Bigger Failure, Bush or Trump

Who was the bigger failure?

  • Bush

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Trump

    Votes: 25 75.8%

  • Total voters

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

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GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Trump, but they are both so bad...

your OP is the failure
Mr Trump is one of the best POTUS ever
Up till now, I would have said Bush was the worst President.
Even though Trump was far less qualified to be President and acted like a complete asshole, he didn’t do anything really horrible.
Bush started two unnecessary wars after 9-11, engaged in torture and led us to the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
Hard to do worse.

Trump acted like a spoiled child but the economy was strong. Then COVID hit and he proved to be the worst possible leader in a crisis. His behavior and decisions cost a hundred thousand lives. His once vaunted economy collapsed.
Then he showed why he is the worst president in modern history with his temper tantrum over losing the election and preference to destroy the country rather than graciously transfer power.
His Excellency George Walker Bush was far worse than His Excellency Donald J. Trump.

President Bush went to war based on false information.

The war took the lives of at least 100,000 Iraqi civilians.

It destroyed Iraq, which was a buffer between Iran & the Arab world.

It unleashed a flood of refugees that has fundamentally changed Europe.

If President Bush had been a person of honor and integrity, he would have resigned in contrition.
Okay, I went with Trump, because Bush's failures were mostly a result of incompetence and believing the bullshit he was told.

That's negligence.

Trump straight up lied to us about the danger of a global pandemic as it was bearing down on us, and convinced a large portion of the country not to take it seriously, no doubt spreading it more and causing more deaths.

That's sociopathy.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

tRump by a landslide. Bush didn't try to subvert the election and destroy faith in our democracy.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

tRump by a landslide. Bush didn't try to subvert the election and destroy faith in our democracy.

I think this is what does it for me. They, like almost every other president who has lost the popular vote are a disaster. However with Trump the purposeful intent of harming the country for the sake of his own ego is where he comes out as the worst.
The days and weeks after 9-11 were Bush’s finest hours. He put aside partisan politics and rallied the country and the world to unite and fight terrorism. However, his decisions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq turned the world against us.

Trumps response to COVID was the complete opposite. He denied the threat. Made it clear it was not his fault. Rather than show global leadership in fighting the virus, he withdrew from WHO and isolated us in the fight. Domestically, he turned COVID into a partisan fight of Red States against Blue States.
His rejection of basic safety protocols of distance and masks led to more infections
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

GWB--hands down. But, if we are going to included the wars here and that is what we are using then it should be brought up there were 6 countries that were bombed under Obama's watch.

Additionally, where we would automatically nail Bush II on things such as the use of faith based organizations receiving funding then we would have to go back to what was happening under Clinton and the Charitable Choice Act of 1996 which was also promoted by Obama. Heavily.

And if we really wanted to get serious on the absolute worst president why are we not looking at Jimmy Carter's directive from 1973 to provide secret aid to the opponents of pro-Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

I love the shallow thinking involved in this game.

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