Bigger Failure, Bush or Trump

Who was the bigger failure?

  • Bush

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Trump

    Votes: 25 75.8%

  • Total voters
To say Obama was a bigger failure than Bush, is just not a reality. Bush failed at everything he did and the results prove that.

You have proven yourself a partisan hack.
No, I proved your poll flawed. You ask for the worst president but only list Republicans as the options and I'm the hack?

Let's see:
Bush: Got us out of 2000 recession.
Defeated global terrorism allowed to flourish under Clinton
Ordered surge, winning Iraq War
Unseated Taliban
Set in motion program that got bin Laden.
Dismantled Libya's WMD program
AIDS program for 3rd world countries
Free trade agreements.

No new wars
Roll back of useless regulations
Most significant tax reform in 30 years
Pulled troops from Iraq and Afghanistan
Arranged most significant peace treaties between Israel and 4 Muslim countries
Honored US commitment to move embassy to Jerusalem.
Three Supreme Court Justice confirmations
Biggest reshaping of lower courts in years
Warp Speed vaccine development program for COVID
Defeated ISIS.

Obamacare, worst new gov program since the 1970s
Afghanistan surge that failed
IRaq withdrawal leading to rise of ISIS
Bo Bergdahl scandal
VA scandal
IRS scandal
Fast and Furious scandal
Benghazi scandal
Doubled national debt
Defeat in Yemen
Dodd-Frank worst banking law in decades
Consumer Protection Bureau, has not actually protected a single consumer
Failed "Pivot to Asia" policy
Failed Ukraine policy
Failed Iran agreement
No foreign policy success whatsoever

Whatever flaws Bush and Trump have, Obama is clearly the most failed president since Carter. Possibly since Harding.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

GWB--hands down. But, if we are going to included the wars here and that is what we are using then it should be brought up there were 6 countries that were bombed under Obama's watch.

Additionally, where we would automatically nail Bush II on things such as the use of faith based organizations receiving funding then we would have to go back to what was happening under Clinton and the Charitable Choice Act of 1996 which was also promoted by Obama. Heavily.

And if we really wanted to get serious on the absolute worst president why are we not looking at Jimmy Carter's directive from 1973 to provide secret aid to the opponents of pro-Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

I love the shallow thinking involved in this game.
Jimmy Cartter wasn't president in 1973. Prob you mean 1983
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

GWB--hands down. But, if we are going to included the wars here and that is what we are using then it should be brought up there were 6 countries that were bombed under Obama's watch.

At some point this lie about Trump being a peaceful president needs to stop.

Additionally, where we would automatically nail Bush II on things such as the use of faith based organizations receiving funding then we would have to go back to what was happening under Clinton and the Charitable Choice Act of 1996 which was also promoted by Obama. Heavily.

This is teeny, tiny small potatoes. Are faith based charities generally speaking bad? I don't think so and I'm an atheist.

And if we really wanted to get serious on the absolute worst president why are we not looking at Jimmy Carter's directive from 1973 to provide secret aid to the opponents of pro-Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

I love the shallow thinking involved in this game.

We could talk about the Taliban and Reagan, what are your thoughts on that?

In hindsight all presidents make mistakes or make the wrong choices, that's a given. We're talking next level shit here so please, we don't need a laundry list of past presidents' errors to dilute the poison of the last two Republican presidents
Bush’s first instinct after the 9-11 was to unite the country and the world in a Global War on Terror. He worked with Democrats to get Homeland Security, Patriot Act. He worked with allies to share intelligence and resources. Unfortunately, he gave in to the neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and launched unnecessary invasions.

Trumps first instinct was to find who to blame (not him), isolate the US from the global COVID effort, deny the threat, claim he had it under control and lie to the public. He turned state against state and Republicans against Democrats. He looked to divide not to unite to fight a common foe.
Bush's biggest failing (other than the fact he was a conservative which I wouldn't like anyway) was Iraq. If you subtract that, he was competent, professional, and he had a moral compass (his reason for not pardoning Libby for example, despite pressure from Cheney). I think, over time history will be a little kinder to him as it also has been to Carter though he will probably rank near the bottom. Trump, with his now complete abdication of his job and duties, is far worse and has left a very tangled legacy that we likely won't realize for years.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...


Trump is one of our best guys can only lie about him for so long.......his list of actual, real world accomplishments will last, while your lies will get lost.......
Bush's biggest failing (other than the fact he was a conservative which I wouldn't like anyway) was Iraq. If you subtract that, he was competent, professional, and he had a moral compass (his reason for not pardoning Libby for example, despite pressure from Cheney). I think, over time history will be a little kinder to him as it also has been to Carter though he will probably rank near the bottom. Trump, with his now complete abdication of his job and duties, is far worse and has left a very tangled legacy that we likely won't realize for years.

