Big game hunter crushed dead by elephant that he helped kill for fun

The man that died was in no way trying to kill the elephant for fun. The group of people were being attacked, he tried to help, got grabbed by a charging elephant. Another hunter shot the elephant.
Oh was he on a trip hunting some other endangered species?! Wow so much better!


They aren't allowed to hunt any "endangered species". They usually are given license to hunt only particular animals that are over-populated or old. Those African nations allow the safaris to go on, if you have an issue with it, take it up with them.
^ :crybaby:

What's the matter TheOldFool? Can't even defend your blatant lies?
The man that died was in no way trying to kill the elephant for fun. The group of people were being attacked, he tried to help, got grabbed by a charging elephant. Another hunter shot the elephant.
Oh was he on a trip hunting some other endangered species?! Wow so much better!


They aren't allowed to hunt any "endangered species". They usually are given license to hunt only particular animals that are over-populated or old. Those African nations allow the safaris to go on, if you have an issue with it, take it up with them.
African nations sell permits to hunt certain animals, particularly in areas where they are problematic, in order to raise money that is often used in conservation efforts. Consider one elephant dies in order to ensure that other elephants are protected.
I have rescued 30 feral kittens and found them all homes with people.

And I caught their 2 feral momma cats and got them spayed.

I kept the most beautiful one. He is now fully grown:
View attachment 128075
I feed a feral colony that inhabits my barn and surrounding area. They keep my barn free of mice and I haven't lost any grain or feed since they moved in. I also have two of their kittens (now aged about 7 and 3 years). When I move to my farm in the Valley, I plan on trapping and having two or maybe three neutered so I can put them up in the new barn.
It happens. As an avid hunter I don't get too worked up about animals being hunted. But for me personally I see no point, or necessity in killing certain creatures. Elephants being one of them. Dolphins are another. Something about killing animals with great intelligence turns me off. Unless I'm starving... Then I'll kill, and eat anything. And I do mean "anything".

Such a bad ass! Please tell us about how you've survived things the rest of us can't even dream of! Please! We need a rugged story!
Not gonna lie, I'm surprised by these comments. Pleasantly, though. Killing for sport alone is sick. I'm glad to see that type of thinking seems to be going mainstream.

Yeah...who would have thought that some of the people would be such snowflakes?
I cant think of a single fucking reason why anyone should be able to hunt and kill an elephant for sport, it's vile and villainous
Mr Botha, described as a “passionate and professional hunting pioneer”, was crushed to death by the weight of the wounded animal on Friday.

News24 reported that the big game hunter had accidentally led clients into the middle of a breeding herd of elephants near Hwange National Park on Friday.

The professional hunter ran his own safari company – Game and Hounds Safari.

His website claims he “perfected leopard and lion hunting safaris with hounds in Africa”.

Big game hunter is crushed to death by elephant

I guess he never perfected elephant hunting safaris :dunno:

A very misleading title. The man that died was attacked and grabbed by an elephant. They were not hunting elephants. It was another hunter that shot the elephant in order to save the man.

But hey, it's a headline grabber and people can cheer the death of a hunter.
-------------------------------------------- thanks for clearing things up in post number 34 Hawk !!
Poor elephant... so beautiful. But the Elephant took down at least one asshole who gets a thrill killing beautiful living things..
A carrot is a beautiful, living thing. Do you eat carrots?

So you support wimps with money murdering a caged animal?
Do you support tearing up the environment wholesale to plant food for you to eat, leaving the natural inhabitants (animals) without a place to live or suitable food?
The idea that animals are the equal of man, as demonstrated by so many in this thread, is

A. Complete bullshit.


B. Leftist bullshit designed to undermine Western Culture.


C. a sign of a declining civilization.
Poor elephant... so beautiful. But the Elephant took down at least one asshole who gets a thrill killing beautiful living things..
A carrot is a beautiful, living thing. Do you eat carrots?

So you support wimps with money murdering a caged animal?
Do you support tearing up the environment wholesale to plant food for you to eat, leaving the natural inhabitants (animals) without a place to live or suitable food?

That has nothing to do with killing these for trophies dude..
Poor elephant... so beautiful. But the Elephant took down at least one asshole who gets a thrill killing beautiful living things..
A carrot is a beautiful, living thing. Do you eat carrots?

So you support wimps with money murdering a caged animal?
Do you support tearing up the environment wholesale to plant food for you to eat, leaving the natural inhabitants (animals) without a place to live or suitable food?

That has nothing to do with killing these for trophies dude..

Sure it does.

You are putting the wants of humans, WAY ahead of the needs of animals.
A couple of days ago he caught his first field mouse of the new season, and he brought it inside alive, and it got away from him, and the two of us chased the mouse into the kitchen where it hid behind the stove.

My cat brought home another mouse ...
A feral cat moved in with my son as the cat retirement plan. When my son married, his wife brought her 8 week old kitten. The old feral took it upon himself to teach the kitten hunting techniques. Since kitten could not go out, the old man brought in live mice and lizards. He must have been a good teacher because everything was caught by the two hunters.
I have rescued 30 feral kittens and found them all homes with people.

And I caught their 2 feral momma cats and got them spayed.

I kept the most beautiful one. He is now fully grown:
View attachment 128075
I feed a feral colony that inhabits my barn and surrounding area. They keep my barn free of mice and I haven't lost any grain or feed since they moved in. I also have two of their kittens (now aged about 7 and 3 years). When I move to my farm in the Valley, I plan on trapping and having two or maybe three neutered so I can put them up in the new barn.
New York is trapping and relocating entire feral cat colonies into the city to deal with the rats.

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