Zone1 Big Roma Man


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
With Big I mean Fat, he calls his organisation "Roma Pride/Honour - Roma Serbia", some think Roma have no pride and honour but he says we do. I agree with him.

We Roma have pride/honour too and no one should degrade us or hurt us in our human dignity.

Oh fer fucks sake!!!
We have blacks that claim they have black pride which is fine yet they dont recognise their own failings.
It's false pride.
dammit.. why did you have to say Big Roma Man?... sounds like a song.

Sounds like your not happy living in Serbia.
dammit.. why did you have to say Big Roma Man?... sounds like a song.

Sounds like your not happy living in Serbia.

Because that he is big, is the first thing i noticed, i mean fat. Otherwise he is just a Roma, but he is fat.
Why is it that if a white group claims white pride they're called racist?

In your first post you say blacks and roma have false pride, than you say you love white pride and justified to be proud to be white, seems a bit hypocritical, maybe that is why white pride is considered racist, i mean the fat guy, doesnt say you should need proud that you are white, american or dutch, he doesnt say you have false pride.
In your first post you say blacks and roma have false pride, than you say you love white pride and justified to be proud to be white, seems a bit hypocritical, maybe that is why white pride is considered racist, i mean the fat guy, doesnt say you should need proud that you are white, american or dutch, he doesnt say you have false pride.

I didnt say that at all.
I was pointing out the hypocritical stance most minorities have.
They can have pride groups where whites cant.
You dont see that as hypocritical?
I didnt say that at all.
I was pointing out the hypocritical stance most minorities have.
They can have pride groups where whites cant.
You dont see that as hypocritical?

I think you are hypocritical you say roma have no pride but whites do, roma pride is false pride.
I didnt say that at all.
I was pointing out the hypocritical stance most minorities have.
They can have pride groups where whites cant.
You dont see that as hypocritical?

You say that in your second comment, in your first you clearly said roma and blacks have no pride, it is false pride.
If you said so am i proud to be white, its ok to be white, i would not object but your first comment makes it racist, discriminatory and hypocritical, that you make the second comment.
If you said so am i proud to be white, its ok to be white, i would not object but your first comment makes it racist, discriminatory and hypocritical, that you make the second comment.

I dont give a shit what you think.
Fact is if a white person brings up white pride they're labeled as racist.
I dont give a shit what you think.
Fact is if a white person brings up white pride they're labeled as racist.

You dont give a shit, but im factually correct. Maybe there is a reason why someone who brings up white pride is considered racist, maybe there is a good reason for that why it is like that. I mean you are racist, i know that, not only now in this thread, but i have since a year to deal with you, and now you say that, that is a bit hypocritical that you say that, maybe it would be more legit if another white person said it who is not racist.
And they are exactly that.
What do they have to be proud about?

You should inform yourself, maybe educate yourself about black history, famous black people or civilisations in africa, but alone being a human being is enough to be proud because there are two different types of pride, 1. arrogance/boostfullness (i invented everything and im superior) the other 2. is that you love yourself, that you are ok with who you are, that you have human dignity, and you dont want that someone hurts you.... so maybe thats the difference between them and you, you make that clear in your posts
You dont give a shit, but im factually correct. Maybe there is a reason why someone who brings up white pride is considered racist, maybe there is a good reason for that why it is like that. I mean you are racist, i know that, not only now in this thread, but i have since a year to deal with you, and now you say that, that is a bit hypocritical that you say that, maybe it would be more legit if another white person said it who is not racist.

I was engaged to an a Hispanic woman.
How could I be a racist?
You should inform yourself, maybe educate yourself about black history, famous black people or civilisations in africa, but alone being a human being is enough to be proud because there are two different types of pride, 1. arrogance/boostfullness (i invented everything and im superior) the other 2. is that you love yourself, that you are ok with who you are, that you have human dignity, and you dont want that someone hurts you.... so maybe thats the difference between them and you, you make that clear in your posts

I judge people over their actions and nothing more.
I judge people over their actions and nothing more.
no you dont you stereotype groups over the actions of some, you judge entire groups.... everyone judges people over their actions, for example not even a woke would say if you raped or killed someone or stole something that you should not be judged and go to prison, but you do something else.

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