Big correction! The assessment was not approved by all 17 agencies Only 4

Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.
Some of the "17 Agencies".......Captain Wee Too Low........Captain Ho Lee Fuch...........Captain Bing Ding Ouch.......Captain Sum Tin Wong and Co-Captain......Sun Ova Beech, Wee Gonna Crash
Here's Hillary using the 17 agency bullshit lie.

During an interview Wednesday with the tech news outlet Recode, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discussed at length her belief that Russian interference in the 2016 election harmed her chances of winning.

“Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?
Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.

No his testimony brings it down to 3
Here's Hillary using the 17 agency bullshit lie.

During an interview Wednesday with the tech news outlet Recode, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discussed at length her belief that Russian interference in the 2016 election harmed her chances of winning.

“Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

She was correct. All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.
Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.

No his testimony brings it down to 3

His testimony was the FBI, CIA, NSA, and himself the DNI. That's four.
Here's Hillary using the 17 agency bullshit lie.

During an interview Wednesday with the tech news outlet Recode, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discussed at length her belief that Russian interference in the 2016 election harmed her chances of winning.

“Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

She was correct. All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.

You want flies with that nothing-burger.
Here's his testimony and it changes from January.

Franken: The intelligence communities have concluded, all 17 of them, that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.

Clapper: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement, Senator Franken, it was- there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office.

Franken: But all 17 signed on to that?

Clapper: Well, we didn’t go through that process. This was a special situation because of the time limits and […] the sensitivity of the information, we decided – it was a conscious judgment – to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented, or disagreed when it came out.

Down to freaking 3.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?
Here's his testimony and it changes from January.

Franken: The intelligence communities have concluded, all 17 of them, that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.

Clapper: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement, Senator Franken, it was- there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office.

Franken: But all 17 signed on to that?

Clapper: Well, we didn’t go through that process. This was a special situation because of the time limits and […] the sensitivity of the information, we decided – it was a conscious judgment – to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented, or disagreed when it came out.

Down to freaking 3.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Listen to him... the FBI, CIA, NSA, and himself. He was the head of the DNI. That's FOUR.

Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.

No his testimony brings it down to 3

His testimony was the FBI, CIA, NSA, and himself the DNI. That's four.

I stand corrected. Back to 4. :) Still a big difference from 17.
Here's his testimony and it changes from January.

Franken: The intelligence communities have concluded, all 17 of them, that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.

Clapper: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement, Senator Franken, it was- there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office.

Franken: But all 17 signed on to that?

Clapper: Well, we didn’t go through that process. This was a special situation because of the time limits and […] the sensitivity of the information, we decided – it was a conscious judgment – to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented, or disagreed when it came out.

Down to freaking 3.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Listen to him... the FBI, CIA, NSA, and himself. He was the head of the DNI. That's FOUR.

Yup I agree with you. I missed the "plus my office".
Quietly oh so quietly the New York Times issued a mega correction to the claim that all 17 agencies agreed it was the Russians.

You know the one. The one all the freaking liberal left wing whackos have been quoting all these months.


Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election.

The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

Actually the DNI was a consumer of the intel report, only 3 agencies participated in preparing it, FBI, CIA and NSA. The FBI and CIA had a high level of confidence in their findings, the NSA only had a moderate level of confidence.

Here's Hillary using the 17 agency bullshit lie.

During an interview Wednesday with the tech news outlet Recode, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discussed at length her belief that Russian interference in the 2016 election harmed her chances of winning.

“Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three.

FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

She was correct. All agencies agreed with Clapper's assessment.

No they didn't Lakhota.
And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.

No his testimony brings it down to 3

His testimony was the FBI, CIA, NSA, and himself the DNI. That's four.

I stand corrected. Back to 4. :) Still a big difference from 17.

The DNI is a group of agencies.
17 agencies signed off on data from 4 agencies that collected the information. This seems to be how they got to that, however 4 agencies is still 4 full fledged agencies. I'm not sure the point of this thread?
17 agencies signed off on data from 4 agencies that collected the information. This seems to be how they got to that, however 4 agencies is still 4 full fledged agencies. I'm not sure the point of this thread?

It's just a shiny object they can't resist. They think it proves something.
Clapper was the head of the DNI and said that he represented all the other agencies under him, and all of the heads of those agencies agreed with his assessment.

And obviously he lied. Only 4 agreed.

No, only 4 actively took part in the intelligence gathering process. You have your stuff backwards. He represents 14 total agencies, and he spoke with the leaders of the other agencies and shared the intelligence with them, and they all agreed Russia hacked the election.

Thank you. Another NaziCon shiny object debunked.

Might be if he weren't WRONG.


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