask the fact that the business-related rulings this year, with one major environmental case due to come on the court's last day on Monday, have been a mixed bag for corporate interests.
Now human rights and healthcare are bad things in the conservative ideologue's mind? Corporations like stability and marriage is an area that gives them stability. Many years ago I remember when Lotus and IBM recognized gay partners as equals, took a long time to get to today. The piece I disagree with is trade agreements that sound good, but have the opposite effect of their purported goals. TPP will probably be another failure for the American worker? Good piece on SCOTUS at bottom.

"Japan ships 1.5 million cars to America each year, but allows only 20,000 American cars into its own market. Since 2012, Japan’s yen has devalued by 50 percent against the dollar. Now Japan wants tariff-free access to the U.S. market through the TPP while it continues cheat on currency." 896 600 Reasons to Care About the Trans-Pacific Partnership Alliance for American Manufacturing

'Research Matters: Brian Leiter on "Constitutional Law, Moral Judgment, and the Supreme Court as Super-Legislature"
Research Matters Brian Leiter on Constitutional Law Moral Judgment and the Supreme Court as Super-Legislature University of Chicago Law School

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