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Big Government, Socialism, and the VA

Which explains why there were absolutely no problems with the VA before Bush.

The biggest problem with the VA is the government.

The VA provides first rate care at low cost. Nobody with a serious mind thinks otherwise.

I seriously doubt that the 40 or so Vets that died waiting to get an appointment to get that 'first rate care' would agree with you if they could!

The argument of a simpleton. Right on par for you.
Convince me that conservatives don't want so-called tort reform. Or shut the fuck up.

Prove what cons don't want? Prove a negative? Are you serious?
You really are a lib ... too stupid to operate a computer.
Oh, and don't expect me to shut up anytime soon.
In fact, I think I'll follow your sorry ass around just for shits and giggles. You make a very fine punching bag. :lol:

Here's an actual bill that House Republicans actually passed on so-called tort reform, a bill that works to the detriment of plaintiffs.

House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com

Now, again, you convince me that most conservatives don't support that sort of legislation.

If you weren't such a dimwitted lib you would have read that article before posting it. From your source :
"The legislation is a direct assault upon the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which is already under review by the U.S. Supreme Court... Some observers say that the bill and the vote were primarily symbolic ... that the vote gives them something to take back to constituents to prove that they are fighting to overturn the Affordable Care Act...

See more at: House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com
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Sorry Secret Squirrel, not everywhere.

True. Absolutes are for nutters. Doesn't change the facts.

This is not isolated, 42 facilities are now being investigated.

That is meaningless. There are over 1000 facilities. The "investigations" are not due to shitty care. They are due to back office inefficiencies and people covering their asses after not meeting wait time goals.

There are no veterans organizations who advocate for defunding or dismantling the VA. It is overwhelmingly popular and the care is first rate.
Prove what cons don't want? Prove a negative? Are you serious?
You really are a lib ... too stupid to operate a computer.
Oh, and don't expect me to shut up anytime soon.
In fact, I think I'll follow your sorry ass around just for shits and giggles. You make a very fine punching bag. :lol:

Here's an actual bill that House Republicans actually passed on so-called tort reform, a bill that works to the detriment of plaintiffs.

House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com

Now, again, you convince me that most conservatives don't support that sort of legislation.

I you weren't such a dimwitted lib you would have read that article before posting it. From your source :
"The legislation is a direct assault upon the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which is already under review by the U.S. Supreme Court... Some observers say that the bill and the vote were primarily symbolic ... that the vote gives them something to take back to constituents to prove that they are fighting to overturn the Affordable Care Act...

See more at: House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com

Nothing you just said is relevant. I'm claiming that conservatives generally support tort reform that burdens plaintiffs.

You're claiming that's not true. Do you want more examples of Republicans/conservatives supporting tort reform? Can you post ONE example of one of the same who doesn't?

Go ahead. We'll see who runs out of examples first.
True. Absolutes are for nutters. Doesn't change the facts.

This is not isolated, 42 facilities are now being investigated.

That is meaningless. There are over 1000 facilities. The "investigations" are not due to shitty care. They are due to back office inefficiencies and people covering their asses after not meeting wait time goals.

There are no veterans organizations who advocate for defunding or dismantling the VA. It is overwhelmingly popular and the care is first rate.

Meaningless unless of course you or someone you love are dead because of it Hillary.
So the figures provided by the OP - number of vets down, costs soar - are meaningless?
Throwing cash isn't always the solution ... sometimes it's the prob and sometimes it just ideology or reading comprehension. :D

Why do conservatives always insist that solving obviously costly problems can be done by spending less money on them?

You people who wanted that Iraq war and constantly tried to lowball the overall costs are now going to find out what people like myself were talking about when we were saying you were full of shit.

What a flaming jackass. I neither suggested spending less nor did I support the Iraq war.
Now whatcha got, Princess? :lol:

You did not support the war eh?

Well, in the thread linked below you were certainly expressing support for it in posts 393 394 and 398.

The VA provides first rate care at low cost. Nobody with a serious mind thinks otherwise.

I seriously doubt that the 40 or so Vets that died waiting to get an appointment to get that 'first rate care' would agree with you if they could!

The argument of a simpleton. Right on par for you.

I go to a VA clinic twice a year, mostly to get three Rx's that cost $8 each at the VA and a lot more outside the VA. The VA Doctor I see is first rate, but when I need anything other than a few pills I go to my civilian Doctor.

Health care denied is not 'first rate care' but a first rate dipshit couldn't figure that out.
Why do conservatives always insist that solving obviously costly problems can be done by spending less money on them?

You people who wanted that Iraq war and constantly tried to lowball the overall costs are now going to find out what people like myself were talking about when we were saying you were full of shit.