You shitstains hated Bush as much as you hate Trump, but now, you use Bush to attack Trump just like you will use Trump to attack the next republican....your act is old and worn out....
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
Bush’s first instinct after the 9-11 was to unite the country and the world in a Global War on Terror. He worked with Democrats to get Homeland Security, Patriot Act. He worked with allies to share intelligence and resources. Unfortunately, he gave in to the neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and launched unnecessary invasions.

Trumps first instinct was to find who to blame (not him), isolate the US from the global COVID effort, deny the threat, claim he had it under control and lie to the public. He turned state against state and Republicans against Democrats. He looked to divide not to unite to fight a common foe.
Obama constantly blamed everyone and everything for his failures. Which were the vast majority of policies he enacted.
Trump's handling of Covid was exemplary.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Obama letting homos into girls bathrooms

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

Obama gave 150 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist country who used the cash to murder American soldiers .....

Obama created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World war 2

obama allowed isis to run rampant throughout iraq and afghanistan.

obama mishandled his own pandemic, the N1H1 and was lucky it wasn't as bad as this......cause he screwed up his response completely.....

obama kept he economy trashed for 8 years.

obama is one of the worst Presidents in our history and the future will not be kind to him.
Bush’s first instinct after the 9-11 was to unite the country and the world in a Global War on Terror. He worked with Democrats to get Homeland Security, Patriot Act. He worked with allies to share intelligence and resources. Unfortunately, he gave in to the neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and launched unnecessary invasions.

Trumps first instinct was to find who to blame (not him), isolate the US from the global COVID effort, deny the threat, claim he had it under control and lie to the public. He turned state against state and Republicans against Democrats. He looked to divide not to unite to fight a common foe.
Obama constantly blamed everyone and everything for his failures. Which were the vast majority of policies he enacted.
Trump's handling of Covid was exemplary.
Where you been?
Haven‘t seen you in years
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.
Bush's biggest failing (other than the fact he was a conservative which I wouldn't like anyway) was Iraq. If you subtract that, he was competent, professional, and he had a moral compass (his reason for not pardoning Libby for example, despite pressure from Cheney). I think, over time history will be a little kinder to him as it also has been to Carter though he will probably rank near the bottom. Trump, with his now complete abdication of his job and duties, is far worse and has left a very tangled legacy that we likely won't realize for years.

You shitstains hated Bush as much as you hate Trump, but now, you use Bush to attack Trump just like you will use Trump to attack the next republican....your act is old and worn out....

Wrong. We all came together with Bush over 911, left and right, felt he handled it well. In fact, I've credited him with that from the beginning. Not like you shitstains who wanted to arrest and expel every Muslim in America.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

Obama gave 150 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist country who used the cash to murder American soldiers .....

Obama created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World war 2

obama allowed isis to run rampant throughout iraq and afghanistan.

obama mishandled his own pandemic, the N1H1 and was lucky it wasn't as bad as this......cause he screwed up his response completely.....

obama kept he economy trashed for 8 years.

obama is one of the worst Presidents in our history and the future will not be kind to him.
The future is already kind to Obama

He provided eight years of sanity between the insanity of Bush and Trump
Bush's biggest failing (other than the fact he was a conservative which I wouldn't like anyway) was Iraq. If you subtract that, he was competent, professional, and he had a moral compass (his reason for not pardoning Libby for example, despite pressure from Cheney). I think, over time history will be a little kinder to him as it also has been to Carter though he will probably rank near the bottom. Trump, with his now complete abdication of his job and duties, is far worse and has left a very tangled legacy that we likely won't realize for years.

You shitstains hated Bush as much as you hate Trump, but now, you use Bush to attack Trump just like you will use Trump to attack the next republican....your act is old and worn out....

Wrong. We all came together with Bush over 911, left and right, felt he handled it well. In fact, I've credited him with that from the beginning. Not like you shitstains who wanted to arrest and expel every Muslim in America.

And 5 seconds later you screamed "Bush lied, people died." You lying sack of shit....
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

No. W worst. O even worse. Dumb Don really bad.

You're an equal opportunity politician hater Gip. But be careful not to get splinters in yer butt from that fence you're sitting on. ;)
LOL. I get that fence sitting criticism a lot here. It’s what partisans of the two criminal gangs do. It’s not even close to accurate. I’m not on the fence at all. I know both gangs suck. Too bad you’re not enlightened like I am.

Well, who did you vote for in 2020 and in your lifetime, who was your favorite president?

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