Biggest Debt Limit Loser??...The Prez.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
It's pretty clear this President has lost Big-Time on the Debt Limit issue. He wanted to raise Taxes and even his own Party told him "HELL NO!!" I know him and many in the Media will claim Victory but i just don't see it. When your own Party turns on you the way the Democratic Party turned on him,you can't claim Victory. Raising Taxes was off the table for both Republicans and Democrats. So he is the biggest Loser amongst Politicians for sure. But the actual biggest Losers are the American People in the end. None of the deals offered really address our Debt problem. Other than Boehner's Balanced-Budget proposal,these deals wont add up to much. So an over $16 Trillion Debt is here. Where do we go now?...
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It's pretty clear this President has lost Big-Time on the Debt Limit issue. He wanted to raise Taxes and even his own Party told him "HELL NO!!" I know him and many in the Media will claim Victory but i just don't see it. When your own Party turns on you the way the Democratic Party turned on him,you can't claim Victory. Raising Taxes was off the table for both Republicans and Democrats. So he is the biggest Loser amongst Politicians for sure. But the actual biggest Losers are the American People in the end. None of the deals offered really address our Debt problem. Other than Boehner's Balanced-Budget proposal,these deals wont add up to much. So an over $16 Trillion Debt is now here. Where do we go now?...

All he cared about was not being distracted from running his 56 state loss reelection campaign
Actually, I think every American taxpayer was the biggest loser.
Actually, I think every American taxpayer was the biggest loser.

Beat me to it.

We will not even get a fix, we will get a shit deal made by Dems and Reps and of course signed by Obama. Obama can then complain that the reason the deal was so shitty was because the entire house/Senate is not Democrats.


Obama claims: “Signing the bad debt ceiling bill was the last thing I wanted to do…” Of course, like expanding Homeland security, re-signing the Bush/Obama tax cuts, expanding Afghanistan, not ending Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, torture and so on Obama will blame someone else (preff a Republican) as to why policies he signed turned out for shit.
Yea the only good thing that came out of this debacle was that Taxes didn't get jacked. The rest of this deal means nothing. It doesn't even come close to solving our Debt nightmare.
The required Balanced-Budget Vote was also somewhat of a Win for the Tea Party & Republicans. This Bill looks a lot like Boehner's Plan so i don't underatnd why Reid and the Democrats insulted Boehner so much over it. It just looks like that was more petty partisan politics from the Democrats. They have clearly passed Boehner's Plan in the end. So their original fuss over it was all Bullshit. But there is a catch with this BBA Vote. The Bill only requires that a BBA be voted on. It is not required to pass. Personally,i don't like this agreement. It doesn't do anything seriously in addressing our shocking Debt nightmare. Just more kicking the can down the road.

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