What a flaming jackass. I neither suggested spending less nor did I support the Iraq war.
Now whatcha got, Princess? :lol:

You did not support the war eh?

Well, in the thread linked below you were certainly expressing support for it in posts 393 394 and 398.


Woo ... you really, really are every bit as dim as you seem. None of those posts were authored by me but all had some valid points.
For instance, are you really pissed that "hundreds of thousands of Saddam's victims ... are not being subjected to his "rape rooms" or being thrown, bound and blindfolded, off of rooftops -- and who are not being fed, feet first, into plastic shredders and who are not getting gassed by Saddam for the sin of having been born a Kurd?"
I seriously doubt that the 40 or so Vets that died waiting to get an appointment to get that 'first rate care' would agree with you if they could!

The argument of a simpleton. Right on par for you.

I go to a VA clinic twice a year, mostly to get three Rx's that cost $8 each at the VA and a lot more outside the VA. The VA Doctor I see is first rate, but when I need anything other than a few pills I go to my civilian Doctor.

Health care denied is not 'first rate care' but a first rate dipshit couldn't figure that out.

You have not been denied health care.
This is not isolated, 42 facilities are now being investigated.

That is meaningless. There are over 1000 facilities. The "investigations" are not due to shitty care. They are due to back office inefficiencies and people covering their asses after not meeting wait time goals.

There are no veterans organizations who advocate for defunding or dismantling the VA. It is overwhelmingly popular and the care is first rate.

Meaningless unless of course you or someone you love are dead because of it Hillary.

What's that? Your brilliance showing?
Here's an actual bill that House Republicans actually passed on so-called tort reform, a bill that works to the detriment of plaintiffs.

House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com

Now, again, you convince me that most conservatives don't support that sort of legislation.

I you weren't such a dimwitted lib you would have read that article before posting it. From your source :
"The legislation is a direct assault upon the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which is already under review by the U.S. Supreme Court... Some observers say that the bill and the vote were primarily symbolic ... that the vote gives them something to take back to constituents to prove that they are fighting to overturn the Affordable Care Act...

See more at: House Republicans Pass Bill That Caps Malpractice Lawsuit Damages - AboutLawsuits.com

Nothing you just said is relevant. I'm claiming that conservatives generally support tort reform that burdens plaintiffs.

And while that might be true the article you posted doesn't support your claim.
BTW, tort reform works against lawyers. Can that be the source of your irritation?
Mark well the words of Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy, who so correctly said " all life is political."

If your ability to comprehend is limited to only one or two aspects of life at a time, you will be easily led and manipulated.
Every aspect is related to every other...and all are political.

That leads to Larry Kudlow's explanation of the Veterans Administration scandal....

1. "The VA problem is not Shinseki, it’s socialism. The Veterans Affairs health-care system is completely government run. It is a pure single-payer program.... “an island of socialism in American health care.”
.... sack the secretary for Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki. But that won’t change a thing.

2. The long waits for treatment, with excessive delays resulting in as many as 40 deaths, are a tragically predictable outcome. This is the result of bureaucratic rationing, price controls, inefficiencies, and the inevitable cover-ups.... bureaucratic incentives ....
[Remember what some of us warned about ObamaCare???]

3. ....the statist VA health-care system, which in so many ways mirrors the government-run health-care problems in Britain, Europe

4. ....vets today deserve an efficient health-care system, not this slip-shod failure. And the only way to do that is to deliver choice and market competition., .... We owe it to our brave veterans.

5. Market competition will control costs and more efficiently distribute services. Profit motive, not run-amok bureaucrats, will discipline the system. Better doctors and health specialists will be attracted to this profit-based system.

6. Don’t tell me the problem is not enough government money. That is nonsense. .... article in Investor’s Business Daily headlined “VA Health Spending Soars as Vets Decline.” .... From 2000 to 2013, VA outlays nearly tripled while the population of veterans declined by 4.3 million. And Medicaid-care spending, which consumes about 40 percent of the VA’s budget, has climbed 193 percent over those years, while the number of patients served by the VA each year went up only 68 percent.

[Big Government is about control and power, not efficiency and savings.]

a. .... 344,000 veterans’ care claims are now backed up and waiting to be processed, that it takes an average of 160 days for health-benefit approval, and that according to VA figures for 2012, veteran appeals face an average wait time of 1,598 days, or more than four years.

7. ...Obama has been talking about fixing the VA. .... he says he’s angry and wants accountability. But he will never understand that the single-payer government-run system is the real problem. The Paul Krugmans of the world and their leftist allies call VA health care a triumph of socialist medicine. Once again we find out that this triumph is a defeat and that socialism doesn’t work.

