Big cuts coming after state deficit skyrockets, Gov. Brown says

Didn't everyone that voted for Brown know this would be the issue? I couldn't believe it when they elected that turd.
dear idiot last time brown was in office he left surpluses.

You asswinks just lie about everything
Didn't everyone that voted for Brown know this would be the issue? I couldn't believe it when they elected that turd.

Neither could I. Especially after he did the same thing last time he was governor. He said that the one thing holding back the state from prosperity were that too many people were working. He hasn't learned a thing since then.
No you had the right link the first time.

What went so wrong? The answer lies in a change in the nature of progressive politics in California. During the second half of the twentieth century, the state shifted from an older progressivism, which emphasized infrastructure investment and business growth, to a newer version, which views the private sector much the way the Huns viewed a city—as something to be sacked and plundered. The result is two separate California realities: a lucrative one for the wealthy and for government workers, who are largely insulated from economic decline; and a grim one for the private-sector middle and working classes, who are fleeing the state.
Jerry Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After taking office, Brown gained a reputation as a fiscal conservative.[12] The American Conservative later noted he was "much more of a fiscal conservative than Governor Reagan."[13] His fiscal restraint resulted in one of the biggest budget surpluses in state history, roughly $5 billion.[14][15] For his personal life, Brown refused many of the privileges and perks of the office, forgoing the newly constructed governor's residence and instead renting a modest apartment at the corner of 14th and N Streets, adjacent to Capitol Park in downtown Sacramento.[16] Instead of riding as a passenger in a chauffeured limousine as previous governors had done, Brown drove to work in a Plymouth Satellite sedan.[17][18]
dear idiot last time brown was in office he left surpluses.

You asswinks just lie about everything

Maybe him and Obama can snort some cocaine together then figure this one out... Nah, they know a Republican is bound to come along down the road and clear it up for them, actually it's their only hope.
Brown was both in favor of a Balanced Budget Amendment and opposed to Proposition 13, the latter of which would decrease property taxes and greatly reduce revenue to cities and counties.[24] When Proposition 13 passed in June 1978, he heavily cut state spending and, along with the Legislature, spent much of the $5 billion surplus to meet the proposition's requirements and help offset the revenue losses which made cities, counties and schools more dependent on the state.[14][24] His actions in response to the proposition earned him praise from Proposition 13 author Howard Jarvis who went as far to make a television commercial for Brown just before his successful reelection bid in 1978
No you had the right link the first time.

What went so wrong? The answer lies in a change in the nature of progressive politics in California. During the second half of the twentieth century, the state shifted from an older progressivism, which emphasized infrastructure investment and business growth, to a newer version, which views the private sector much the way the Huns viewed a city—as something to be sacked and plundered. The result is two separate California realities: a lucrative one for the wealthy and for government workers, who are largely insulated from economic decline; and a grim one for the private-sector middle and working classes, who are fleeing the state.

prop 13 happened
dear idiot last time brown was in office he left surpluses.

You asswinks just lie about everything

Maybe him and Obama can snort some cocaine together then figure this one out... Nah, they know a Republican is bound to come along down the road and clear it up for them, actually it's their only hope.

I have more respect for Brown than Obama. He is more honest than most Democrats, about where he stands.

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