8. .... Republicans have not stood up for private-sector competition. And the Veterans of Foreign Wars has always opposed market choice and competition. But perhaps this is changing. Senators McCain, Coburn, and Burr are putting forth a reform plan that will give veterans health-care choice for the first time.

9. ..... Obamacare must not become a major step toward single-payer health insurance. Instead, Republicans should fight for thorough Obamacare reform. Get rid of the mandates. Institute real consumer choice. Stop the job-destroying tax and regulatory provisions. And let Americans keep their doctors and insurance plans.

10. This VA scandal is a reminder that government-run single-payer health care does not work. "
Socialism Emerges as Culprit In Scandal of Veterans’ Care - The New York Sun

OK there we concur.

The SAME thing happening to VA Care will happen to Obama Care. Americans will die. They will find scapegoats and move on. The zombified populace will simply grin and bear it.

That is meaningless. There are over 1000 facilities. The "investigations" are not due to shitty care. They are due to back office inefficiencies and people covering their asses after not meeting wait time goals.

There are no veterans organizations who advocate for defunding or dismantling the VA. It is overwhelmingly popular and the care is first rate.

Meaningless unless of course you or someone you love are dead because of it Hillary.

What's that? Your brilliance showing?

Nope, its you being shown to be the punk ass squirrel you are.
Well, when it comes to the VA my experience since 1968 when my brother and his Nam brothers came home and to date, the VA SUCKS.
Biggest problem I see are veterans that have not much wrong with them at all making excessive demands on the system. They need to stay home and let the vets with real problems get the care they deserve.
Obvious most folks here have no clue about the VA.
Biggest problem VA has are veterans that have not much wrong with them putting excessive demands on the system.
All to the detriment of the vets that truly deserve the care.
Add in POLITICS running the VA and it becomes a disaster.
Meaningless unless of course you or someone you love are dead because of it Hillary.

What's that? Your brilliance showing?

Nope, its you being shown to be the punk ass squirrel you are.

So lame. You have no chance. You and I generally have discussions regarding the field that you have devoted your career and life to......and I still kick your ass. You are a lightweight with a mediocre vocabulary.
What a flaming jackass. I neither suggested spending less nor did I support the Iraq war.
Now whatcha got, Princess? :lol:

You did not support the war eh?

Well, in the thread linked below you were certainly expressing support for it in posts 393 394 and 398.


Woo ... you really, really are every bit as dim as you seem. None of those posts were authored by me but all had some valid points.
For instance, are you really pissed that "hundreds of thousands of Saddam's victims ... are not being subjected to his "rape rooms" or being thrown, bound and blindfolded, off of rooftops -- and who are not being fed, feet first, into plastic shredders and who are not getting gassed by Saddam for the sin of having been born a Kurd?"

lol, so posts where you thank the guy who's making the case for the justification for the war are what? Compliments for his good grammar?

lol, you people are all the same.

Such as the poster saying:

There will be times when strong, decisive military action will be the only realistic answer to rogue regimes, powers, whatever. The UN just doesn't have the necessary teeth to follow through.

Happily for the world, GW Bush had that capacity to inflict the necessary 'bite'. The result - even though people disagree as to the detail - is that the WMD situation actually, meaningfully, WAS neutralised in Iraq. Resolution of the issue was achieved.

and your reaction? A big Thank You!
You did not support the war eh?

Well, in the thread linked below you were certainly expressing support for it in posts 393 394 and 398.


Woo ... you really, really are every bit as dim as you seem. None of those posts were authored by me but all had some valid points.
For instance, are you really pissed that "hundreds of thousands of Saddam's victims ... are not being subjected to his "rape rooms" or being thrown, bound and blindfolded, off of rooftops -- and who are not being fed, feet first, into plastic shredders and who are not getting gassed by Saddam for the sin of having been born a Kurd?"

lol, so posts where you thank the guy who's making the case for the justification for the war are what? Compliments for his good grammar?

lol, you people are all the same.

Such as the poster saying:

There will be times when strong, decisive military action will be the only realistic answer to rogue regimes, powers, whatever. The UN just doesn't have the necessary teeth to follow through.

Happily for the world, GW Bush had that capacity to inflict the necessary 'bite'. The result - even though people disagree as to the detail - is that the WMD situation actually, meaningfully, WAS neutralised in Iraq. Resolution of the issue was achieved.

and your reaction? A big Thank You!

You will note I give lots of thanks and indeed there are "times when strong, decisive military action will be the only realistic answer to rogue regimes, powers, whatever. The UN just doesn't have the necessary teeth to follow through."
Hell, I may even have thanked you on the rare occasion you've said something of value.

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